
Merlion edisyon

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For the early mkl seethe and cuck you score later

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Sarapan dulu gan

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baru bangun gan

gusto ko pa matulog

>b-but muh 3D Renderings

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Muh Build...bui.. 3D..

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This is a public service reminder for /asean/.
DO NOT reply to banterfag
DO NOT bring up Philippine politics
DO NOT acknowledge his existence
DO filter anything to do with Philippine politics.

REAL medium steak, or good hamburger?
Im deciding my lunch rn

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Pecel ibu dewi

Im thinking no rice for today.
Gotta keep my GI low

Good hamburger, save the steak for a special occasion.

How about you get a taste of some of my world-famous cum instead?

Goat curry with naan, that's what I'm thinking for today's lunch.

I'll probably go with that
I've had Indian Curry before, just wasn't what I want for now, thank's for the suggestion though

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Cause China is willing to add 100 mil more to thier billions
In his first state visit to China in October 2016, President Duterte announced to the Chinese people: “I’ve realigned myself in your ideological flow xxx. So I will be dependent on you for all time.” President Duterte declared himself a vassal of China for life and beyond. Now, he wants Filipinos to join him by making the Philippines a province of China.

The option to be a US territory is impossible because the US had already rejected Philippine statehood way back in 1916 under the Jones Law. Besides, there is no way that the US will grant citizenship to 110 million Filipinos, who will then comprise a quarter of the US population.President Duterte’s Hobson’s choice is a choice of one—a province of China. This is the supreme insult to Philippine sovereignty and to Filipinos by a sitting Philippine President.

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Philippines is already a chinese province you fucking retard. Its not a insult for their ddebs becoming chongs

Lmfao fuck the government

>Be banterfag
>Wake up at 2am to travel to BPO center because traffic in Manila is hellish
>Make sure to buy some pagpag for breakfast on the way
>Arrive at office 4am
>Wait until the /asean/ thread is made
>Time to post my assigned premade topics
>Get triggered when people call PNoy a virgin
>Do this for 12hours
>Go home
>keep repeating that shilling is a noble profession in order to sleep
>Wake up at 2am

>Be a filipino retard
>Goes outside, get shot by police for alleged drugs
>Goes home, get shot by police for alleged drugs
>Goes to party, dies because of food poisoning
>Rides public transport, dies because of traffic
>Goes to luzon, died because of crime
>Goes to visayas, died because of yawa people and witchcraft
>Goes to mindanao, died because of terrorism and police and muslims
>Goes to manila, died because of air pollution

Why fucking live user?

How you imagine yourself in VR vs how you look outside

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I have a fever anons, sayonara

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I must got an angel, cause look how death missed his ass

just watch anime and read some book in bed for 3-4 days and you'll feel better user

The seethe continues see you in the butthurt mkl (you) score

>calling anyone fat ang ugly
>Wake up at 2am to travel to BPO center because traffic in Manila is hellish
>living in cebu, baguio, Davao is like 5th world shithole
>make sure to take aids pill
>Make sure to buy some pagpag for breakfast on the way
>Arrive at office 4am
>Make an /asean/ thread
>no one responds
>Time to post my assigned premade topics
>get triggered by visayan illocanus eating pagpag
>make a kaguyuh thread
>everyone seethes
>get triggered by anti Duterte/Marcos news facts.
>Get triggered when people call me out for being a same fag MKL and eating visayan illocanu pagpag
>Do this for 12hours
>Go home
>Dilate some more
>keep repeating that shilling is a noble profession in order to sleep
>get insecure
>keep repeating that Pnoy is a virgin a in order to sleep
>Wake up at 2am

Imagine being so brainwashed that you actually think that shilling is a noble profession, you have to be a fat retard to believe that.
Imagine calling other people ugly when you look like that holy shit HAHAHAHAHA. Im a hundred percent certain he has some undiagnosed unholy combination of down syndrome and leprosy, being morbidly obese is just the icing on the cake lol

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I found banterfags twin.
The Tagalog Phenotype fat and greasy from eating pagpag 24/7.

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>we wuz
Typical bisayan illucanus phenotype and what pagx2 cultural festivals do to your face..
Is he duterte's son?

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fucking pinoy and their stupid politics, can y'all just fucking die already

Its not fair to compare MKL with banterfag, at least mkl has a neck and his face doesn't look fat still hideous though. Banterfag on the other hand looks so morbidly obese that he doesn't have a neck anymore and his face looks fat, even banterfags face has fatrolls.

Tldr: banterfag looks like >undiagnosed unholy combination of down syndrome and leprosy, being morbidly obese is just the icing on the cake lol
>Mkl while hideous and looks like a tagalog isnt as repulsive to look at like banterfag

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The pic related autistic greentexting cope dutertard damage tirade has only further convinced me that mkl is a serious mental condition. Beyond even stupidity or shilling can explain his terrible spelling or boogeyman blaming, nor can it explain his obsession with politics and projecting his virginity with pnoy. He probably has schizophrenia and convinced himself to have doxxed banterfag with one single pic

Imagine being a dutard banterfag, being fat and looking like a visayan illucano subhuman living in slums in manila and eating pagpag.
I guess mkl knows that feel

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>Implying that Indonesian politic is not stupid

It's jusy mkl aka kaguyafag seething over the anti dutdut post.
While trying to damage control since we already know he is same fagging with his fat ugly face.

I post his pics in the kaguya thread confirms it him since he posted his one and only pic for retaliation.
Absolutely hilarious.

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They look more and more alike as time goes by


at least we don't shoved it to anyone ass

Coronachan is now part of his Dutarad legacy
Flipland now has 10 cases

A Silent Epidemic? Experts Fear the Coronavirus Is Spreading Undetected in Southeast Asia

Earlier this month, a study by five researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health concluded that it is statistically implausible for countries in Southeast Asia to have zero to few reported cases of COVID-19 given its effectiveness to spread itself and the quality of health care that exists in developing nations.

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For context
They do have the same reptile like facial skin.

I guess visayan and illucanus does have a visayan pagpag eating phenotype

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Makes you wonder if fat hideous tagalog guy is a janny or just has so much free time he spams report any post he doesn't like.
Im going with the latter

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MAMA MIA EL Demonio Dishonra ala Familia the ObeseANO

Sopa de Pagpag

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Manila tradicional specialidad ala tagalog favorito Tagalog

>El visayan illucano goblino pagpag eatus subhumano obsesus with pnoy virginity and greentext (you) score

Really makes you think.

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They do
Kek sopa de Bisayanus illucanus pagpag

El Festival Cultural comida de Visayans illocano

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In here bisayan illocanus/ badjaos are just stupid and low IQ, thats why they get expolited as maids.
>live in slums
>sex work
>invent pagpag.

It shows even in here, he keeps posting the same pic over and over again and wonders why it gets delet and cries about it later on.
It's funny shit

For the mkl visayan pagpag greentext you score.

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Who /GST/ here

Masyaallah... Al-Makhluk Jahannam...

Based Mat Salleh

>when they control 90% of the wealth
This isn't even remotely true for most of the population, the numbers are skewed by a handful of ultra rich non-bumi billionaires at the top but in the general population the gap is nowhere near that

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The cucking never ends.
We need that GST a year ago.
Not even GST can stop the fall at this point, thanks a lot Nobita increasing dependency on oil monies almost 3 fold.
We never learn.

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>own a dog
>married a liberal chink
>fervent pas supporter
Unfathomably Based

>that pedostache
>that humongous cheek pimple
kek, just imagine having a son like this. even mkl for all his looks has more worth than this parasitic neet
any normal parent would've dumped this schizo a long time ago

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Nobita had no choice bro, Tun railroaded us into reverting to SST then made sure India stopped buying our palm oil after the EU already boycotted it

Kek the perfect blend of visayan illucano phenotype.
Dutard marcostard supporter
>literal shitskin
>eats bisayan pagpag
And a tendency to be autistic and schizo

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I never understood how people could eat durian. It tastes like fucking plastic.

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Even mkl aka kaguyafag for all his looks, the resemblance is uncanny.

/asean/ - Philippines Politics General

Return of /nusantara/ when?

Terakhir kita bikin /nusantara/, si autis itu pindah kesana dan trit nya sama tai nya akhirnya.

Ayen, so when will you expose "banter"fag's identity?

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I haven't seen Ayen in a while.