Why do people hate indians...

Why do people hate indians? We don’t commit crime in western countries like other non whites yet we are lumped in with them.

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we don't, maybe except when it comes to muh paki İslamic brethren

you're kinda weird

you commit crimes against senile Westerners from the judicial safety of your own country

>hello my name is James from Microsoft

Because of your fucking call centers and tech supports.

Indian nepotism is becoming a problem in the tech industry


I only hate Indian posters because they keep shitting on whites. But I don't hate indians.

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smell bad through your call center

You're weird and perverted

what kind of indians? superpower or heya hoya?

take jobs

what do u mean by that

The few indians i met IRL were cool
There was one that invited me and my brother for dinner and made us delicious indian food

hey how are ya

Unironically racism
Also ignorance (believing muh pol memes instead of actually checking the statistics)

Indians only hire fellow Indians that are related to them such as friends , family relatives and people from the same area that they grew up in

If a guy with questionable education and speaking with weird accent can take your job then there's something seriously wrong with you.

>Because of your fucking call centers and tech supports.
>imagine being so brainwashed by burger culture on Yas Forums that you spread shit that isn't a reality in your country just to repeat what a fucking burger would say
get fucked, colonised cuck

hindus are ok because they aren't muslims
but they keep stinking up apartments and subways with garlic and cumin.

>smell bad
>pretty rude
>creepy towards women (this is actually based though)
>write bad code
>ugly language

you people are all fake, huge racists and thieves.

It's because they practically work for free

Because Indian men are extremely nepotistic and insular and will cheat at anything if they think they can get away with it. Basically you are brown Jews.

bad smell

sounds based


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You whine about racism while being extremely racist yourselves. Also you are small and brown yet think you are cool for some reason

so you're mad at them for being racist while being racist in the same sentence

Indians were/are easy to troll, they have a reputation of being sexual deviants with a poor grasp of spelling(open bob pls) and some Indians try to scam westerners

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Have you contacted any chat support?

that's not true in my country.

In the UK, all whites know that indians are law-abiding , don't go on welfare and aren't dripping in resentment and hatred towards whites.

White people in the UK trust indians and east asians. It's niggers and muslims that white people distrust and dislike because of their crime, their terrorism, their drain on the economy and most of all their unconcealed hatred and resentment towards white people.

Well, that's why you have minimum wage in place to combat this. Also, you yanks scream about the importance of free market economy and how everything else is communism. This is free market economy at it's finest. Funny how you want more government intervention where it's suits you.

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I don‘t hate indians. Like you said they are one of the best immigrants but we don‘t have many indians in germany and most of them are tamil

Indians of Yas Forums how do you see tamils in india?

extremely underrated post

>white worshipping
combination of the above

>>write bad code
as someone who is currently refactoring a bunch of shit

hoooooly fuck this

pajeets are retarded af

The best coders are Indian, the worst are also Indians

The government gives tax benefits (i.e. free money) to companies that hire immigrants and minorities.

racists are stupid

the best coders are autistic germans in my experience

indians are almost always shit unless they grew up here

Lurk YouTube you dumb fucking nog.

not just any job but the high paying jobs that people want.

saw what you want but Indians have some of the richest culture and best food. they are also the inventors of modern medicine and good with computers

I dont know anyone who hate Indian here. They are teased but not hated.

feces stained hands typed this post


western women, and even indian american women really dislike indian males


>ugly and stink
>stink worse than niggers, how do you manage that? i can smell an indian from 5 yards away
>harass all the white wimminz worse than niggers
>creepy and awkward
>aggressive and liars in the workplace, will assure you they can do something, sit around jacking off for 5 months, then come back and present you with a pile of absolute feces product and ask for their paycheck
>extremely nepotistic to a degree that would make a jew blush
>quickly overpopulate and take over any area they get into like roaches
>no white women will fuck them and their 2 inch paneer infested brown dicks so they import ugly fat pajeetas to come here and end up bringing 20 fucking pajeets total for one h1b worker, then they breed like rats on top of it
>turn anywhere they infest into new delhi
even WITHOUT breaking any laws they manage to be more destructive than niggers. how do you manage that? you pajeet filth. trash! shit bathing lower caste austrailoid rape baby! look what pajeet infestation did to microsoft and boeing. everything a pajeet touches turns to shit, his body smells like it's literally made of shit, sunken eyes with that weird sickly tinge.

doesn't change the fact that I make 6 figures and would arrange marry a qt incel

you incel*

Nadela pulled Microsoft to what it is today. Retarded morons loke you are the reason why world is shit. Microsofts stocks have consistently risen since Nadela took over and its brand value jas increased. Same with Pichai and Google.

I don't have a good reason, honestly, I just dislike your shade of brown. It makes me think you're filthy even if you're not. It's not personal, just instinctive.

I rate Indians tbqh, but I've only come to appreciate them due to working alongside them in a professional capacity.

They're hard workers and take pride in their work, many I've come across are committed to varying levels of self improvement. Very outward looking and curious people also.


I'm a Western woman (not trans) I don't hate Indian men. My old boss was Indian, thoughtful and intelligent. I had some really good teachers who were Indian as well. They sometimes got made fun of for having a heavy accent or being "different", but Indian-Americans are no different than whitoid in demeanor or speech.

I guess the bad stereotype (I've only seen online, never seen IRL) is that they are sexually aggressive but thats true of a lot of men worldwide.

he was nice to you because you're a woman

indians are the biggest simps and white worshippers

>m-muh stock
winblows 10 is the worst piece of buggy bloated crapware OS the world has ever seen. they fucked the date display, literally how? a 12 year old codemonkey could point that one out. every "update" breaks random shit all across the machine.
>muh stohks
found the pajeet. your code is shit, poojam gupta. microshit is absolute fucking garbage. even freeware is better than their flagship product Office. some handful of white guys in a basement doing it for free can make a better product than 1200 pajeet codemonkeys on salary working around the clock for 10 years.

go ask /g/ what they think of microsoft products. I'll wait.

My mother is Indian. Her family visited last week and I stepped on poop in the driveway.

We don't hate Indians, Indians are our greatest non-white immigrants

they don't produce crime but their offspring does
they cant discipline their children in the slightest

You say so, my husband boss was Indian as well and there was little problem with him other than the fact that he hired his relatives to do jobs they weren't well-equipped for.

But I'm Indian myself and hate all these chinese and indian fobs. They've increased by so much these past 5 years and they do not know proper outdoor courtesy. Just act like normal humans ffs.

I don't mind Indians I just find them anoying sometimes. Particularly the Surrey posters who come on here

You are weirdly close enough to europeans but strangely messy. When I was a kid, my best bro was half Indian and honestly really cool. Years later, I lived with an Indian for 9 months in a college dorm. Some observations:
>I try to keep the floor clean as much as possible. He has dirty socks, food wrappers etc. lying all over.
>No understanding of a daily rhytm, loud music and Youtube videos at 3 pm or am, didn't seem to make a difference whether it's dark outside or not.
>A flood in the bathroom every time he took a shower, no idea how he managed that.
>Learned to knock on the bathroom door after 4 months of seeing me do it (the door didn't lock, Eastern Europe dorms for you). Learned to flush after 7 months.
>The guy I lived with was alright and could be reasoned with, but there was this one retarded pajeet who would come knocking on the door loudly at completely random times of the day and shouting some Indian shit when I'm trying to sleep. No way to explain it to him that I study and work and want to sleep at night.


You can say whatever you want you retard, it doesn't change the fact that I and many people like hlme who invested in Microsoft greatly benefitted till the coronavirus hit.

Also, I forgot the greatest tech minds of our time stuay in /g. Even if Windows is buggy, msft has a monopoly on the OS market and it would stay that way and Indians are here to stay.

Codemonkeys are fundamentally dumb.

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And to add to this: the races which are over-represented in computer programming are among the low-midwits/latino tier.

>and yet the whole world still uses MS Office, some even as far back as 2007 versions

I've noticed this trend. I switched from physics to CS because of the money and the average level of intelligence seems much lower. The managers and more competent programmers all come from a non-CS background (physics, real engineering, etc)

You guys must work for some shit companies. The company I work in has plenty of people with masters/phds and I get IQ mogged.

> The managers and more competent programmers all come from a non-CS background (physics, real engineering, et
Maybe in your trash country leaf, but most managers in big firms have CS degrees and maybe an mba on top off that

Now that you know this piece of information, how will you use it? As in on one hand the fact that you started off in non-CS in the first place probably means that you are ahead of the CS average and so things should be smooth, on the other hand, there is the whole stereotypical reputation of CS folks.

also I would like to add that the dumbest people at my company are the pajeets and international student asian interns

There are very little benefits to having a phd and working in industry. Even pursuig masters is debatable if you are not planning to go into ML


That is because you are sub-140. You'll get mogged everywhere where it matters. Post your cranial measurements btw.

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he probably has only worked for shitty software shops or government where all they do is make/maintain shitty crud apps

this has been summarized here you are too slow