Post dangerous animals from your country

Post dangerous animals from your country

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Some say the digits are the most dangerous beast known to man. Second only to the jannis

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not dangerous specifically for my country but a threat to the whole of the human race

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i can’t wait to see the same result in November

Cant wait to see how the supporters embarrass themselves and the country this time.

primaries first, then we can talk

White people

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>posting redbelly bro as "dangerous"
The fk ya doin m8. Everyone knows the eastern brown is way more concerning. More venomous, more aggressive, and more likely to live in populated areas.

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how the fuck do you live in this country? Everything is deadly and poisonous

wait til you hear about dropbears...

It still baffles me as to why they decide to buy the biggest, deadliest cars they can with their driving ability. I watched one the other week take 5 attempts at pulling into a parking space... that didn't have any cars adjacent to it.

Just don't stick your hands in places you can't see, don't go wandering in long grass in summer without good shoes and trousers, don't touch weird marine life, stay away from the marked off feathered velociraptor habitats... It's all a bunch of little things we internalise as kids.

so basically don't leave the house?

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This may be NSFW

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holy fuck

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No? As long as you don't do stupid shit you'll be fine 99+% of the time.

Btw, in case you thought I was kidding about the feathered velociraptors:

>in case you thought I was kidding about the feathered velociraptors
yes, yes I did
as if I needed another reminder to never visit Australia. Kinda sad because you guys are usually pretty chill and funny.

das ist menschenfeindlich


this one is obvious

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Cassowaries are mainly a Queensland thing, and they mainly stick to signposted rainforesty areas. Very territorial, very dangerous, but just don't go in their territory and you're fine.

Jesus christ give a bloke some warning next time before you post that. Those things are the worst.


fuck me, even the fucking Australian version of Pigeons attack you. Ours only poop on you

safe to say 100% of Australians have had a bad encounter with magpies

post dangerous marine life

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'Kay. Have a look at the blue ringed octopus, the irukandji jellyfish, and the cone snail. All are deadly.

Jesu, I wouldnt want to be in the same ocean as that creature. I'll take my chances with the shark, thanks.

wtf is that ? Is it our ancestor ?

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how is the wolf dangerous? wild boars actually kill people, do you have them?

I only wanted to post the webm version of that pic
and yes, boars are dangerous

Here's most of the animals that can hurt you, some are not dangerous though but I'm too lazy to find another pic.
I have bears, vipers, boar and moose in my area.

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I got bit by one of those fucking snakes a few years ago. Sucks ass, my leg turned purple and got huge.

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picrel is the biggest guy and it's pretty edgy. Beside that it's few brown bears (mountains mostly), boars, wolfs, slightly poisoneus kind viper, hornets, wasps. Tutorial tier endangerment 2bh

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>how is this wolf dangerous
If its a lone alpha it can weigh somewhere around 90 kg and fuck you up.
Its hard to measure it by eyeing it.

Pretty much all big carnivores ,elephants and monkeys kill occasionally but crocs probably rake the most kill count with several every month. Named ones like happy bachelor are famous enough with a dozen up to 3 dozen kills.

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A fucking woodgrouse has attacked me, its not dangerous but it somehow managed to hit me hard enough with its wings that I fractured a knuckle and its beak ruined my jacket and pants.
Annoying during mating season. The bird followed me for several kilometers and became the "Mad bird of town" as it considered the biggest grocery stores parking lot its new territory.
It kept its guard up there for couple of weeks until a group of teens decided to beat it to death with hockey sticks.
Little bastards got caught, dunno what happened to them, but the police was involved

>but the police was involved
Because they have nothing better to do.

Not him but here in the countryside the police has literally nothing to do.
I hit a badger with my car last year and 4 patrol cars showed up. I guess they were bored.

sounds kinda like from "Demolition Man", graphitti scene