Visit Israel

>visit Israel
>people clap when the plane lands
>armed security and metal detectors in every shopping center or post office
>attack helicopters and warplanes roam the sky daily
>soldiers everywhere

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I'm honestly so conflicted about Israel. Is it
>They need all that security because they're in the wrong and they know they're in the wrong
>The shitskins surrounding them are just jealous

Welcome to the Jewish State

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Your Russian ancestors knew what they were doing when they settled in that desert shithole 70 years ago

honestly when they are surrounded with idiots and Low IQ apes sand niggers, can't help it. the only advance state in that whole shithole region

Switzerland is also surrounded by low IQ apes and they don't need that much security

this, and also the only democracy in the middle east

>people clap when the plane lands
that's one of the most polish things i can think of. Where did the plane fly from?

You mean France, not Switzerland

Yes, and it will happen against you goyim

They need to make sure the number doesn't go up to 10gorillion

it's common among all third world countrues, like poland, israel, and italy.


The world is a complicated case, I think it's a bit of both really

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Based post


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M8 they are armed to their teeth and have bunkers for like 110% of the population.

the holy land needs more physical than metaphysical protection.

oy vey

>people clap when the plane lands
yes its retarded
>armed security and metal detectors in every shopping center or post office
this isnt standard everywhere ?
>attack helicopters and warplanes roam the sky daily
where do you want them to train\do air patrol ?
>soldiers everywhere
all israelis are soldiers, most people you see on the street are reservists. so what ?
you're saying these things like its a bad thing , we have a safer country and a better quality of life than the vast majority of countries on earth and most euro countries and usa.

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I know I shouldn’t like Israel because I’m Muslim, but I do respect how tolerant Israel is of lgbt people, whereas other middle eastern countries would just kill them

>Still doesn't stop terrorism and gun trafficing

Activates almonds

wtf does being a muslim have to do with disliking israel ? muslims defended israel and served in the IDF since its founding.
a bunch of my army friends are muslim and they dont hate their own country for some wierd reason.

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This is somehow bad thing for EU

Druzim don't count

>>armed security and metal detectors in every shopping center or post office
>this isnt standard everywhere ?

wtf they do when some dude comes with a suicide vest then ?

doesn't happen in most countries

Yet they have it. Also, mountainous country.

they live right next to a terrorist muslim shithole of course they clap if they survive plane landing

also they don't separate trash and just throw plastic and biowaste together

Well, I come from a Pakistani family and I had always been told that Israel was the enemy of Muslims and that we shouldn’t trust them

>also they don't separate trash and just throw plastic and biowaste together

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i seperate trash into 2 bins: glass and burnable

Where does metal go?

Not relevant if everything is burned.

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why would I throw out metal? I save it and sell to metal-buying point once every few years.

You have a pile of old cans in your basement? Do Poles really?

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>country forged by competing terrorist groups bombing the shit out of british mandate officers
>all neighbors declare war on them the second they become a state
>build so much military equipment that they can start a war with anyone and win it in 6 days
yeah it's not hard to see why the place is so militarized. fuck it, they're the only country that doesnt care about their "soft power" and jerking off diplomates. plus their mere existence aligns the rest of the region more and more with based Iran, so let israel be israel i guess

In my country we are expected to give out metal for free.
Because of this I tjrow it in trash

By metal i meant iron and it's alloys. I hardly ever buy shit cans and alluminium is recommed to be trashed in the glass bins.

actually it does, i was sure they had security like us but apparently theyre retarded
why tf would pakis even care about israel ? you're like a gorillion km away. besides im pretty sure we had joint training with the paki army when i was in the army.

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things like the intifadas were big parts of the population deny the right of the state's existence and attack each other don't happen in most countries, no

pretty sure no one denied the states existence. you can plainly see it just walking around.
and all western countries had terrorism we're in no way special

the Israelis I'm staying with tell me the opposite, that the Arabs they know deny the right of Israel to exist
>we're in no way special
yes it is special, the danger is much more concrete and constant here
things like security guards/checks everywhere, 3 years conscription and the Iron Dome aren't necessary in other countries

> that the Arabs they know deny the right of Israel to exist
i've never met such a person
>yes it is special, the danger is much more concrete and constant here
wtf are you on about ? israel is way safer then europe and an order of magnitude safer than usa.
every country has security, conscription aint special countries like germany and sweden have it and all modern states have air defense systems, ours just happen to be good.

>every country has security,
not nearly to the same extent of Israel
>conscription aint special
3 years conscription is
>all modern states have air defense systems
but they don't need them on 24/7 alert
the IDF constantly has to fight Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Libanon and Assad/Iran in Syria
I dunno if you're blind or want to deny reality but it's how it is.
That said, considering all these threats Israel does manage them well

Of course Israel is the wrong.
When you invade a country that is not yours and force the people living there to leave, you should expect resentment. Of course, the arabs that weren't cowards would fight back

>israel? palestine? the vatican should own the holy land

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>What is Syria

>Israel is their country
Pretty cucked to fight for a country founded by europoid semits

Syria is one of the least democratic countries on the planet

Ashkenazim are a minority in Israel

Wtf. That's what I expect a poor country to do.

I do it too kek

>woah dude countries can't possibly be functional decent places to live if they don't have liberal democracy! that's why israel needs our unconditional support in everything they do!

American propaganda.
And yet they're the ones that invented Israel.
The sephardim are europoids too

>this is your brain on Yas Forums

I'll take totalitarian dictatorship for $600.

>but they don't need them on 24/7 alert
fire a rocket at uk,usa,china or some other country and see what happens to it.
>the IDF constantly has to fight Hamas in Gaza
we dont, there hasnt been a fight with hamas since 2014
>Hezbollah in Libanon
they did pull that kornet stunt last year with no one injured (on our side) but other than that there hasnt been a fight with them since 2006

you can check the numbers yourself , israel is FAR safer than usa and safer than most euro countries.