Are jews genetically europeans?
Are jews genetically europeans?
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Some of us are.
The so called "Ashekenazi" like myself.
>why yes my ancestors were from the middle east and I'm not an invader how did you know?
First of all don't laugh at us Pablo it's not polite.
Second we do have some mid eastern AND european dna.
Jews are goblinos they're genetically everything and that's beautiful. Now post more jewish thots, preferably with big tits
a lot of "jews" are from poland and ukraine
I'd only accept a non-religious jew with a big butt.
>some mid eastern AND
the average spaniard has more jewish dna than these ashkenazi larpers
From the autosomal dna charts I saw ashkenazi cluster between southern italians and levantine people but some look like this which is not what you would expect
Yes, some more than others. We're the original 56% abominations. You wouldn't distinguish me from a regular, tall, blonde European while pic related, well...
Imagine being a kang and having them as concubines
Do Ashkenazi hate other type of jews like Sephardi?
not really
OP is by far the top coomer in this board
I hereby solemnly declare that my life shall be dedicated to getting a girlfriend just like that,
what's the top left expression called
Based shahar
Built for gentile dicks
No doubt
Their noses are too small, you cannot cum in their nostrils properly.
Bump for queens
Do they really?
>which is not what you would expect
because it's fake data forged by sionist supremacists to justify their invasion
>jews are generic gold digger thots
to the surprise of no one
BBC in particular
Most of them are, but no the Sephardic, these are 100% MENA
Kikes are putrid vermin.
Have you ever seen a termite
That`s a Jew.
No you're not white
Yes you're a monkey
No. Marriages between the two (and with Mizrahim) are common in Israel and all over the world.
Ass too small.
can we get a crop for left
this bitch looks like she's 29
>It's a Jews stealing slave genes to pass as whites episode.
So tiresome.
She can steal my genes
This is the typical Jew girl phenotype.
>looks that young
Ok peter pan
Trashy jewish moms
Noy and Hadar hngggggg.
There's something extremely uncanny about them, they do not look like real humans. They have that bogdanoff factor.
Would holocaust
It might surprise you but Europeans aren't so different from Middle-Easterners. Jews are 50-50
We have more real jewish dna than you Ashkenazi
genotype=/= phenotype
>Europeans aren't so different from Middle-Easterners
i would immediately kill myself if i found out i'm remotely related to wh*tes
sharing the same species alone is bothering me
No, they are caucasians but semitic. Some of them may have Khazarian features but that makes them Turkish-like, some of them may have a slavic component.
The one you posted is a mixed race with a or more Caucasian Europeans
Is it that surprising?
Which jews exactly?