I am a spaniard (ESPAÑOL) born and raised in the glorious nation that is Spain (officially the Kingdom of Spain...

I am a spaniard (ESPAÑOL) born and raised in the glorious nation that is Spain (officially the Kingdom of Spain (Spanish: Reino de España)). Ask me anything

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when you will give the gold back?

Onions Yes/No?

Never (Nunca).

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Eres un capullo cabron. Me cago en tus putos muertos.

let me migrate to spain im 8/1024 spanish dna

¿Por qué me insultas? hijo de la grandísima puta maricón

El poder de la sangre chicano

Hostia puta

Attached: Toro Español.jpg (1537x1080, 269.89K)

Que te folle un pez jajaja

Is your ass hairy?

thoughts on bocadillos?

it actually is, i dont even know how youre supposed to shave it

España no debería ser una nación independiente.

Attached: smug.png (742x914, 764.95K)

thoughts on portugal ?

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Cringe. Spaniards need to do a french way in those leeches

Belongs in Spain

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How are you going to get out of PIIGS?

>Murcia debe ser una nación independiente.

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republicanism is the ultimate cuckoldry

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Why would we want to get out of it?

What do you think of the English

give a reason to like you

Cómo te encuentras hoy, amigo espańol?

bien, ¿y tu?


Isn't a disproportionate national debt to GDP bad for the economy? I don't know a lot about economics though, what I do know is not paying bills and taxes will result in the repo men taking away your television and furniture.

I go to a place where they shave it for you. It costs around 15 USD

The Spanish empire collapsed from bankruptcy caused by inflation caused by importing too much gold, thus by stealing your gold we preserved your empire.

>take out your money and give to cousin
>declare bankruptcy
this one simple trick made him a millionaire, hacienda hates him !

Are you a filthy Gypsy if not what you think of them?

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very few of them are ok, but most of them are subhuman

Subhuman but based.
For eastern european gypsies just subhumanx10000

Mis ancestros

Do you guys like latin americans or nah

Let me emigrate to Spain

Estoy algo nervioso porque tengo tres entrevistas de trabajo en la semana q viene. Mi novia ex es una chica espańola y sufre mucho porque no hay mucho trabajo en espańa. Entonces a veces la doy algo de dinero q se encuentra mejor. Es una mujer buena. Me parece muy injusto lo q ha pasado durante la crisis europea.

More than arabs, less than normal people.

you can live there for 2 years and get citizenship if you are sudacas

a también, q te parece Paco de Lucía? Es un gitano pero a mí me gusta su música :^)

>Estoy algo nervioso porque tengo tres entrevistas de trabajo en la semana q viene
¿cual es tu profesion?

Why is Fuet so hard to cut?
You almost need a w to cut it.

>need a w
metal saw

because yore probably buying some made in germany """fuet""" and not real spanish fuet

>Darle plata a tu ex-novia

it's this one


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Soy físico teoretico
Cúal es tu problema? Los humanos se tienen q ayudar y conozco a mi novia ex, no es una puta.

me habeís flipao, tío, menuda caña que sois, a que os mola


>Entonces a veces la doy algo de dinero q se encuentra mejor
Der Alman, der Omega Cuck. Hast du noch alle Tassen im Schrank?

do you like bullfighting?

Spain is not as racist as latinos think
Refugees welcome
Tourists go home

Q chucha we no entiendo ni verga weon c mamo arturito :v

Would it be cool if I lived there?

Not you no

Why do you have even more unemployement than us?

I wasn't ask you Coronitaly go away I don't want your cooties

They don't stick around long in Spain.

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Tenés que dejarla ir, chucrut.

My only wish in this world was to get a cute spanish gf

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