Shitty music

>shitty music
>shitty movies
>retarded conformist people
>Ultra centralised meaning that if you don't live in Paris or a big city there is litterally NOTHING
>nothern france is litterally alabama + UK weather
>nigger and arab culture infecting youth

What's the point of living there already?

Attached: France-e33dc5890c.jpg (760x505, 51.37K)

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>retarded conformist people
How? You guys are seething 365/24

pic unrelated i meant Portugal

culture wise

an alabama that doesnt feel like satan's ass crack y'all say…
a-are there cousins there? asking for a friend.

>shitty music
Joe Dassin is good. I know he was born in America to an American jewish father but does he still count?
>shitty movies
Intouchables is an ok feel good movie.
>retarded conformist people
You obviously haven't been to Sweden.
>Ultra centralised meaning that if you don't live in Paris or a big city there is litterally NOTHING
At least people still live in rural France. Rural Sweden is half empty.
>nothern france is litterally alabama + UK weather
Northern France has nice weather
>nigger and arab culture infecting youth
This is true.

Stop attention whoring

>Northern France has nice weather

Cousins, sisters, your mom, all you want

>Northern France has nice weather
t. norf

What do you count as northern France? Normandie might be rainy but it's still better than the UK.

everything to the north of the massif central

Paris sucks
>sorority girl and Chinese tourists everywhere
> lots of pollution
> strikes/protests
> all the natives are grumpy geriatrics
> rains everyday

Lyon is much better

Our pop culture is just a larp of American urban culture. And yet we still pretend like French culture is relèvent at all in the world. It’s depressing how delusional we are.

>Lyon is much better
And Strasbourg.

I wish I lived in Alsace ;_;

Attached: 1200px-France_Haut_Rhin_Colmar_01.jpg (1200x788, 258.54K)

this is where your ancestors got massacred

That's everywhere in Europe mate

not here :)

What makes you think the weather in the northern half of France is bad? In comparison to what? It's actually a very pleasant climate. How could anyone complain about the weather in a place like Northern France?

Based European.

>This is unironically what french """"culture"""" has evolved into, France has unironically peaked

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It's been raining daily for 2 months now, and I am not joking, i'm not pushing it to the extreme, it has actually been 2 month of daily rain with no exceptions

Ever visited lille?

north africans are so fucking ugly, no wonder your women go for BLACK men

Hebron attacks
Safed attacks ;)

its shit. all channel weather is shit. southern france has okay weather, although not half as good as spain's

Yes and you know why. It has to do with "French" leaders. Although to be honest it's not that much better in most of Europe.

>>What's the point of living there already?
The girls. Man can endure much suffering when he has cute girls to kiss.

Attached: Emy approves.jpg (1600x1063, 236.25K)

I've been to Nantes. It was nice.

Sounds unusual?

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we practically cleaned out the entire older mamluk aristocracy and merchant class though, not unique to jews

The cute girls are here but they won't kiss me

Forgot to mention that I've actually been to most regions of Northern France, Nantes was just my latest.
And they're all fine to be honest. Normandy and Brittany are a bit rainy but Alsace is very nice. Paris is ok.

i've never kissed a girl

yes it fucking does lmao, I wonder how you guys can even get used to having like 5 hours of sun daily and while it's daylight there's fucking rain how can you not become depressed living in this hellhole

You should tell your female friends that you've never kissed anyone before, they would probably kiss you. That's how I got my first kiss.

Attached: Emy Christmas Edition.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

When I think of Nothern France I think of the nord pas de calais region, go to calais/Lille or Boulogne sur mer and you'll see how fucking shit this region is

>female friends
The fuck are you on nigel

I know about this
As I said it's not something unique to this area
I don't avoid places because people were massacred there generations ago
Everyone massacred everyone at some point in history but still you see Japs in America, Poles and Jews in Germany or Germans in Britain
So why even bring this up

>female friends

In northern Sweden the sun doesn't even rise during the winter.

>although not half as good as spain's
I couldn't live n a mediterranean climate. Hot temperatures make me very dizzy. I also can't imagine winters without snow.

It was just an idea, at least I'm brainstorming solutions.

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Not cute

Fight me

the sistema central is cold year round and it snows a little bit. but it also never rains and the summer isn't as hot as on the coast.

Sorry, I don't fight homosexuals.

Attached: avatar of aphrodite herself.jpg (1600x900, 439.84K)

thanks for the concern user. tell us more about your first kiss

>Shit music

All a French guy has to do is move to UK, America or Australia and drown in pussy from your beautiful accent. You have it so easy.

I love this the most about these seethe Arabcel posts.

>french accent


It was 2010 and I was at university. We were talking about sex in a Wetherspoons and I said I had never kissed anyone before, so two girls at the table kissed me. I wish it had been Emy though.

You people don't know how good you have it.

Attached: SAM_5801.jpg (1280x800, 56.87K)

she must be like 30 by now. also how old were you and did your friends think it was weird you had never kissed a girl ?

>You people don't know how good you have it.
Many french girls are cute but most aren't just waiting to kiss the first incel they see. You're the lucky one.

Yeah it is. Swedish accent sounds gay af though.

I was 18 and everyone thought it was weird, although I explained that I attended an all-boys school, so there weren't any girls to kiss. I went to unversity with a bunch of turbonormies though, and I only made female friends because my classes were all >80% female.

I don't know how old Emy is now, probably somewhere in her late 20s. Still looks as cute as she did 10 years ago though.
>You're the lucky one.
They weren't French, they were British.

Attached: e m y.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

Have you ever heard a man speaking English in a French accent? Sounds fucking retarded and pretty damn gay

>They weren't French, they were British.
I know, it was pretty obvious.

Still not cute

were your friends hot haha
also damn emy hitting the wall. you've been posting her for like half a decade. you better hope she turns into a milf

Of course I have it sounds so interesting and sophisticated

>Of course I have it sounds so interesting and sophisticated
Also, deciding that someone sounds interesting based on their accent is anglo/femoid tier retardation.

Fuck you
How's Malmö faggot?

>were your friends hot haha
Kinda, yeah. Not hot like Emy, but just average British girls. One of them had extremely cute feet though.

The only wall she's hitting is the qt wall, and she's heading towards it at a million miles per hour.

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>shitty music
>>retarded conformist people
>Ultra centralised meaning that if you don't live in Lisbon or a big city there is litterally NOTHING
>southern portugal is litterally alabama + Sahara weather
>>nigger culture infecting youth

What's the point of living here already?

>How's Malmö?
A fucking shithole, on par with your capital city.

>Fuck you!!!

Attached: söy.png (785x1000, 261.41K)

Lmao forgot about you portubro
Just join a far right extremist terrorist group and enjoy killing and torturing niggers with friends

Nah he's somewhat right, it sounds weird unless they really learn in an anglo country since we don't ever train pronunciation in school.
The opposite is also true (horrible exageration of R)

Is this city or the west coast of France comfy?

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