Virgins edition
Previosuly on /balk/
Virgins edition
Previosuly on /balk/
>Look at me guys how fucking great I am give me attention attention attention
Fuck off and kill yourself you failed n*rmdroid.
There is constant effort, a girl doesn’t just randomly see a guy on the football field and fall in love with him because the stars aligned that way or it was supposed to happen by nature. That guy probably practiced every day kicking a ball, taking shit from his coach, trying hard at competitions and showing up to classes. Then some femoid looked at him once and noticed all that effort and the fire in him and she liked him, word got out and they eventually hooked up somewhere in school after giving each other looks in the hallway for a month. He didn’t just approach her and start making out with her like a generic freak rationalizee thought it unfolded from the sidelines. After that kid grew older and became 23 he still went to the gym, he still ran sprints at 10pm, he still bought new clothes every month to keep his fashion straight , he still went to clubs and messaged girls, none of his success ever happened randomly or naturally. It was all a proactive effort even though he wasn’t consciously aware he’s self improving.
killing 3-5 billions people of various races and nationalities would solve many problems on planet Earth
Didn't read btw
>muh proactive effort
Keep telling yourself that you failed trash.
Good song.
Life is not worth living when you're a subhuman.
Hmmm let me see your suggestions.
how about killing all chinks pajeets and niggers
I can relate...
I suffer in Hungary.
Bitch I’m ENTJ I can’t fail at anything
start with macedonians, all 10000 of them
>“Self improvement” is so fucking cringe
>learning to walk is so fucking cringe, just flop about and roll around wherever your mom left you
>toilet training is so fucking cringe, just shit yourself bro
>learning how to read is so fucking cringe, just cry and hit people until they guess correctly and give you what you want
>making friends is so fucking cringe, just try to do everything yourself and never learn how to work or live with other people
>graduating from school is so fucking cringe, just be a fucking retard and stagger through life
>making any change whatsoever is so fucking cringe, don't even breathe because that requires effort and involves change, fuck that bro
T. Most common emotional retard personality type
Science is not arbitrary, you gave input and it calculated your personality with mathematic precision
At least you're handsome. I'm the only true incel on /balk/.
I am an Aries BVLL. Fuck scorpio fags.
Random internet quizzes are not science.
>Some researchers have interpreted the reliability of the test as being low. Studies have found that between 39% and 76% of those tested fall into different types upon retesting some weeks or years later.[13][15]
>One study reports that the MBTI dichotomies exhibit good split-half reliability; however, the dichotomy scores are distributed in a bell curve, and the overall type allocations are less reliable. Also, test-retest reliability is sensitive to the time between tests. Within each dichotomy scale, as measured on Form G, about 83% of categorizations remain the same when individuals are retested within nine months, and around 75% when individuals are retested after nine months. About 50% of people tested within nine months remain the same overall type, and 36% remain the same type after more than nine months.[44] For Form M (the most current form of the MBTI instrument), the MBTI Manual reports that these scores are higher (p. 163, Table 8.6).
>In one study, when people were asked to compare their preferred type to that assigned by the MBTI assessment, only half of people picked the same profile.
>[45] Critics also argue that the MBTI lacks falsifiability, which can cause confirmation bias in the interpretation of results.
Based post
where are uga bugars?
For me it’s Nordic girls > Med hairyoids
Nordic girls smell like cheesy viking feet
If you have to lift and buy fancy clothes in order to get laid you're a subhuman.
80% accuracy
They're out like the filthy normies that they are.
>scorpio fags.
Valentine accidents.
>About 50% of people tested within nine months remain the same overall type, and 36% remain the same type after more than nine months.[44]
*wake up in a particularly bad/good mood*
*your personality """type""" changes*
Bullshit pseudoscience.
Doesn't matter that personality describes you 100%. You bend facts to fit with your narrative as you please.
People who lift and make effort to get laid are the red-pillers while the normoids are the people who do nothing or barely try. Normies eat shifty food every day and normies drink alcohol without a limit. Normies are the kind of people who are so stupid that they can’t even control their thoughts (because their brain doesn’t work) and then they go to a psychiatrist who perceives them chemicals that competely kill their brain and they consume it without a second thought. Normies do the minimal and they avoid any sense of discomfort or negativity by indulging in permanent escapism. For some it’s smoking cigs until they drop dead from lung cancer at 54, for others it’s Yas Forums until they wake up a virgin at 33 years old with a Pepe collection in their moms basement. The normie is the low effort subhuman while the Chad is the weight lifter who tired hard in life and believes in constant self improvement.
have sex incel virgin freaks
i'm unable to can
*makes descriptions very vague and nonspecific*
Woooah that's literally me abloo bloo
The most evil personality, you have a future as a rapist/killer/genocier lmao
>bends facts to fit their narrative
Idk, that sounds exactly like you and very specific at that too.
Smarter people than you created this system. Corporate giants use it. Why do you think you are in the right?
I was entj
He doesn’t like the results
>Why do you think you are in the right?
INFJ are idealists who want to create a world according to their believes, so sometimes retards like those on the picture happen as well.
Bow before me, Aries.
Shut the fuck up, niggerfaggot.
You have so much squandered potential that it’s insane, probably more than anyone I’ve met. With that autism and decimation you display here iki, yoj courlve been a CEO, a grand manager or a sultan. Instead you’re a complete subhuman with not even a job lmao.
I'm an INTP and I know a few that are
>Albert Einstein
>Carl Jung
>Charles Darwin
>Friedrich Hayek
>Adam Smith
>Rene Descartes
>Immanuel Kant
>George Soros
>Abraham Lincoln
Feels going being a Chad type.
>still seething because he got a normalfag character
ooohhh no no no
I am ISTJ what's thay
How is being a normalfag a bad thing? All I want in life is to be a typical normalfag with friends and a decent social life.
I did the meme test a few years back and I got ISTP
>All I want in life is to be a typical normalfag
but that's extremely boring
Yes, it okay.
>On Yas Forums
what the fuck do those letters even mean you fucking autists xaxaxaxax
Suffering isn't fun. And not being a normie is suffering. Though to actually have fun as a normie you have to be [not a hideous genetically inferior subhumanoid].
It's a horoscope for not particularly bright femorrhoids who study psychology.