Who the fuck likes this disgusting shit?

Who the fuck likes this disgusting shit?

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Liquorice is the patrician’s choice of confectionary

Nigger you eat vegemite, lakritsi is nowhere near as bad

looks like tar and tastes the same

The red one from Haribo is good, not as bitter

Me, it's actually one of my favorite flavors. Dont know why people hate it. I use to ask other kids for their black jellybeans and always felt so gimled when a black one turned out to be grape. Fuck grape.

mmm yøs simply deliciøs

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fuck YOU nigger
my life would be meaningless without liquorice

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No. These taste like tar.

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I like it, especially salty liquorice. It tends to trigger my migraines if I eat too much though.

Only subhumans hate black licorice.

It's not just weird and thick Jelly ?

that's to be expected since liquorice has a vasoconstrictor effect on the body

liqourice is pretty good


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don't eat it if you have high blood pressure


it's delish

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I love black liquorice, as long as it's from somewhere in Scandinavia/Germany/Netherlands. That Bassetts shit is a national embarrassment, the only good bong liquorice I've ever had was Pontefract cakes (and even that's mostly just passable, nothing special). At least Dutch imports are fairly cheap, usually you can get 1kg of liquorice for around £10.

One thing I've found kinda strange is that I can't stand the taste of liquorice tea, but I love fennel tea (which has a strong liquorice taste to it).

even though i'm a fan of it myself i understand why people could dislike it, it tastes very weird indeed, but personally i love it anyway, if you're not into liquorice it's okay, it makes more for the boys who like it.

Tastes weird = love it or hate it

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If you don't like based liquorice are you even white?

me :)

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only fags who eat disgusting gummy bears hate it

now i wanna get some

Me! I love lakrids!
Oh man, Finnbro, I love all the lakrids Pantteri makes. Unfortunately we can't get it in Denmark and even more unfortunately, I can't eat it - hypertension prevents me from enjoying my favorite flavour.
;_; pity me.

But... but French-user, I like both.

Yeah I'm more of a ZAPPOS guy myself aye cunt ;))

Oh sorry I didn't mean to be rude! Come and fuck my asshole so we can make up!

The only licorice I eat these days and actively seek out are sour punch straws

Black licorice is legitimately nauseating, and I'm mildly disdainfully indifferent to twizzlers

I'm 100% convinced you need a certain gene to like this shit. In the Netherlands basically everyone eats it. I was born and grew up in West-Germany (where most people like it) but ethnically I'm Polish. I find that shit legit sickening as does my whole family. It's either a taste you have to acquire very early on as a child or there is a genetic component to it, just like how ginger tastes like soap to some people.

Red licorice has nothing to do with real licorice btw

Love it.

>ginger tastes like soap to some people
to me it tastes spicy as fuck and I hate it

It tastes like spicy lemon to me. I like it if it's not too strong.

I just have to drink and smoke weed to counter the effect then?

>americans be like: oh no this candy is too spicy for me

Liquorice is amazing, only faggots hate it

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My dad does but I don't know anyone else who does

Italian grandpa is the only one I know who likes it

When do you gonna move to the Nederlands, polakbro?

This... this is THE shit.

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MEN like liquorice, boys and women don't!

I guess so
alternatively you can take Viagra since it's a vasodilator

About two weeks ago :^)

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I love chewing licorice root


yep, so fucking good
hate it when you get the soft ones though.

I love salty liquorice but hate the sweet shit

They used to sell pic related with liquorice cream inside but i can't find them anymore :(

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Never had it, it is a white people candy I think

Are you CHAD enough to cut the middle man and go straight for the hard deal ?

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no idea and these make me retch, but grannies like them though

It's literal poison. If you eat enough of those, you die. Having functioning tastebuds, I loathe them.

yea i only like fake licorice

vegemite is savoury and flavourful tho. licorice seems rather bland but it might just be the expectation that sweets be sweet.

I like licorice tea

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>Who the fuck likes this disgusting shit?
white people like myself

licorice jelly beans are my favorite candy desu


People who aren't niggers.

checks out

I love liquorice, both candy like in pic and the roots, but my personal fav is pure liquorice