Corona arrives in Italy

>corona arrives in Italy
>"just a flu bro"
1 month later
>5000 cases in 1 day
>ICUs are all occupied, massive shortage of hospital beds incoming
>put everything on lockdown regardless

Why Italians waited for over a month on something the Chinese figured out within a week or so? Now they spread the disease all over Europe

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It's still a meme.

Literally every single Swede that visited northern Italy got infected.

>this is it guys it's the happening they could've prevented it guys we're all gonna die now

Attached: happener.jpg (595x517, 53.69K)

>ICUs are all occupied, massive shortage of hospital beds incoming
It's worse: they've already said that they're not going to take in pensioners anymore because the ICUs are that overcrowded. If you're old and need medical attention, even if your odds of survival are good you're just left to die.

>Why Italians waited for over a month on something the Chinese figured out within a week or so?
Are you fucking retarded? The Chinese pretended the disease didn't even fucking exist for over a month and actively reprimanded doctors and others who tried to speak the truth.

>Now they spread the disease all over Europe
Don't just blame Italy, also blame retarded governments (including our own) that knew what was going on in Italy but nevertheless chose to just let flights go back and forth between their cities and Milan's infected zones.

Italy at the very least isolated the infected zones from the rest of the country, which is why you don't have 100+ cases in Naples. But the Netherlands had flights going between Amsterdam and Milan as late as yesterday evening.

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>tfw every single case of coronavirus that we had was a tourist coming from italy

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Yeah same shit here. Even when they reported 200 cases (only in some villages, not in Milan) every second person coming back from a 3 day visit was infected. Imagine how fucking pozzed up they are for people who walk around a city to all get the disease

And there's only been like 20 deaths. The whole thing is a meme. They're trying to cause mass hysteria so people will be more willing to have the (((vaccine))).

>Italy at the very least isolated the infected zones from the rest of the country, which is why you don't have 100+ cases in Naples. But the Netherlands had flights going between Amsterdam and Milan as late as yesterday evening.
What are you on about. They absolutely DID NOT isolate the main infected zone which has infected all of Europe now. Their politicians even set up fucking social media campaigns to #KeepMilanMoving
Do you really believe the source of a global pandemic disease is some tiny farming town and not the nearby global hub?

Most of our cases are from Iranian students who attend universities here.