Country of jomon

>country of jomon
>95% of them are yayoi and so is their emperor
what would jomons think about this?

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I would unironically support a jomon insurrection that leads to an ethnic cleansing of yayoi and a program of diluting and ultimately eliminating yayoi genes from the population. I would fly there myself and take part in the killing and raping of yayoi subhumans, if only to give my life some purpose.

>implying average japs give a shit about jomon yayoi

>average j*ps
pick one or read it again

absolute reading comprehension

but i don't implying what you said? what logic did you use behind your post

He said that normal Japanese don't care about Jomon and Yayoi.

yeah i almost agree with it already and i didn't imply "against" it

Japan is the country of Yamato, not Jomon or Yayoi.

Japan is Joyoi country.

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let's face it, yamato is just 渡来人 of an alt-form which is no different from yayoi.

Yayoi is not korean.

Where else would it come from?

Why do we have this thread every day?

because it's fun

Could Arabs pass off for JOMON?

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The problem with gooks is that you are so desperate to be related to the Yamato master race that you always try to associate Yayoi with Korea just because they lived in the peninsula as well. But the Yayoi themselves were Japonic peoples distinct from other groups.

>In general the Wajin that established themself on the Japanese archipelago became the Yayoi people, the ancestors of the Yamato people.[1]
>The first secure appearance of Wajin is in "Treatise on Geography" (地理志) of the Book of Han (漢書). After that, in "Gishi WajinDen" ((魏志倭人伝), a Japanese abbreviation for the "account of Wajin" in the "Biographies of the Wuhuan, Xianbei, and Dongyi" (烏丸鮮卑東夷傳), Volume 30 of the "Book of Wei" (魏書) of the Records of the Three Kingdoms (三国志))[2], their lifestyle, habits and the way of society are described and by cultural commonality such as lifestyle, customs and languages, they are distinguished themselves from "Kanjin" (han people (韓人)) and "Waijin" (Wai people (濊人)).

Yayoi were Japonic people that also lived in the East Asia.

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i don't get your point

use your brain sir

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japanese royal family are of Korean descent

can i get a quick rundown on the jomon?

did you even understand this post?

of course it's clear that i understand and you didn't. :^)

but you clearly didn't because your reply is completely pointless


i never said average japs are jomon

>original peoples of japan
>hunter gatherer chads
>wet earwax
>hairy, swarthy, physically imposing
>were displaced by rice cultivating yayoi insects that came from corea
>hokkaido has most jomon dna

i never said and implied "average japs give a shit about jomon yayoi"

>hunter gatherer chads
>lose to insects and get their entire population muttified and turn irrelevant

by the first post i meant that only foreigners care about this stupid dualism, and i just mocked it.

you don't answer my question about your reading comprehension btw.

it takes 100 yayoi insects to defeat 1 jomon warrior

by the first post 95% of j*ps are yayoi

would you mind speaking English more clearly

Pretty much this. The japs(the actual jap) don't care. It's just an Yas Forums meme.

just face the reality. You are koreans in denial, stop being pathetic.

weren't we talking about j*ps only? why are you bothering me with "noooo i meant gaijins trust me" by chance? it seems like you cope with this situation passing the buck to me

mongorian gene is sexier than jomon dickeater whalehunters

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Lmao why didn't jomon cucks just get laid

it's you who cope with this situation tho. like i said i just meant that only foreigners care about this dualism while japs don't care, and this whole thread is stupid because the Japanese are totally indifferent to the issue. and you somehow showed us your absolute reading comprehension by this post and have been coping as if you weren't any clueless

whether jomon or yayoi, luckily we have nothing to do with dog eaters

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I hope one day Japan will look to Rome instead of to Kyoto and the entire world will view Rome like that.

>dogeaters dicks are too tiny and even mocked by their own women

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>noooo i meant gaijins trust me again even though he said jomon & yayoi only and didn't even give a shit about gaijins
go off already annoying retard, i'm not talking about them from the start

'oh the capital of Wuhan virus....'

>coping this hard
you shouldn't have replied to me, it's your reading comprehension that is embarrassing you. how about you answer my question about your second post already

you shouldn't have replied to me, it's your reading comprehension that is embarrassing you. how about you answer my question about your second post already

ah so this is the gook cope, nice argument bruh

ah so this is the j*p cope, nice argument bruh

>Koreans have Small dick
>Koreans invent a way to get sucked dick
>Koreans make gay costumes and dance
>Girls wanna boyfriend Korean gooks
>Koreas overcome their small dicks by cosplaying gay, but get sucked anyway
>Japan have sex with Japan
>Implying the long history of incest

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>pooland can't into logic, and butthurt
As the book as well as the scholarly consensus says, there was no such thing as Koreans in the age of ethnogenesis of Japonic people. The ethnicity you refer to with the word Koreans is just Japanese, Han, Mongol, and Manchu rapebabies that happen to be given a semblance of an artificial (proxy) state as a buffer in the region recently, and the delusional pseudo-history they are obsessed with and peddle all the time is a compensation for their obscure and pitiful existence, just like Replicants in Blade Runner are obsessed with some embedded artificial memory, which helps them feel themselves as a real nation (person).

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>muh reriabre japonwiz texts say..

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It's not even Japanese though.
Constructing "Korean" origins, in pursuit of relevancy, by taking generic north east asian stuff is Korea's ethnic ailment, a laughingstock of the world.

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>study says
>historians say
>muh book says
According to other texts it says korean ethnicity exists and you guys are the copy of koreans and japanese people do not exist.

yeah, most Japanese don't know about jomon/yayoi as races. it's just name of the eras
actually i didn't know about it till i started to browse int
you guys are more familiar with Japan than average Japanese, you must be proud of yourself

Too true

this. nobody says the words in real life.

yeah i had made fun of the schizoid netouyo which is hiding his actual "yayoi" gene online

i just meant him