What do Arabs think of latinos?

what do Arabs think of latinos?
do they like us?

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cover up woman

try again in a couple hours. they're sleeping rn

They adore your ladyboys.


Bang! And the dirt is gone edition

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I got the horses in the bacc

Got muh dick in yo' crack

Can't nobody tell me nothin'

Amazing what you can feel, see and hear when under the influence of certain narcotic molecules

What I just felt and saw and tasted and touched was very real, it felt like a being from another dimension was trying to talk to me

*silently drowns you*

now be quick, take that back

Are you the Ket lad?
If you're k-holing do some LSD beforehand

I’m not even joking I had an extremely touching and emotional moment just now on ketamine. Something was talking to me from the nether, and I don’t mean that nefariously, it gave me a glimpse of how my future could pan out.

should we rename /brit/ to fool the janny?
any name suggestions?

Deep throat my shaft, right up to the sack.

This started playing while I was k-holed the fuck out


Can you imagine that mate? Full blast on my headphones. Took me somewhere else.

well your penis is small so there's that

Meant for

My penis is just over average so I insist you take that back

I personally like you expect when you are rude and calling me sandnigger.
My facilitate Latino country is Mexico.

I got asked if I was arab while I was speaking spanish with a woman. Im Latino :/

thats the decoy thread, right?

this that type of shit that's exclusive

married to the game, I'm a nuisance

coulda been a teacher or a preacher, but I wanna be a OG drug dealer, rocking gold chains hanging out with the killers

Fuck autocorrect

I like to listen to The Verve.


Thank you London

Up early for the Fajr?
is there any Latin Americans in Lebanon?

how nice

Nah I wasn't able to sleep
>are there any Latin Americans in Lebanon.
I haven't seen any.

You guys are practically related

we are pretty far away. i dont think they have an opinion on us

you are not arab though. you are phoenician


even though there's a huge diaspora of lebanese here, only them are related, the rest of the population isn't related

I was bound to watch Capernaum, how famous is Nadine Labaki over there?

She's being worshipped right now in the cinephile circuits of America, plus the bitch is high key H-O-T

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She's pretty famous.
I haven't watched her movie tho kek.

they have nice braps thats all

im persian and have taco fever
mena diaspora are horrifying

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My wife is an arab. She says spics are beneatg arabs because arabs study and become doctors whereas spics do yardwork and are mostly illegal immigrants (in the united states). She likes spic bakeries but does not like spic restaurant food. She likes spanish music and dancing. She thinks you’re all ugly and look like monkeys.

>my wife is arab
From where?

depends on the spic. You'll hardly find a south american doing yardwork or performing unskilled labor in the US

heard two arabs on the bus talking, one asked the other if they ever claim to be hispanic instead of arab, he was jordanian but would sometimes say he's mexican so people treated him better

She’s from Latakia

True. We don’t have many south americans here. But we live in Southern California so she sees disgusting mexicans all of the time. Our honeymoon we went to Puerto Rico and she did not like that they were brown and the haitian street vendors frigthened her.

does she let u eat her bum bum

I ate her ass this morning actually. It’s her birthday weeekend.

what does she smell like? I've always had the idea of Arabettes smelling like garlic and basil

sweet, does she have hair around it

>Did not like that they were brown
>Arabs aren't brown
Why do autists try this hard to LARP?

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garlic and baba ganoush

Finna put my shawarma inside that Gaza strip 'til the skank squirts mutabbel

I once paypal'd this girl $1 because she said on Twitter she needed money to do her nails

Simpin' ain't easy

whats her twitter
also youre a cuck

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Her hair smells like head&shoulders shampoo, her body smells like some pink Dior perfume she always wears, and her feet smell like peach lotion because I massage her feet with it several times per week

Tiny bit but not much. Theres this tiny patch of hair she cant reach to shave

She’s from an old greek city on the Mediterranean coast. Most people in her city are christians or alawite muslim which in syria means relatively white looking.

Valentina Carrick from Fontana, CA, I've been creeping on that bitch since she was in high school

@chovvder @lilcatechism

Her spanish is fairly decent

>also youre a cuck
yea fair enough

i see you been roleplaying for a while

I'm Arab and I would love a cute tan/olive latina Catholic wife, especially one of Arab descent like Shakira

>been creeping on that bitch since she was in high school

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Arabs unironically obsess over your countries. We like the fact you have the same hot climate as us, have the same obsession with football and we feel at home in your countries considering you usually have huge arab diasporas

>tfw Mexican
>tfw women being racist towards me is unironically my fetish

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not an arab, but I know an egyptian dude who went full mexiboo and dresses like a mexican during weekends and bumps mexican music and shit. The guy seems to be having fun, so hats off to him.