it's time for posts
/dixie/ — The South & Friends
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Anime posts?
this is free on YouTube right now.
for me, it's mosaics.
I too drinketh the brew of the beast
i guess we're /mosaicposting/ now?
it's better than what i'm doing in /flag/ currently so i'll bite
I only had one mosaic saved desu but I do like them and wish they'd make a comeback in homes
I think the Greek had the best mosaics
more birb(s)
forgot pic
speaking of greek mosaics:
and finally, dog
remember mosaic dog? this is what he looks like now. feel old yet?
why do boombooms hate their spouses so much?
he even has the signature collar on ;(
anyone here read this or know anything about biocentrism?
just smoke dmt, you dont have to read a book
>smoking DMT
>not injecting it straight into your eye with a syringe
I don't know how to buy anything but pot, and I'm too lazy to even do that
you can buy opium from afghani diaspora
I'll keep that in mind in case I wake up Chinese in the year 1880
what the hell do you do with that
is that the extract from the plant?
honestly, I wouldn't take drugs that I made myself, especially when there's muriatic acid involved
too much work and money, will do it one day though.
the furries have overtaken the city
if you can't beat em join em
it's too late, there's already a person in a fursuit violating my dogs orificies in the kitchen
i think i might get banned again
^ very good post ^
You are the worst farmer I know
This is a strong contender for my favourite picture on the internet
has anyone here actually used
what about the name "farmers only" do you not understand
That would be a question for Logan
oh, sorry, i was under the assumption that all of us here were agrarian yeomen farmers
I had my farm equipment taken away
buy high sell low
Yas Forums is a fantastic place to find out what not to buy
I was just thinking about getting a gas tiller last night.
what kind
something like this
hey i've got one of those in my sex dungeon!
are you only going to be planting petunias?
got my new fingerbox in the mail
straight from the manufacturer in Azerbaijan
I wonder, can rain extinguish a burning building?
No I was just thinking about future land and gardening.
>tfw you only have a cheap injection molded finger box
i should just throw it away at this point desu
I have some old ones of these from like the 60s
>wooden fingerbox
Based. Plastic fingerboxes are peak zoomzoom