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I'm half portuguese

Hello frens.

Attached: medbar.png (1280x719, 1.28M)

Attached: zoomer murderfu.png (936x600, 658.21K)

Imagine being her child

Attached: godfather meds.jpg (854x570, 127.89K)

she's an irredeemable killer and shouldn't be a mother
some prisoners with smaller crimes however should be impregnated so motherhood makes them better people who value the law more

Attached: mugshawtys • Instagram photos and videos.png (815x600, 677.65K)

Not a bad thought

Attached: 3543.jpg (700x469, 52.57K)

There was a website with mugshots of cute criminals.

Attached: givemeit.gif (245x150, 903.21K)

who's your crimefu /Med/?

Attached: I DO COCAINE.png (935x600, 769.03K)

>page 5

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>you have to sign in to keep scrolling
Fucking cunts.
I liked this one. instagram.com/p/B9J8OzuATns/

yeah that's bullshit, instagram are the real criminals here

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-08 mugshawtys on Instagram “DUI”.png (853x598, 838.09K)

>instagram are the real criminals here
True words.

Attached: 104-34420_Actual.jpg (709x800, 49.63K)

So, when the islands go vacant, who is going to take them?

Attached: file.png (798x776, 107.21K)

/med/ needs a quiet summer with no tourists.

On this day 3 years ago we lost the Azure Window. RIP.

Attached: file.png (1200x800, 1.94M)

Why they let thousands of people on it each day I will never understand. It was bound to break. There are talks of a steel one being built but I highly doubt it. Imagine the reflections...

Attached: steel_archway_malta.jpg (900x506, 94.23K)

There were signs but tourists are subhuman scum.
That steel shit was a concept by some Russian and if the government decides to build it I'll bomb it myself.

Lunch time; see you later.

it was destroyed by storm not by tourists

True but surely all the weight everyday must've taken its toll.

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What weight

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Attached: gigachad french revolution.png (1201x675, 1.59M)

That's what Coronachan is here for

Attached: yjvhjjqk36e41.png (1240x1754, 2.48M)

Summer will destroy the virus, or so we hope.

Attached: pout726436.jpg (841x1000, 178.24K)

thank you Corona-chan thank you Nurgle

Attached: corona chan.png (1483x1500, 760.56K)

We are already there

Attached: Venezia-now.png (1920x1081, 2.29M)

So comfy
God bless Coronachan

Hello frens

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your thoughts?

Attached: Jokerz.png (1696x1303, 1.93M)

Only on the thin part.

Viviamo in una società

These people are mentally ill

>Normienoids aren't mentally ill

Bottom right is kinda based for the flag

Joker was a shitty movie and Joaquin Phoenix is overrated

1917 and The Irish man were leagues ahead

The irishman was shitty as well

Minho irmão... I'm 1/4th. Soon we will take over this soy country and impregnate all its skinny, smoking women with our MVTTVGVESE BVLL seed

No, it was a solid story of a troubled man. A real one, unlike Joker

>at the pool
>hear kid repeatedly ask his mom why she wears the lower part of the bathsuit if she's doesn't have anything down there but a butt, unlike his dad who also have a dick
>the mom trying to answer

Attached: 1573425052683.jpg (1455x881, 165.06K)

I too thought women had nothing down there as a kid

stfu contrarian


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Attached: mediterranean borders.png (6096x2288, 1.5M)

>story of a troubled man
Lol what? You're not supposed to sympathize with the protagonist


Sauce :

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Attached: Dare to Disappoint - Growing Up in Turkey.jpg (1500x982, 262.46K)


meanwhile everyone today is sending thoughts and prayers to italy


Attached: angry greek gf.webm (640x900, 3M)

We are ready

Attached: InsignificantMellowCrab-size_restricted.gif (450x250, 2.02M)

Attached: his greek history meme.jpg (500x516, 83.3K)

>tfw no psychopathic cultist greek gf

Attached: Greekgf4.webm (1000x837, 1.91M)

>ultrachad expanded brain
Idolizing Syracuse

also based

Attached: greek nationalist gf.webm (640x640, 779.39K)

You can use insert a custom filter the uBlock filter list to prevent that popup and scroll freely. You should be able to find it easily on google.


Attached: UnfortunateAssuredHagfish-mobile_5.webm (640x360, 2.8M)