Just like the old times edition.

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I’m conflicted on one hand they will become “””””liberal”””””” but on the other....Lebanese milk

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They have always been like this user.
I don't understand the purpose of the protest in the first place.
Feminists have gone full retard
Also I bet my left testicel that her tits are silicone

I'd suck those milkers dry tbqhwyf

okay she's based

how long before coronovirus wipes us all out, bros?

How do I cure myself of the MILF fetish that I have? Pls help

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A person I know has it
He owns a shop kek

I already do that

Then you aren't doing it enough

If those tits are silicone, would she feel sensitivity on her nipples?
Cause theoretically, if I were to bite on her nipples so hard that I'd rip them off of her skin, would she feel that since they're just put over silicone?

I'm not sure. I never touched a women.
Also check a psychiatrist.

>Also check a psychiatrist.

>I were to bite on her nipples so hard that I'd rip them off of her skin
Pretty sure this isn't normal.

It was just a theoretical question... h-haha. I wasn't actually thinking about doing it myself l-lol

Lol yes of course.

>I never touched a women.

Infinitely based. Women gross me out. They put all that disgusting paint on their face and never wash it off. Not even gay desu

Not of my own decision.
Shiites don't allow women and men to touch after 10 years old.
I'm gay tho

>don't touch women
>I'm gay
Extremely based. But weren't you literally defending executing gays in a thread the other day though?

I was not.
Probably another Leb.
I did post some anti gay things long ago as a joke tho

Do you guys do the kissing on the cheek thing when you greet each other or is that forbidden? Christians do it, even between men and women, and it's honestly disgusting because Ar*b f*males cake their face in make up like the joker

Only between males and males and females and females.

I bet you enjoy that lol

Nah, nothing sexual about this.
Don't you have school today ?
Here we have a holiday because of corona

Yeah same here. I'm just going to play video games all day

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>literally just Jordanians and Egyptians their home countries didn't want
>can't even come up with their own flag
>kicked out of every other Arab nation they've been refugees in because they're constantly causing shit
>kicked out of Lebanon for starting a civil war
>kicked out of Jordan for trying to take over sections of the country
>Egypt build a wall to keep them out before Israel did
>Saudi Arabia fucking can't stand them
>literally cause problems for fucking everyone in the region
>frequently agitate the IDF on purpose to garner sympathy points from leftie retards in the West (no one in the region falls for it anymore)
>literally subhumans that live like dirt monkeys and demand gibs from everyone while pretending to be le sooper speshul paluhstinean

Palestinians are literally worse than kikes.

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I wish I was fucking dead.

I feel sorry for him

whats wrong Mohammed too many Syrians country cant handle it? :))

yes she would feel i think
what game?


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Tell Pakistan to nuke us.

me next

we do it with female relatives that don't wear hijab and with guys

Just one nuke could end all of my suffering
Just one....

lebanon is dead
iran is next

time for some anthems youtu.be/yMIxBTQgv9s


>be me
>at family gathering
>meet slightly older distant male cousin
>greet each other, kiss on the cheek twice
>lean in for third as he backs away

Literally the most embarrassing feeling in the world. Ajanib will never understand

Between males
Between females

If long time no see + relatives = 4 kisses can substitute it with a hug for men.
If relatives = 2 kisses
If friends and acquaintances = 1 kiss
kisses are more like cheek rubs, lips don't get involved.

Is being gay taboo where you live? I'm pretty sure Beirut has a gay scene. Maybe getting laid can cure your depression? :/

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Only a nuke can cure me.

>kisses are more like cheek rubs, lips don't get involved.

Depends on the person desu. Sone people grab your head and do a full on cheek kiss

To be gay and happy in the heart of mena you need to be rich. Rich enough to spend on fashion and night clubs and drugs.

>Mortal Kombat Fatality

hey why did you post this pic of me

holy based, all of the middle east next under sultan Erdogan
leave north Africa lone tho

I'm not depressed because I'm gay.
I'm just depleted of all energy and hope.

>sexuality in 2020

i'm hungry

order me food

bring me your finest dish

I'm genuinely loosing my mind and starting to believe in conspiracy theories.
I might need to sleep a bit to restart my brain.
I still don't understand why God hates me that much

Just suicide lol

I'm afraid God will put me in hell even tho I don't believe in God.
Also I don't ant to embarrass family

>I'm afraid God will put me in hell even tho I don't believe in God.

I can't describe it really
But a part of me believe in God and part doesn't

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lol kek iktf
get married to a girl and god will be happy :)

Salaleef ?
Or the Shia leaf?

why this subreddit feed smell like a turd?

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