Why do Japs cling to their outdated notions of Europe?

>The syndrome was first identified at around 2000 and since then hundreds of incidents have been reported each year. For example, in 2016, Japan’s embassy in Paris had to fly home a tour group of fourteen who believed that there was an active conspiracy against them to convince them Paris was "dirty, overcrowded and plagued with rude and unpleasant, dangerous people."


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Paris is a shithole.

They think all french people are blonde blues eyed and they are all members of the royality

I wish Europeans would cling to outdated notions of Europe.

I was mugged once in my life and was in Paris.
And i'm brazilian

Because Japanese people are ignorant of the world/get their perspective from the media like the sheep they are.

I imagine the losers on 2chan are more redpilled though, but they probably never leave their room.

Brilliant French

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was too cloudy and i couldnt see the top of the tower, and refugees kept trying to sell me their shitty little trinkets, entire trip a waste of money

Well, parts of Western Europe have fallen from grace and into shitholes so it's understandable to find it depressing.

Why don't they just go to Antwerp or Munich instead? These are perfect cities and no bad spot can be found there.

They expect to visit Europe but soon learn it looks like Africa full of niggers and sand niggers

>Japan’s embassy in Paris had to fly home a tour group of fourteen who believed that there was an active conspiracy against them to convince them Paris was "dirty, overcrowded and plagued with rude and unpleasant, dangerous people."

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A question that will never be answered

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>"dirty, overcrowded and plagued with rude and unpleasant, dangerous people."
sounds like every major city anywhere

Black girls in Paris are so cute!

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it makes me sick to see what has become of my ancestral homeland of evropa, why didnt euros maintain and protect it? do they not care about their heritage?

*smugglingly posts Paris syndrome*
*smugglingly posts honne tatemae*
*now behaves as if he knew anything about the country*

come to eastern Europe, untouched by globalization

He just went on a private trip with community funds.
What was he supposed to do?
>screams eratically
It allw as a fair deal.
>slaps on desk

mein homeland... mein volk...

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Shut ghe fuck up you ignorant retarded moron.

They cared before. Then the outcome of ww2 and the shilling since the 60's by a foreign tribe that owned most of the media led to this.

And i thought only amerikkkans were this retarded

Why are poles always so angry

True though

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but user muh eiffel tower

Wtf do you mean, honne tatemae?

Japanese are so fucking backwards in anything.

>all those pretty classic buildings
>art museums
>good restaurants
>no ching chong advertising lights
>less crowded than tokyo
That is something their never have. They just have cultural shock like everyone but they need their own version because Jap are so special.

read this common sense from this qt

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Their healthy cuisine (inb4 sushi and ramen) and onsens prove you wrong.

when do you realize you are the same ching chong and third world trash ching chong? your people are getting beated here recently mistaken as chinese. take a red pill chinkoid

Chill the fuck out, I didn't say anything about Warsaw.

wait, is this monaco?

Yeah that makes up for the city smelling like piss, being covered in trash qnd being mugged. Want a culture capital which isn't entirely subverted by globohomo? Go to Prague.

Same things happen to wypipo weebs who go to Japan, hoping it's an anime wonderland.

big cities aren't 100% pleasant, who would have guessed
Paris isn't a shithole; it has nice vistas, nice buildings, nice parks, a shop for practically anything you could want, and even nice people (if you look hard enough).

You just can't expect the incompetent and notoriously corrupt Parisian administration to actually care for the little details like public transport, cleanliness outside the big tourist spots, prices of living and shopping...
And as for the non-whites; it's like that in every major European city. Thanks Capitalism for open borders and using cheap immigrant labour in the 80's. Now their kids have no jobs and are burning cars and waving flags because they have an identity crisis.

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Untouched by civilization too.


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The French died in 1918. It was a good run but it's time to move on.

Please visit Tokyo.

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Please stop insulting us

I visited Paris last summer and loved it, lived up to my expectations. The black folks peddling chinese souvenirs in some places were annoying, but no matter the colour, you deal with these sorts of things in every touristy place.

Why did he smugily called Paris a shithole when his own country is dying

You are a hypocrite nonetheless.

Shut The fuck up you fuckimg retard.

Japs are utterly ignorant of the world. They're insular to the max. Completely infantilized and oblivious. They are fed a steady diet of regurgitated cultural memes, utter pap and complete bullshit.

They're children.

Aint that the truth.

are finnshit not?

Shut the fuck up mario, he makes a good point.

japs can all die for all I care

No, they are more mature than you retards.

stfu upside down monaco

Please get rid of the nogs and gypsies.

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Western Euro capitals are dirty shitholes in general + some other west Euro cities too. I still can't understand why they ruined their own capitals, like what possible purpose did it serve, so strange.

please stop insult us too.

paris syndrome is meme.
I've never seen such japanese in real life...

t.been to paris twice

France a shit hon hon hon

Poor tend to flood capital cities because they want opportunities to be rich. There are lots of hatred toward capitals all over the world, but the poor characteristics depend on the country. London is full of Pakis and Poles poor, Paris is full of African and Arab poor, etc.

Fuck off nip

local jap loses preconceived notions of paris, life

be quiet jap

shut up stoopid roo, nobody lieks you fucking native anglo speaker, get a rope already hang it tight and finish that pathetic life of yours fucking cunt :)

I thought paris was o.k, why are you whining

people are overreacting to a "syndrome" that only affects 12 japanese tourists a year out of 800000