
ryuuko edition

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getting a semi browsing the fph thread on fit

traps are NOT trannies
traps are comfortable with being male, they just embrace their femininity and try to look like a girl but they do it because they like "passing" and looking female, but not because they have gender dysphoria, they don't actually want to be a girl.
a tranny is someone with gender dysmorphia who doesn't just want to "pass" like a trap, they actually want to be a full on female and be considered female.
a transvestite is someone who is comfortable with being male and wears feminine clothing but does not want to look like a girl like a trap, they simply enjoy wearing girls clothes

trannies are girls, they're female. being attracted to MtF trans girls is not gay, it's straight because they're female.

(engine sputtering)

dont care coomer virgin

gigacope virgin freak


ryuko is so fucking CUTE

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Drinks IN
Weight UNDER 18ST

Yeah im thinking Mark is back

The London based gf is making me pay her rent this month (£2000)

you already posted this mate

Need corona to take them all out posthaste!

>>Council tenants in the same block of flats as you hating you and making shit comments and saying you are gentrifiers etc when they haven't worked a day in their life and yet somehow get given a free flat to themselves in one of the most expensive cities on the planet

Very pertinent post. This used to bother me when I lived in London too.

what is the actual point being a transvestite

I drove my saracen through your garden last night

lol does this actually happen? I've seen the woke whining on twitter but didn't think it happened so much in real life

>you find out it's a HE and he has a WILLY
would you still shag?

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wouldnt be interested in a girl who dressed up as anime characters to begin with

london is great but still wouldn't want to live there knowing the grim shoebox flatsharing situation it would be

fuck off virgin freak

That's not a he though innit

someone on here was posting about that houseswapper thing. council house runts can swap and get a central london 2/3 bed flat for 600 a month. I would be paying more than that if i rented privately in fucking staffordshire.

Name a better large city in Britain than Leeds.

>look it's not my problem middle class mums from Shoreditch aren't stabbing people and I won't feel bad
Boss Bitch

Thats not a human right? Just one ov them sex dolls

i dont consider myself a transvestite but i do like wearing cute knee-high and thigh-high girls sock. dont know why i like it i just do. i think they're cute. i am a bit feminine tho so it doesn't look too ridiculous.
i assume it's the same for transvestites, they just like wearing girls clothes because girls clothes are cute. some transvestites probably have a fetish for it as well.


bet you didnt say this to their face though did you


leeds is alright but its a glorified milltown like manc

I know its a downside because everybody wants to live here but if they could sort the housing I'd love it, as it stands its a shithole for tha reason.

When is Dublin going to chuck up a few mega skyscrapers, even out property prices and make it the better alternative?

>life is not fair
Boohoo jog on



>look it's not my problem middle class mums from Shoreditch aren't stabbing people and I won't feel bad
wont feel bad what

Sheffield is the true chad choice, Leeds is too gentrified.

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i'm pretty good at preventing knife crime
never stabbed anyone like
dont even carry a knife

Some London femboy on /brit/

love gentrification me
love me quinoa and chorizo serve it me on a wooden board I dont care

>even out property prices
not going to happen
ireland will do the same as the uk and import millions of debt vehicles from nigeria and house them for free.

Leeds better for:
Deano lifestyle
Buying pints

London better for:
Brunches with the girls
Gang culture
Incel community
Soy/bug culture
Arty farty stuff

Could spend my free time all year going between the british museum and the national gallery

don't pretend you can afford to have such high standards mate

Uniroincally this too. Wahhh it's being gentrified.

I'm sorry your 1970 breezeblock council flats are being made into something that doesn't make me want to off myself and the restuarants are all becoming nice, if shit restaurants are so nice I'm sure there wouldn't be a market for nicer ones.

Remember growing up in Scotland people would threaten to stab each other all the time but never anymore

So many people rushing for the pasta at tesco lads. Meanwhile I got 30 cans of various tinned fruit for future ventures.

fair enough
what borough do you live in

researching tagine recipes

Wonder if janny can pull up my ip and see all my past bans

>ahhh looks like a career criminal this one

she's not going to fuck you

can't wrap my head around the housing situation 2bh. way too complicated and counter-intuitive for me to even pretend I have anything resembling a viable solution

love a cheeky canned pineapple ring me


kek, that's true. Worst thing about london imo is the air quality. Went to visit family down there and you could see the filth in the air. knock years off your life is you lived there.

if i were a female i reckon i could get men to do what i want just with a vague promise of allowing them access to my vagina at some point

Can you live in the City of London.

each poster has a hidden user rating, like uber or whatever which the moderation team can pull up while they decide on a ban

for me it's canned peaches

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fruity lamb tagine on the bbc website is a cracker
serve it over couscous

proper bad wools them proper skemheads

bit of lamb tagine phwoar


>the wogs, the pakis, the nigs, the nogs, the chinks, the

For mine it's toilet paper. These fucking idiots don't know how to clean their arse without paper and it's a little sad.
Got a lot of canned fruit myself.

People who live in big polluted cities actually physically age 10% faster based on a study I read.

Why are foreign types who aren't interested in art or museums apart from maybe the tate modern so keen on living in london

hate my life and i want to die

Pears for me.

Probably but the rent would be insane

Yup these losers need to install a bum gun.
Haven't bought toilet paper in a decade.

Attached: how-to-use-bum-gun.jpg (600x400, 40.11K)

have you considered a drug habit?

barbican innit

Plan on using this alot when my janny application goes through

Just saw some racism outside of Yas Forums

unironically nicer and more reliable than fresh peaches 2bh

what will you do about it?

I know so many people in London from actual nice places (Spain, Italy, Australia, NZ) etc who are here through some sort of EU passport like having an Irish gran or whatever who love living here and even though they are middle class and have obscene lives back in their home countries they insist, into their 30s, on living in London in a tiny flatshare doing a really mediocre job.

Boggles the mind

I bet I’m a 5 star poster


london is the hardest city to get laid/find a gf in because it's got all of the country's superchads here.

do you reckon we'd still have white working class youth going around acting like hardmen if it weren't for black gang culture infecting their minds?

Yup about 9000 people do.

Same absolutely nothing here for me

fruit but in a can
what will they think of next

Left London at the start of this month and never want to go back desu. Probably will end up going back though, because jobs don't exist anywhere else