>What language(s) are you learning? >Share language learning experiences! >Ask questions about your target language! >Help people who want to learn a new language! >Participate in translation challenges or make your own! >Make frens!
Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides: pastebin.com/ACEmVqua
Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages: yuki.la/t/796928
FAQ U: >How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects? Read the damn wiki >Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X? No >What is the most useful language? Hebrew >What language should I learn? Russian Sign >My heart is unable to stand by one language, what should I do? Stop screwing around >I like X but it’s useless, w- Go for it, the joy that overcomes you in your learning journey is worth all the shitty wage you’d get for working with chinks. >I am too stupid to learn anything :(((( You are unmotivated, lazy, or anxious. Therefore, change your language/test your blood for hormones/have sex. >I’ve come up with an absolutely new and cool English spelling reform that will make it so much more logical and consistent! That’s kinda gay bro.
>Easy I hate the Roman Empire The Roman Empire was evil The Romans destroyed Europe and thus the world
>Medium I will create an alternate timeline where the Romans don't exist It's such a shame that the Romans adopted Christianity Without Rome the wold would have become a peaceful place
>Hard Truly the Romans are the most despicable group of human beings that have ever existed on our pitiful planet. Oh how terrible that this terrorizing entity has came to be!
Islam, Christianity and other destructive ideologies that are ravaging our world would have never existed. How joyful would that be? How green and wonderful would our lives be?
We are currently living in the worst possible timeline, a dark and devilish reality where the least favorable branch of choice have always won to create chaos, suffering and carnage in our world.
we are too busy respecting womyn to learn languages
Ryder Lewis
>I hate the Roman Empire Je déteste l'Empire Romain. >The Roman Empire was evil L'Empire Romain était malfaisant. >The Romans destroyed Europe and thus the world L'Empire Romain a détruit l'Europe et donc le monde.
I don't feel confident enough to tackle the intermediate ones just yet.
Eli Peterson
Iudaeos odi Iudaei nefasti fuerunt suntque Iudaei Europam et igitur quoque orbem terrarum perpetue corrumpunt
Creem alternatam historiam in qua Adrianus Caesar omnes Iudaeos semenque eius exterminaverat Me taedet quod Romani religionem suam in Christianitate mutaverint Sine Roma orbis terrarum valde barbarus factus esset
Hebraei Iudaeique toti admodum quam abhorrentissima stirps mendaciorum faeneratorumque sunt neque ulla alia istis par orbem terrarum adhuc coluit. Heu! Quam terribile a Diis immortalibus factum est nobis quod istud genus peperint! Religio neque Islamica neque Christiana ne quidem alterae perniciosae doctrinae per quas civitas tota iam corrumpitur sine Haebreiis essent. Nonne amoenum fuisset? Nonne vitae nostrae quam iucundae essent?
Fácil >amo o império Romano >o império Romano foi ótimo >Os romanos criaram Europa e então o mundo Médio >Vou criar uma linha de tempo alternativa em que os Romanos nunca cairam >Que pena que os Romanos não adotaram cristandade mais cedo >Sem Roma o mundo teria tornado um lugar caótico Difícil >Verdadeiramente os Romanos são o grupo de humanos mais admirável que já existiu na nossa terra lamentável, ai quão bom este entidade amoroso tornava-se a ser >Islã, cristandade e outras ideologias pacíficas que estão a dar estabilidade para nossa terra nunca teria existida, quão triste isto seria? Quão mais vermelho e horrível as nossas vidas seria? >Actualmente estamos a viver na linha do tempo mais pior do que é possível, uma realidade escura e satânica onde o ramo de escolha menos favorável sempre ganhou para criar caos, sofrimento e carnificina no nosso mundo Got lazy in the last one
Leo Williams
How many based (and white) languages did the r*Mans destroy and made extinct?
Je déteste l'Empire Romain L'Empire Romain était maligne Les Romains ont détruit Europe et donc le monde
Je vais créer une chronologie alternative où les Romains n'existent pas C'est tellement dommage que les Romains aient adopté le christianisme Sans Rome le monde serait devenu un lieu pacifique
Don't have enough level for the hard ones yet
Parker Thompson
Since when did jews care about Europe? What's this really about?
r*Manoids killed 1.5 million Jews and created the Jewish diaspora. if you hate Jews blame them for scattering them all over Europe.
Ayden Bell
Never said I hated you jew bro, just shouldn't have revolted Maybe you would still have your temple
Aiden Sanders
Could native speakers of Spanish and Italian translate the recordings here please? Also, Latin language listening challenge if anyone's interested. youtube.com/watch?v=lrZ980tVOZM
Cameron Campbell
It wasn't the wisest move at the time but at least it allowed us to create Jewish communities around the world.
Jordan Russell
>About to learn Russian >Notice my old Memrise app for Toki Pona and Hindi >Boot it up >"Happy International Women's Day: equal language can help accelerate equality so learn how you can incorporate equal vocabulary into your daily speech with this lesson" >Delete app
Alexander Fisher
I will still use man, mankind, fraternity, etc. as all inclusive terms until I die. Miss me with that humankind shit.
Jeremiah Miller
[...]una certa resistenza. Quindi, specialmente i giovani che vedono ostacoli ovunque, guardate che quelli possono essere veramente la spinta ad andare avanti. Io dico spesso che il doppiaggio sta a metà tra la matematica tecnica - non so come dire - e la fantasia dell'artista, nel senso che è la perfetta applicazione di entrambe le cose; perché io, per assecondare la fantasia di chi ha già fatto gran parte del lavoro, cioè l'attore o chi comunque ha recitato nel video, per andare dietro quella persona - perché anche dietro a un cartone animato c'è una persona -, io devo [...]
Juan Morales
>implying it wasn't planned out
Michael Garcia
We know that countries like communist China "simplified" their language, introducing Political connotations to words like "国/國”. Is it possible for SJWs, Nazis, communists, and etc to "simplify" English to their liking? How could they go about this?
Owen Morales
>andare avanti Is this exactly what he says or does he shorten it in some way? Because I hear something different here
Kayden Rivera
you didn't read 1984?
Asher Jones
>does he shorten it in some way? It's just the fading effect of the video editing, but he does say those words.
Kevin Reed
Is doubleplusEnglish a language SJWs would really speak though?
Joshua Kelly
>Studeren hebben getoond dat werkloosheid veroorzaakt een verhoging van gezondheidsproblemen Studies hebben aangetoond dat werkloosheid tot meer gezondheidsproblemen leidt >Hoe heb je me in dit verlaten plaats alleen in de steek gelaten? Waarom heb je me op deze verlaten plaats in de steek gelaten? >Als alleen ik een goede nachtrust kon hebben, zou ik vermogen om mijn huiswerken te afmaken, maar deze verdome honden willen niet om lawaii te doen! Had ik maar een goede nachtrust, dan zou ik mijn essay/huiswerk kunnen afwerken, maar die rothonden blijven maar blaffen! "alleen ik" is technically a good translation of "only I", but the 'only' here is part of the English expression "if only" and not attached to the "I". >naast de schouw Uh, this is a difficult one. Argentinianon used, to my knowledge, the wrong word, and should have written 'fireplace' instead of 'chimney'. If you translated it thinking of a fireplace, this is proper Dutch. If you wrote 'schouw' thinking of an actual chimney, that's Flemish. >hij opende zijn boek met ongeduld hij opende ongeduldig zijn boek >ongeduldig te weten wat zullen gebeuren benieuwd wat er verder zou gebeuren >De duisternis was bijna compleet toen Elise eindelijk (naar?) thuis kwam. Het was bijna volledig donker toen Elise eindelijk aankwam bij het huis. This isn't really talking about 'home' but just some house, so you can't translated it with 'thuis'. If the sentence had been "when Elise finally arrived at home", it'd be "toen Elise eindelijk thuiskwam". >Ze sloeg tegen de dikke deur maar niemand beantwoorde. Ze klopte op de grote deur, maar niemand deed open. or literally, but it doesn't sound as good: Ze klopte op de grote deur, maar niemand antwoordde.
>Walloon? Hahaha oh boy, this is the funniest thing I've read all day.
Jonathan Young
Friend, all languages are being simplified in this global age, my mother tells me how finnish is being simplified each time she travels there, Swedish has been dumbed down by the elites the last 100 years, English is definitely being dumbed down aswell This is unfortunate but true
William Hernandez
Ah, I hear it now. Thanks for the help signor
Bentley Carter
I did, but in newspeak there are distinctions between "good" and "plusgood". Even that might be too unsimple for some
Sebastian King
chipper Euclidean bounteous cowed into deleterious cupped epidemiological epistemological mangled omniscient portentous precept putrid quiver simp spurned stingy vault to the top whisked away nudiustertian expunge grease the skids sigmoid cantilever concession vendor whodunit boffin shoot the breeze berth gibber submarine tender owt flex solicitude dais chicanery sachem cavil disposed to aegis perfunctory humdrum penurious frazzled unremitting rousing stolid asymptomatic square with juror no-confidence motion séance barge defraud demur at living trust diffidently varnish up to eleven allegory wonky pediatrics rubenesque allayed hobbling around usurp protracted deuteragonist craned mortified gnarly ostentatious dismay putrid rebuff erratic obstetrics and gynaecology ob-gyn dinged blat thump bleat drip bong scrunch fizz neigh shriek bray glug patter tinkle gnashing cackle gobble peep cheep grating snarl twang chirp chime pow wail clack wheeze patrimony pipe dream polly privy to clang grumble squawk clank purr whir gurgle put-put clatter rap squish hoot rat-a-tat prying neuroleptic rank with segue sway fecklessness cobber thingamajig tour d'horizon transcendent yap clink howl swish yelp zap swivel aped bandy about whisk cabal cashiering crestfallen dab dalliance dashdotted de minimis demiurge dote upon enchilada ennui epithet wine-dark sea eptiome master mariner excruciate tingling stinging flippant ghoulish hamstring hyperbolic kvetch latch onto mealymouthed merry-go-round downtime milquetoast flock to cluck swoosh clunk rippling jangle bellow crackle kachunk throb creak mew thud tweed twinkletoes high-strung jug no love lost parse peachy disaffected humdrum set off for situational comedy abject plug along flappable druthers underhand quoth nix chagrin left-luggage locker confer smutty recrimination crawling with bleat patron toboggan top-hole dote upon shambles plain clothes homunculus sulk telematics caterwauling rapscallion mnemonic ostentatious huckster doozy
Furthermore I feel like "good", "doubleplusgood" are just like good better best in IRL English. Surely there is a moregood way to simprify English?
Matthew Foster
Still seething over Titus' destruction of Jerusalem, I see. Basatus es.
Matthew Carter
Try redefining words to mean other things. Example: >1+1 is ... 4? >No, that not PC
Adrian Edwards
Congratulations for beginning to study A2 level English vocabulary
Leo Russell
>mom i posted it again
Jayden Lee
Phoenician survives though. Because Hebrew is Phoenician.
Isaiah Morris
4/0=0 3000/0=0 Therefore, 4/3000=1
Logan Rivera
>this is A2 >it's almost not even a meme I'm doomed
Henry Gomez
Hebrew is a Phoenician dialect but it would be cool to have more people to speak to. the ASSyrians are just as guilty they destroyed Aramea and pushed Phoenicans to north Africa in the first place.
Julian Thomas
やさしい >I hate the Roman Empire 私はローマ帝国が大嫌いだ。 >The Roman Empire was evil ローマ帝国は悪かった。 >The Romans destroyed Europe and thus the world ローマ人はヨーロッパを破壊した。したがって世界全体を破壊した。
中級 >I will create an alternate timeline where the Romans don't exist ローマ人が存在しない歴史改変した世界を作る。 >It's such a shame that the Romans adopted Christianity ローマ人はキリスト教を信奉するということ残念だ。 >Without Rome the wold would have become a peaceful place 世界はローマなしにもっと平和的な所になるだろう。
Josiah Morales
Should I play Europa Universalis in my target language even if I am nowhere near fluent in it?
Ryan Moore
They already have but they complicated shit instead of simplifying it. Firefighter instead of fireman. Post (something) instead of postman. Board member instead of boardman. Police officer instead of policeman etc.
Isaac White
>easy Я нeнaвижy Pимcкyю Импepию Pимcкaя Иипepия былa злoй Pимлянe yничтoжили Eвpoпy, тaк и миp
>medium Я coздaю/бyдy coдзaть дpyгyю линию вpeмeни в кoтopoй Pимлянe нe cyщecтвoвaли/нe были Этo тaкoй пoзop, чтo Pимлянe пpиняли хpиcтиaнcтвo Бeз Pимa, миp бы cтaл cпoкoйным мecтoм
>hard Чecтнo, Pимлянe caмaя вpeднaя гpyппa людeй кoтopaя кoгдa-либo cyщecтвoвaлa нa нaшeй жaлкoй зeмлe. Oй кaк yжacнo этo тeppopиcтичecкaя cyщнocть cтaлa! Иcлaм, хpиcтaнcтвo, и дpyгиe идeaлoги кoтopыe paзpyшaют нa нaш миp никoгдa нe бы cyщecтвoвaли. Кaк этo былo paдocть. Кaк зeлёныe и зaмeчaтeльныe нaши жизни бы были? Mы ceйчac живeм в caмoй плoхoй вoзмoжнoй линии вpeмeни, тeмнaя и aдcкaя peaльнocть гдe caмaя нeблaгoпpиятнaя пaлкa выбopa вceгдa выигpaлa чтoбы coздaвaть хaoc, cтpaдaниe, и peзня в нaшeм миpe.
Nicholas Cook
What is the consensus on duolingo on /lang/? Should I?
Luke Ramirez
Ive heard paradox games are very poorly translated. Things like using literal/direct translation. Like "The Roman Empire" becoming Le Romain Empire instead of L'Empire Romain or not using the correct/consistent gender. Shame really because they'd be fantastic for us learners.
Liam Richardson
Duolingo can be good if you want to start learning a new language from scratch I didn't like it much when I tried to use it for Spanish but that's because I had already learnt some Spanish at school
Isaiah Clark
Sounds like it isn't for me too.
What resources would portuguese learners here recommend for me?
Josiah Price
Depends on your approximate level and the type of Portuguese I can direct you to what I've used for European Portuguese if you want
Adrian Miller
Je me doutais aussi que ongeduldig voulait dire impatiemment mais sur le site du vandale ils traduisent uniquement en 'impatient' :/ En how am I supposed to know when should I use tonen / aantonen en komen / aankomen? Is it really non understandable when I used tonen/komen without the aan?
Jordan Price
I finished the duolingo portuguese tree long time ago and forgot most of it So basically A1 beginner but not absolute from scratch
Gabriel Reed
[...] extraño. Agarré un disco que era blanco, o sea toda la caratula, todo, esto era lo guay del album, como os digo, es mi favorito de todos los Beatles, y por algún motivo, tomé ese, no tomé ninguno, tomé ese, y me puse a escuchar, la primera canción que sonaba era Back In The USA, que era una eh, no sé, para mi, es una que me trae muchos recuerdos, y el caso es que empecé a escuchar mucho los Beatles, así no, en casa. Además, mi padre tenía como unos auriculares de estos, y yo siendo niño además me quedan gigantescos, me los tenía que sujetar, porque eran estos que te agarraban toda la oreja. Eh, buenísimos, y entonces yo me ponía así, me sujetaba los auriculares y me ponía a escuchar. Y aunque Los Beatles no [...]
William Smith
Ok, well for me I kind of "skipped" that level because I've always know a bit of Portuguese so I don't know how much help I will be But memrise is decent for phrases etc. (Haven't really used much else in terms of apps) A couple of decent YouTube channels are >Portuguese lab (a mix of guides and short stories, if you can understand a bit of Portuguese she'll help you you get more used to it) >practice Portuguese (alot of short stories and a few guides, good for practicing) (Both are in European Portuguese) Also I'd recommend reading the duolingo forums for additional advice, some stuff there is really helpful Other than that Ive basically just learned through use, that's why I make lots of stupid mistakes when I do the challenges Boa sorte amigo :)
Kayden Anderson
New Lubach finally talking about another one of Belgium's record attempts.
Pretty sure aankomen/komen is arrive/come (arriver/venir).
Aaron Nguyen
oops meant for
Nicholas Ward
Obrigado fren, I will try out your suggestions and those channels seem very useful
Jaxon Bailey
>Je me doutais aussi que ongeduldig voulait dire impatiemment mais sur le site du vandale ils traduisent uniquement en 'impatient' Vrijwel alle bijvoeglijke naamwoorden kunnen ook als bijwoord gebruikt worden, ik kan zelfs niet meteen een uitzondering bedenken.
>how am I supposed to know when should I use tonen / aantonen en komen / aankomen? Tonen = show, aantonen = demonstrate (more or less). However, in this case English uses 'show' but means 'demonstrate', so the translation should be for the latter. To be fair, if you look up "studies hebben getoond", you'll find many native speakers who use it that way, so I can't really say it's wrong, but to me the prefix gives the sentence a more natural flow. You could also say "studies hebben uitgewezen dat..." Komen = come, aankomen = arrive (more or less). Same thing here, in this case English uses 'come' but means 'arrive', although this time if you drop the prefix the sentence (toen Elise eindelijk bij het huis kwam) takes on an odd meaning, like she was walking around with the idea of going towards the house, but she didn't really intend to stay there, she just wanted to know what it looked like up close or something. It could also mean Elise finally had an orgasm near the house. I already mentioned "toen Elise eindelijk thuiskwam". There's also "toen Elise eindelijk thuis kwam", which would also mean she finally had an orgasm at home. 'Aankomen' can also mean some other things, like 'touching' or 'putting on weight'.
>Is it really non understandable when I used tonen/komen without the aan? Well, it depends on your goal. If you just want people to understand what you're trying to tell them, your work is done because I could understand everything. You'd have to dig deep into the countryside to find some untouched agricultural civilisation that wouldn't understand what you were saying. However, not using the right prefixes will unconsciously make other people speak to you like a baby.