
All women deserve to be shot dead edition.

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Other urls found in this thread:

realestate.com.au/rent/with-studio-between-550-any-in-sydney cbd, nsw/list-1?maxBeds=1&source=refinement

Check out Daft Punk's new single "Get Lucky" if you get the chance. Sound of the summer.

bit early.

Sniffing ket lads



ket bro weed dude like drugs lmao isn't my personality so interesting

can't imagine why anyone would ever do drugs
its so grim

There's a 0% chance Biden can beat Trump, and at most there's like a 25-30% Sanders can beat Trump. So get ready for four more years of this absolute cartoon-character.

>Galatians 4:16


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>make minimum wage ($740.80/week)
>rent is $550/week
>water is $60/week
>electricity is $100/week
>transit to and from work is $16/week
And then there's $14 left over.

do the corona dance


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Get flatmates

Your solution is to starve yourself than find somewhere cheaper to rent?
Never going to make it in life


just move back in with mum and dad
I make $900 a week but don't pay any rent and can buy whatever I want whenever I want loool
can't even remember the last time I thought about money

quite like Trump just for the entertainment factor.

Why are you renting at 550 a week you fucking moron haha holy shit

Don't know how I'd ever go about meeting anyone, let alone trusting someone enough to let them live with me.
It's the cheapest that was available for three suburbs.

>rent is $550/week
>water is $60/week
>electricity is $100/week

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imagine if the comments on every english song on youtube were about bitterness towards irish people

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Yeah how the fuck is that possible. Even in winter with two flatmates, our electricity and water was nowhere near that

>>electricity is $100/week
I spent $1 a day on electricity and I live in a house, what the fuck are you doing?

janny not gonna like this

listen to this

Finlad is off his meds again

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why does youtube even still have a comments section? genuinely baffling because it contributes nothing to society and has always been a toxic hellpit inhabited by the dregs of society

Mum won't let me unless I pay for her rent and utilities. Dad hasn't spoken to me since I was 15.
See Minimum rates for water and electricity are $60/week where I live.

Imagine going on a Taiwanese Corona Advisory Bulletin to LARP being in poverty

There's no fucking chance 550 is the cheapest available. A one-bed cuckflat isn't glamorous but they're available everywhere for sub-350. You're an idiot giving 75% of your wage in rent.

please wait until the old one slides to at least page 10. otherwise janny may delete the new thread.

is seinfeld worth watching

i left my door open and the wind blew all my electricity away

Then clearly you're a retard who moved into a $700/week place to live on minimum wage with no plans to move out

bolt release or the charging handle?


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See , also I like to have a light on of a night time.
I do live in a one-bed cuckflat.

Was clearing about $1300 a week driving a forklift and paying $200 rent a week last year. Cities are the ultimate cuckoldry.

There's literally no end to depression. It's just the occasional good mood and then after a day or a week you're quite literally back in the same mental state.
I don't even know what to say here, blame loneliness on this cringeworthy, overdramatic post Because if I had any friends who checked up on me or were the ones who texted first, I would be talking to them. But I'm not.

>on electricity
>per week

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had to throw that in there huh
wouldn't want baby boo boo to feel like second banana amirite

I have to live in the center of Sydney for work.

china are faking the numbers

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How about not living in the CBD and getting something less than half the price? Or did you look at three suburbs and give up?

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reminiscing about those glorious few weeks in may 2011 when the australian dollar was ten cents higher than the US dollar

Never saw the "thousand cock stare" in my life before meeting this chick. Had no personality, no soul, no creativity whatsoever. Just looking in her eyes it's apparent there's something wrong with her. Found out a month later via a study by the CDC or something that birth control can slowly deteriorate the part of your brain that allows you to form relationships and the sort, this chick had been on it for 8 years when I met her.

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remember when this face was considered the epitome of awkward and cringe lol
i mean...its a fucking meme

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Wrong comrade. China has everything under control, the rest of the world is just incompetent.

>I have to live in the center of Sydney for work.
No, you don't. How fucking baffling. Is this what 80IQ looks like?


Right, so you're a lying mong. There's no suburb in this country charging 550 for a one-bed cuckflat. Fuck off.

lads im not gonna lie i had a good old coof on the tube earlier

no you don't HAVE to
you sound like a complete fucking idiot and deserve to suffer desu

chinese fire extinguishers burst into flames mate, chinas got fuck all under control

What the unholy fuck have I stumbled across

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for me something needs to trigger it before it come back, but literally anything can trigger it, even simple interaction with other people. it is like some sort of an emotional shock.

>do work for a business in the CBD
>bro just live somewhere else bro don't worry if you have to have a hour-long train ride everyday bro

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There are 22 studio apartments in Sydney 2000 charging 550 or more

bro just starve yourself but at least it's a short commute!

>make minimum wage ($400/week after taxes)
>rent is $200/week
>water is free
>electricity is $40/week
>food is $30/week
>internet is $17/week
>phone is $9/week
>have $104 per week to spend on other random shit

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Why do you need to live in central Sydney to work a minimum wage job?

>realestate.com.au/rent/with-studio-between-550-any-in-sydney cbd, nsw/list-1?maxBeds=1&source=refinement

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Yes that's exactly what you do
At this stage you must just be fishing for insults/attention, pathetic

thinking about the time i was shagging a girl that was from kuwait

Take a look at the areas they're in and you'll find one cheaper. He is a dropkick trying to rationalise starvation over moving.

what a pic

Been NEET for over a year. Part of me knows I need to get some toil but the vast majority does not give a fuck. How do I beat this phenomenon? I live a shitty miserable area and i guess if i saved up i could move out but i have few friends anywhere else so i don't know how that would help much

Pfwoarrr just matched with this 17 year old art ho

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at least his mouth isn't agape.
still, its a rather unnatural contortion of an expression.

Tried playing Final Fantasy XV but just couldn't get into it.

Enjoyed the FFVII Remake demo though so will probably get that, the combat was much better than XV's.

Trains and buses are expensive as.
>water is free
Truly the land of the free
Got transferred.

blessed picture

>Corona entering Britain be like

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D. H. Lawrence was quite the guy

>no no noo!!! people in the past had the exact same thoughts on new technology as you do! THEREFORE you must be WRONG!!!


thinking about the time i was shagging a girl but she turned out to be a kumquat

It's not Al any more, it's Dunk.

so you're scared of the dark and you'd rather starve than turn the lights off?
you need chucking in the sea you worthless pathetic freak

The Wuhan Seafood Market deserves the Nobel peace prize for preventing the inevitable war between boomers and everyone younger

make 500 quid a week
rent (inc bills, internet, heating, leccy) is 60 quid
food is 40
leaves 400 to spend on coke and booze

ill dunk your head down the bog

want to shag my female boss so muc

Yeah all 130 pounds of you, you fucking limp wrist soyboy.

What? I don't leave the light on overnight I put it on when it gets dark until I go to bed.

breaking out in eczema recently. It's especially weird because i never had it before in my entire life.

Halo 1 is finally out on PC, should hopefully get to play Halo 3 by 2022, thanks based Microsoft, thanks based gamepass!

Want to eat baked beans for lunch but don't want to be farting like a lunatic at work tonight

so fucking sick of millennial and zoomers blaming everyone older than them for all their problems

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Have you tried washing you face?

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phwoar, look at these changing voter patterns

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business idea: to discourage manletism, make sure nobody can live longer than their height in ft.inches.


youre a 130lb soyboy with an extra 100lbs of fat ontop

Halo 1 has been out on PC for literal decades m8.

The netcode was shit though so multiplayer was nearly unplayable.

shut the fuck up
if I was the prime minister of Australia then I would drop you off naked in the middle of the outback with no food or water

legit wash all the time. it's pretty distressing

Boomers have done a number on us though. At least we'll inherit their wealth one day.

bernie sanders is literally a communist and i've no clue how he managed to get so close to being elected twice

>somebody 5'10 gets to live to 510 years old

Because communism is based

Have a big guy for you frame. I was extremely skinny at one point and I couldn't drop below 150.

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uh didn't think about that, i am 5'8

*If I were
You aren't the PM of Aus. Hypothetical. Subjunctive mood

Move to one bedroom
stop wasting power and water you fucking freak

Mental how easy it is to turn people against eachother, zoomer and millienal 'identities' are so stupid but people got told they had them so they argued.

I'm talking about the MCC not releasing all the Halo games at once on PC, I suspect they're doing it to try to prolong Gamepass memberships.

I eat bacon and beans every morning but don't have fart issues

oh shut the fuck up you cringy little sunburnt twat

this reminds me of the time I bullied a girl with eczema when I was at school and I basically said something along the lines of "if you went on a date with her to an italian restaurant, you could use her skin flakes instead of parmesan" and she burst into tears and tried killing herself lol
turns out I was the proverbial straw that broke the proverbial camel's back

fortunately she was unsuccessful with her 'cide but I still got into a lot of trouble for it at school and loads of ~the girls~ really hated me after that

he owned you mate

a better solution is to castrate all males under 6'0"

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Just found out Bush isn't president

350/week, 2 flatmates, neighbours with literal millionaires and billionaires. Turnbull lives on the same street.
There's no justification for 550/week whatsoever, it's got to be bait.

The reasons for housing prices are not boomers owning multiple properties, it's the mass immigration and globalist economics that were implemented by the "greatest" generation following the establishment of the UN

Not very nice

what's up with the aussies that they count everything in weeks, salary, rent etc? living one week at a time?

tonight's shag

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