Why are nips so fucking bad in english? Aren't their schools supposed to be ultra hard and strict? Are you not taught basic english in schools? How come russians speak better english than you do, considering we're not a first world country and our education system is probably much worse than japs is.
Why are nips so fucking bad in english? Aren't their schools supposed to be ultra hard and strict...
It’s maybe because we could get almost anything we need by speaking only our language desu..
Even we speaks better english than them, that's saying something
>we speaks
HAHAHAHA fuck nipniggers
Have you seen jap uni entrance exams? Shits 1 year high school in any western country. Asians are just dumb af so they need to learn 12h a day to remember basic shit
I wish our were powerful country like JAPAN that does not need engl*sh
Being monolingual is common in Japan, and most copypasta pasting netouyo niggers don't know anything about English
Plus the English classes in school is shit
>an island-based homogeneous society doesn't use a foreign language
I'd make fun of you for saying "we speaks" but you're still correct
K-k-k-k.. KSAAA!! Temeeee bakayaro! ORA
yes? we just study English for exams, not daily use. how perfect living in self-contained country with its own language?
texts translated by an f/e e/f translator is pretty readable but you cant even read shit translated by a j/e e/j translator. the grammars and the structures are absolutely different.
Russian is an indo european language that is closer to English than japanese
true to be fair we have less excuses to be bad at it than you
just skimed it. cringy asf. typical progressive cretin. they cant think about shit scientifically. assume anything without fact-based evidence/statistics. they overrate their trashy "experience"
Lack of opportunities to talk with foreigners.
Japanese is not an Indo-European language. Learning a language that shares absolutely no roots with a language you already know is much, much harder. A German will learn English many times faster than a Jap because the languages are so similar in structure, but Japanese is extremely different from English.
I mean it's the same the other way round. Anglos can only manage to be good at Japanese if they are autistic enough to study really hard for years.
>Uh uhh uhhh makudonarudo fukushima iwakishi desu
>aaaaaa ingurishi?? Me nou supiku gudu ingurishi.. p- purisu, weitto
>oi, takeshi hirohito du yu supiku ingurishi? Okei, kamu taku tu zisu amerikan
>uhh.. h-hau me, ai sabu yu ?
>wan biku maku hambaga, setto, tsu hurenchi hurai, hai
>Aren't their schools supposed to be ultra hard and strict?
it's china and korea.
>typical progressive cretin
He isn't at all. Actually read it. He spits basic commonsense progressive-types would shy away from exposing or be too stupid to actually recognize.
What do you care anyway, you're 90% likely not even Japanese.
Nigerians can speak english/ethnic language as well.
But their country is shithole.
Phillipine too.
first or third doesn't matter for speaking english.
You speak an Indo-European language nigger
because they have low IQ
shit argument
why do Finns, Estonians and Hungarians know English very well? they don't have indo European languages
>bad in english
the irony of this post kek
wow, your English is far better than ours, even though you live in a third world country! why are you so genius?
there's another guess that they use latin alphabets either and locating in nearby germanic and latin linguistic families
Japs just pretending to be retarded on the outer internet to look cute or just to troll gaijins. Or they are just underage.
>m-muh cultural differences!!
>haha they don't give you F in school what a bunch of retards!!
such yamamoto, such
It's not an excuse not to properly learn current lingua franca.
English makes Japanese me cute.
do you want to me to speak English good?
will we still Japanese you wish?
we patisfy your hope we are bad English speaker.
say thank you to me ok?
Stop larping as Japanese fag.
Japs don't learn English until High School
My guess is that Japs don't give a fuck about using English outside the classroom. They only consume content in their own language.
we didn't have 700 years of inbreeding, maybe that's why we are smarter
racist fuck off
i am not gaijin
I think part of it comes from the fact that they use the katakana alphabet for English/foreign words in general, and it fucks up their pronountiation.
Plus the language differences between Japanese and English is much higher than any other regular Indo-European language
capability to speak English fluently is directly related to your country being cultureless or/and economically miserable
Stop being rude.
Learning a different language is difficult. Especially when it has nothing in common with your native language.
>My guess is that Japs don't give a fuck about using English outside the classroom
That's half true. They wish they were good at English but their daily lives are structured in such a way where they never need the actual language and only bits and pieces in the form of loanwords to their own language.
>They only consume content in their own language.
It basically seems that way with Westaboo exceptions like Hideo, Hideki, and Hidetaka.
Sweden is doing fine and they can speak good English.
do they even have their own media to consume
Sweden is highly cultured.
You are as shitty in English as your colonial master.
> Japanese folks lag behind in education simply because their language requires them to spend far longer mastering reading. This significantly delays their progress. Japanese people themselves are aware of this; if not individually, then at least as a group. In recent years a flood of new words has entered the language, and guess what, they’re all written with the Japanese phonetic alphabet, katakana. Thousands of words—“soap, shampoo, shave cream, toothbrush, shower gel, towel”—all written in the Japanese phonetic-equivalent of English, and we’re not even out of the bathroom yet—“hair tonic, sponge, moisturizing cleanser, conditioner, face wash.” I could go on. Nobody bothers to make kanji for stuff anymore, because half the time, no one can read it.
this part is laughably not true. ofc some attention seeking critics/journos/bloggers want to use english words/jargon because it sounds cool and they believe it makes them look clever but its the same as pretentious western journos using shitty pedantic words/rhetoric or retarded square enix writers who coin shitty words. it doesnt take any effort to understand it or everyone just doesnt pay much attention to it.
gairaigo in everyday life isnt experienced this way. its all NOUNS anyway. doesnt affect japanese grammar. also its all about memorising and you dont always need them.
i dont really get what his standpoint is, whether he does this out of goodwill or not, but he seems to actually see we "lag behind" in education. a fucking pretentious and self-absorbed cunt akin to progressives who cant think shit scientifically
You say this yet most native Vietnamese speakers I’ve met both IRL and on here can speak English fluently.
Still find it VERY amusing that Johnny Foreigner has to learn our language to thrive in the modern world.
is our English cute?
Sorry to say but Americans don't have a language. Language is tied to a people, and the Americans are not a people, but a population of mutts.
Simple as.
Filipinos are bretty good in English.
and who colonized them
Don’t care
Didn’t ask
Plus you’re angl*
And? It doesn't disprove the fact that "native language too different from English" is bullshit. A lot of Hongkongers are shit in English.
It most likely has to do with the fact that East Asians have their own pop culture, not with the native language.
So are you Mutt. Plus you're Italian, Irish, French, Swedish, Morrocan, Polish, Mexican and Antarctican.
Japs are braindead subhumans, that's why.
t. Roman, Norman, Vikang, Indian, Paki, Irish
Because Japanese don't bother to keep learning English after their forced lessons at school.
Just like Americans have obligatory Spanish at high school and nothing else.
Japanese only have a few years of forced English and that's it. Lots of people don't care to continue studying the language.
Forgot polish
>this part is laughably not true
stop larping
fuck off self deprecation is our thing
I don't think native language too different frod English is a meme if you start learning it past some certain age. in fact they start learning it as early as in kindergartens in the Philippines. i don't know if it's totally not their "mother tongue" when they start learning it at the age at which average infants start speaking languages
hate to break it to you, Nigel, but the world speaks English because of the US, not because of irrelevant Beatles island that hasn't been relevant in over half a century.
Wrong. I come from a pure line of DEVONSHIRE BVLLS
Still though, Japanese people learn Kanji through most of their school career.
It buffles me because us westerners learn how to read/write in our native language in the first few years of elementary school. Us Italians in particular have a language that is very easy to spell, so we wouldn't expect kids older than 10 to make blatant mistakes in their writing.
He's larping for sure. Sound like any weeb that protects a culture that they don't belong in. Lmao. I hear weebs protecting japs more than japs do themselves.
t. jap gf haver/jap hater
>Y-You're irrelevant! Cries the seething Johnny Foreigner, as he posts about Britain for the millionth time.
>its all NOUNS anyway
lol you use a bunch of gairaigo verbs + suru all the time.
are you gaijin sama?
>cried Nigel, as he yelled at people that color is spelled "colour" and ass is "arse" after he realized nobody speaks his shitty English version
are you African sama? do you impregnate Japanese girl? thank you
Once again, notice how the JF, unprompted, interjects his opinion on Britain.
A sad state of affairs where the Anglo lives rent free in the Mexican's head. Usually, it's the Mexican living rent free in Anglo-built countires.
why is engrish so popular in japanese songs? does it make them sound extra-hip?
Yes, they also think singing letter ra/ri/ru/re/ro's as la/li/lu/le/lo is cooler because japs don't have the letter L.
fuck off die gaijin
I noticed that too
I also noticed that in Japanese animes etc.
The correct pronountiation would be with a R, right?
wont watch that shit, but im sure af everything in the video is about a NOUN. to begin with i dont even understand what the fuck that cretin is taking about. his talking point is, japanese are even retarded at their own language and cant logically handle it because japanese is fucked up with gairaigo? but they can! it just takes them a longer time compared to us!?
if so hes hilariously an asshole. literally a trash tier blogger who has a garbage sense of superiority to japanese. i dont know if hes mutt but im assuming hes a dumb mutt who cant do social science. its not even funny tho that too many mutt retards are commenting there. these tards are similar to modern american cartoon/comic creators who still believe their media is far superior to others despite the awful sales and garbage story/art.
Tell that to your women :').
Pic related: condom they don't sell at regular stores which is the only thing that can fit a non azn dick.