
walking on gregg-shells edish


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I don't understand why people are hoarding toilet paper when they could just strain really hard and hope the poo comes out fast enough that it splashes the water back on their bottom and cleans it.

catch the fever

Is elder abuse legal in Britain?

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Sick of folks opposed to letting trannies take a shit where they want

ffs none of your business

Criminal Joe Biden is NOT going to win come November. Bernie or Trump!

Not even a muslim but its fucking mental that alcohol is legal

thanks a lot mate now I'm in a&e with a knackered arse


Wish I had a qt quirky wife to do things with. Le sigh.

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killing gadaffi
now THAT was a fuckup

DAE remember 180cm master race

business idea: burn china to the fucking ground

don't take driving lessons anymore. had my last one when I wore really nice trousers without realising they were a size too small so when I sat in the car the trousers pulled up and around my willy, so you could basically see my willy. driving instructor stopped responding to me after that lesson had finished

I suppose because they are mentally ill freaks who sometimes abuse children.

Why? Alcohol and Marijuana should both be legal

No I remember 190cm though


What do you mean by "already insane" then?
I know a lad that lost his virginity in his mid 30's and he has a kid now.

Where's the business part.

I was in an ambulance recently, I took too much Ambien and called them just to get an IV and to make sure I didn't choke on my own vomit. The EMT kept asking me questions, I said look pal, I get what you're doing but I'm fine, I'm awake and the questions are just stressing me out. More questions, questions I have already answered. Then this guy progresses to touching me, picking at my blanket. I look the guy in the eye and tell him to stop touching me and to shut up. Cue silence. People don't know how to deal with a man who won't curse and won't raise his voice but will go upside your head when its called for.

Reminder that if you're under 6'2 and aren't shredded you'll never have a girl care about you.

Makes people act psycho haha

So can anyone.

Dabbling in the inscrutable Orient.

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where's 190

george galloway was a brilliant cat

objectively speaking alcohol shouldn't be legal since it is a poison but we are too far in now and alcohol prohibition does not work

hate scarlett johansson

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Don't know why you lot bother posting in new threads, you know the wrath of the custodian will surely strike this one down when it gets to 50.

that's what she said

ah yes, drink this drink that literally kills brain cells and destroys your kidney. smoke this pipe that causes schizophrenia while you're at it

Is it true in America the ambulance ride is also part of the medical fees you have to pay if you ever get into a medical emergency?

*abuses children*

large kaws tattoo on arm
that will age well

feel like I've never really lived

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>picking at my blanket
Yanks have a built in blanket?

She is better looking

good evening your majesty



has he greenscreened his legs away?

both are absolutely foul

I think he died

Get busy livin'
or get busy dyin'

very attractive gril

Once I forgot I had a driving lesson and got high as a mofo.
Comment was 'You're driving realllllllly slow today, is it because it's raining'
Yes,yes it is.

steady on

I'd shag both

normally but Uncle Sam footed the bill for all of my care (including the completely unnecessary 72 hour psych ward stay) because I am bipolar

video games are NOT art

and thats a good thing

all the strongest cultures and most powerful empires were massive drinkers
how do you explain that?
Pintman power innit

not all of him

Get busy coomin'
or get busy coomin'


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play death stranding and get back to me

>to agarophobic to go out
>to socially awkward to talk online
how do I cope?

Of course you would you little virgin scrote.

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listening to some mellow tunes youtube.com/watch?v=MuIRZvGYvbI

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