Tfw born just in time to watch the arab world become liberalized

>tfw born just in time to watch the arab world become liberalized

Attached: lebanon.jpg (720x915, 358.43K)

i have simply never heard anything come out of the mouth of someone with a Scandinavian accent that isnt either complete soulless narcissistic dribble or rocket fuel powered autism.

ugly af bring back the hijab

holy fuark brehs im gonna coom


She can come as a refugee if she want

Lebanon is not Arab imbecile

Lebanon has declared bankruptcy a few hours ago btw

She looks Italian

There are more Christians than Muslims in Lebanon

>great men snatch greatness from the situation at hand
>"great" women got together to yell at men to tell them they're great
hmmmmm big think


lol no, you're 20 years late with that take

What do her tits say?

Its over for Arabcels. The incel religion Islam will no longer keep MENA baddies down!

Attached: 1582580485196.png (850x900, 179.58K)

he said Lebanon not London

You're a New Worlder, your opinion is honestly irrelevant in every sense possible.

jesus fucking christ did you actually think that was clever

This woman is Greek you imbeciles.

I'm greek

>hates feminism in my own country
>supports it in other peoples

Attached: FF09233B-203E-493D-B425-4F775D8D6002.jpg (1200x1156, 166.18K)

>Lick me user!
Trust me.

why does she look white?

is drivel zhang

Is this a nationalist or a refugee?

Levantines and Turks are more Arab then Greek. Their coping is pathetic and the world is laughing at them for trying to be European. I respect a proud black or brown man more so than a self hating one

Lack of sunlight, arabs look grayish in winter

But our women always wear what they want.
Even from the 1960s
I don't understand what this retarded cow is protesting for.
There are Lebanese movies from the 60s with full nudity.


We never claimed to be Greek man wtf
Go suck a black cock so that your brain resorts its function.



Lebanon was always the swedes of the muslim world. Not really a good example.

Greeks are more levantine than european

ok and brazil is the brazil of the world

only people who care are lebs and arabs, to everyone else you are the same, get used to it

Actually Finnbro is right.

Attached: religion in lebanon.jpg (227x439, 32.07K)

Only 27% of Muslims in Lebanon.. damn..

well yeah Roman BVLLS raped those sandniggers

I wouldn't take these numbers seriously because there is no official one.
But Shias are the biggest sect here followed by Sunnis, Christians are much less.

Stop calling us sandniggers.
You have desert while we don't.

Yes, so what?
I could beat the fuck out of you anyway

>27% Sunni
>25% Shia


Wrong she is Phoenician

What makes him different than you?
How does him being "new world" somehow negate what he says? You're both from rich first world countries and are probably the same age.
I'd rather listen to him than a Swede any day

He's right, though. To everyone outside of all that, it really is all the same desert shit.

I do wonder what a different world it would be in the middle east of this was true indeed.

do you guys think she's still alive?
or did she get stoned to death?


daily reminder arab women are so ugly and hairy that the men decided to force them to wear veils and prefer to fuck goats and young boys instead

Swedes and Nordics in general are the most pathetically arrogant people on this board, ignore him.

Funk off stupid niggers.

Liberal arab women are cringe
>says Fuck and Shit all the time
>haughty af
Two of them were jogging past me and their BO was overwhelming my nostrils

>they were jogging
>their BO was overwhelming
It's interesting to see that incel culture isn't determined by national boundaries.

why so mad
did you just came from a stoning?

Just got funked.

Have sex

I'm Arab and I think there is literally nothing wrong with liberalisation and gender equality as long as it doesn't go too far like in the west. Women 100% deserve to have equal rights like men do, the only thing I'm against is divorce and abortion, but I support women's rights in every other field. I also think that things like gay marriage and LGBT pride is way too far and am against that.

Unfathomably based

I’ve been with SEA chinks girls and they never shower and walked a lot under the hot sun but god lord the BO of those desert queens is burnt into my brain.

There are Arabs in Malaysia? How did you know they were Arab?

I lived in a campus with a lot of international students. Yemeni, Palestinian, UAE, Algerian, you name it

This, were phoenician.

Did your sister just get rapedby a drug dealer Pablo ?

Beta simp. Why do you want your daughters dressing like whores

based leb-user

Why did Mahathir resign? I liked him