International women day edition
/v4/ + women
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I'm an incel and I dislike women
Good edition :)
Death wo w*Men.
I'm an incel and I like women.
If they don't love me, they are free to do so, even if it pains me.
I don't dislike them because they don't love/like me, I dislike them because I do not like their personalities
Roastwhores are not human.
That's quite a generalization.
Have you met every women in the world to say such thing?
You should look for that special woman.
I'm not gay or tranny,but sometimes I feel my life would be so much better if I had been born a woman.
Extremely easy
F*Male personality revolves around instagram, bitching about other women, bitching about „creeps“, and being massive sluts for chads.
Literally the same for me but for men
yeah sure that "special woman"
what the fuck lmao have sex
kááámiiii számááá árigátóóóó~~
>Have you met every women in the world to say such thing
no, and I certainly did not mean that I disliked EVERY woman I ever met, just the very large majority of them and have taken that kind of opinion by default.
I really don't feel like going through a giant cesspool of shit just for a chance of finding something worthwhile in it that may or may not actually be there and could easily be overlooked and missed.
The wore creep should be classified as hate speech. There is no other word as dehumanizing used by the broad masses nowadays.
>special woman
A Fairy tale?
my nickname was creep at organic chemlab
I kinda enjoyed the special status at the time
Roastwhores who use the word creep should face the same social ostracization that white people who use the word nigger face. From now on only „the c-word“ should be a socially acceptable term.
people called me psychopath
>eeeeeeew he‘s soooo creepy >.
My favourite nicknames that were given to me are
>The Bronze titan
>The Wikipedia kid
>The perfect man
What are yours guys?
>the c-word
kek, how did you manage to get it?
I haven't spoken a single word in the first four semesters with my acquaintances.
T.Hanks, anonku :3
I am an incel.
And that‘s a good thing.
Thank you for being a strong woman :)
>kek, how did you manage to get it?
>I haven't spoken a single word in the first four semesters with my acquaintances.
kinda like that, it was student job i barely spoke and stared at everyone
also didn't speak to anyone when i used to go to college except one girl
As stronk and independent as based Polan!
I just sit and write in my four walls.
from time to time I go to a library to get a book and that's it.
my autobiography is 700,000 words, and now I'm writing volume 8
How can you write such a long autobiography if you barely leave your house? I don't believe you.
Dont laugh anonov, thats not kawaii!
Shut up
Nie ty.
Why do femwhores have to ruin everything?
Childhood - ruined by a mentally ill mother
Adolescence - ruined by femwhore classmates
/v4/, the last safespace - ruined by a roastwhore
There is no fucking escaping, they‘re like a goddamn plague. Fuck you and fuck anyone who condones this shit. Pfu
it literally gives them joy
Guys, post feminist music to throw the women haters away.
Oh you poor thing
*taps him in the head*
>teeheeee did I mention that I‘m a girl btw ;)
I genuinely hope you get run over by a truck tomorrow
And I genuinely hope you find love :3
We incels need love, not hate.
chzechia is an incel state by definition
kys arginiggress
I don't understand what you mean.
Your time will come too, Manolo, but you need to keep yourself open for new experiences :3
Czech state (country), czech republic is an incel republic, an incel country by definition
I want a toy poodle, they‘re too cute.
im on erasmus in ireland and i swear to god if corona gets so bad they start cancelling flights and i will have to be stuck in this expensive country full of potato gobbling mouthbreathers any longer than necessary i will kys myself
Redpill me about Eire user
ok femcel
I'm trying, I go to things when I'm invited and I try to go to university events too.
Every two weeks there's an event to talk about what's going on on different countries in a more informal setting.
I really hope Spain comes soon and I can show my incredible knowledge and debating skills and say to everyone I hope coronavirus kills every Spanish boomer.
Next week, next week.
Why do you think so?
Are you a Visegradian in Eire or where are you from? How are you treated there?
Tomorrow I will fast.
Kek, Im glad youre having fun
But why you ant your parents ded? :(
everything is expensive and all the irish people my age are chavs and sluts also the weather is terrible
other than that it's pretty great tbqh
My parents are young enough to stand corona, my only Alice grandparent is my grandma and she's in Argentina.
Looks dreadful.
Been to 5 shops now and none of them have the Kraken rum :(
Guess I‘ll have to check out Auchan tomorrow when it opens
>the weather is terrible
I love gloomy weather desu
what is Kraken rum