Previous: Welcome to /extraflags/, a lovely spin-off of /flag/ except its a general for users with extra flags to discuss flags, extra flags, and autistic activities while funposting. don't have extra flags? get extra flags :^)
>What are extra flags? Extra Flags is an open-source and non-malicious plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Yas Forums, Yas Forums, /sp/, and /bant/, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitLab page.
Fool that you are, how can claim life is unconscious despite all of us being nothing but a conscious in a meat vessel? Our very knowledge of this makes us conscious and distinct from other life forms making us human. Now answer this, shall you rise with me as a fellow man, or revert to your fish state and eat plankton for the rest of your concious life?
Life is as inhuman to us as death is; its unattributable arcane mist, strange inhuman entities, hyperstitional personages built on hyperreligious take-offs, and syncretic pantheons built on the previously aforementioned meltdown cataclysms. Uniquely compelling and disturbing, it is, to give in to the collectively accessed hitherto undiscovered realms of bizarre archetypes of metaphysics that we find ourselves in, but not 'in'.
Nathan Wood
Who that in the middle
Lincoln Jenkins
me, i use to post as Indianapolis
Matthew Ross
A unique stance. You must have studied Rubert Trindsten? A sham of a mind really. A pseudo-science for those who look for the easiest answers. No wonder you make such hypocritical think pieces and at the same time; exist what you propagate as “untrue”. Perhaps you should focus more “in” the studies of Drand Gulf, while I focus more “in” your biological mother figure for the sake of the continuation of our race. Mmm yes yes. Pictograph related
So petty, such rubble you find yourself in with 'enlightenment' ascertained via intellectual hybridisation. Consuming the residue of renaissance rationalization via the take-off of commoditization. Your philosophical 'brilliance' is that of impatience, not one of rigor. Personifying the elements that incarnates hyperstitional dynamics at an unprecedented and unsurpassable level of intensity, turning mundane philosophical ‘speculation’ into an effective mind-destroying force. You fester at the bottom, that is the /flag/ post-kar cataclysm, of such alienation that I can’t help but feel bad for you.
Noah Rogers
Anthony Moore
post something you nerds god this general is so dead
very cringe, very repulsive, and some might even say, very omega yikes none of these posts made my day, month, or year none of them were even wholesome 100 or funny 100 all i did was cringe now go back to whatever hole you crawled yourself out of, because you're getting nothing but yikes from me duderino
SIMPLE MINDED CHIMP. I ask myself vigorously WHY OH WHY shall I engage in such trivial conversation with such a foolish life form. A question not even Harvard researchers could answer. Your insults are that of a AP Calculus student at Oxford, weak and made off a whim. I question if your IQ is even above 349 as, only the smartest would be able to comprehend the digital Latin characters I present before you. Woe is you and woe is you, for this is your intellectual ceiling, and it’s only down from here. A scathing climb only for a rash tumble. I will meet you at the bottom when my IQ reaches your level, WHEN IM DEAD.
>we can only fo deeper >he says when he goes from a 14XXXXXXXXXXX to a 15XXXXXXXXXXX picture i see we aren't dealing with the sharpest knife in the cabinet