Third Rome edition
Third Rome edition
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Are Hungarians the most based race on the Earth??
I'm no longer drunk...
Boycott turk thread unless you are a cuck
>last thread nuked
what did you retards do now
why did the retard janny delete the thread
Fuck off Lazoid. No one likes you.
>Gill muriganz :DDDD
amerigoblo mod got offended by "kill all americans" I guess, although killing all americans would be a sane and rational thing to do
Krasnoyarsk Rus, you're my best fren...
i watched some youtube video and didn't refresh the thread and when i tried to refresh it was deleted
See Also listen to
are you drunk again? stop drinking or else Aллah(Jesus Christ(G*d)) will punish you
I'm not drunk anymore, Krasno. I just like your autism. You're based and redpilled, my Russian fren. Also rate music
>Third Rome
You called?
based edition
sounds like something they play in turkish bars id imagine
state of American jannies
It's a work of art.
Дa живee Pycия и Poмáнoвы
I wish you lived here...
Love u bro (no homo)
KRasno, give steam id
Cope, seethe, and dilate; wh*toid.
Do you ever feel like life is absurd? Death is comforting. You kill somebody or yourself and within seconds or less existence ceases. HD ISIS executions posses some intrinsic beauty. The human body is so fragile.
>The human body is so fragile.
I know. I keep this in mind always.
We're just waiting to be shattered.... - - - - > Studios
Have sex
How stupid can †cucks can be?
>be a manlet
>try your best to rise through the ranks and succeed in life despite your height
>400 years later normies analyze your dreams to bully you posthumously
You just can't win as a manlet.
At least you're not an uggo dicklet...
>Age distribution of today's 133 new deaths in Italy
Someone call the BASED department
Shiet, this is EXACTLY what Hungary needs.
Based Corona the boomer destroyer
rip sea doggo
His fate is sealed
Rip in peace cool sea dogerino (killed by fascist wales)
wales dindu nuffin they wuz gud boys just shagged some sheep
Shiet, this is EXACTLY what Turkey needs.
>*Continues to nazishame*
>*Continues to racistshame*
Why are leftcucks like this?
Best I could do for the third empire
Oi oi oi slap me sheughs thats some proper empire me lad
I want to die.
Thank you
Same. But I'm chained to life...
>The Ukrainian femanon is nowhere to be seen
Of course she's outside on a sunday night like the li'l normie she is.
Just noticed that the hungarian is hating the russian empire and in that hoi4 image hungary is russia's only ally
>Imagine being this much of a subhuman
You two sure af come from broken families
I prefer North European girls
>autism simulators for manchildren
Hungary has no allies.
>I prefer North European girls
This is what happens when you don't live your home and base your opinions on internet images of girls.
This is what happens when you're too stupid to learn English.
No allies and an army so shit you had to kiss Germany's boot to get land then get fucked so hard you turned commie
Kek, I was lying down on the floor when I took this picture. I was still drunk and I only got up with the help of my dormmates when they opened the door and found me sleeping there. They put me into my bed and left. After they left, I got up and went downstairs to the mescid (the Muslim chapel?) and I lied down on the floor there and slept again only to be woken up by two strangers. Then I returned to my room.
I also made a Palestinian friend somehow. He was surprised that I was speaking English in public despite being Turkish.
After they put me in the bed kek
Maybe getting drunk will make me forget all the bad memories and I won't have to deal with life; you know, until the day of the rope.
it won't don't be retarded
How do I cope??
wow i misspelled a word at midnight before going to sleep
how dumb of me
not like that
sure you did
how are you holding up shitskins?
I'm not.