
Wake up, fuckers

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back from 11 hour nap

NO FAKIN JOKE CUNTS a year or two ago a little Kangroo fucker JUMPED right on the road it was crossing and I was like OH SHIT FUCK MASH THE BRAEK and I didn't hit it fuck me it would cost alot cunts

But at what cost

started sleeping just then
dick feels funny

Awake but at what cost

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But at what cost

still sleeping
but at what cost

morning, chaps

tere hommikust, kap

why does good morning in estonian sound EXACTLY like "were communast" in freedom?

alive in the wrong place

(nice dubs)
tere hommikust
were communast
doesnt sound the same at all



literally just need to flip the
>'t and h'
in "tere hommikust" for
>'w and c'
and your language would become a lingua franca

I'm already drinking
Woke up 30minutes ago

It's not going to be better when you come to /balt/ics

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absolute madman

i have returned
from the 7 hour sleep

Should I play Kerbal Space Program even though I am a brainlet?

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Yes! But don't give up if you don't succeed at first or first 10 tries.
And set small goals. Like getting something into the orbit. Then getting something into the orbit and back down. And then setting different orbits. Changing orbit. Only then aim for the moon.
I believe in you, comrade!

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>Daily reminder
Visos moterys tik pakartoja tave,
kaip šių metų žolė pakartoja pernykštę. Jeigu kartais netyčia ir dairaus į kitas,
tai todėl, kad geriau įsitikint galėčiau,
kad jos visos tiktai pakartoja tave,
kaip šių metų žolė pakartoja pernykštę.
Justinas Marcinkevičius

Nuskusk mano plaukus, Kamile, užimk mane, okupuok, devalvuok, nuskink, sutrypk ir apkabink, sklastyk mano džiumbrišką plaukuoseną, džiugink mane savo gimimu ir nuoširdaus, geranoriško, slabno paikumo įkūnijimu. Prikalk mane prie sienos, kaip prikala tave, ir mušk, galabyk, trankyk, kaip tranko tave, pasmauk, žymėk mane savo kruvinais randais, savo smarve ir mano nasosais, atiduok juos man, paskolink, paleisk juos lygtinai, kad jie taptu mano nuosavybe, neįkainojamu, nekilnojamu turtu, relikvija, palikimu, paveldu. Paskandink mane savo nekaltos atgailos rate ir parklupdyk prieš altorių, o pamaldumui išblėsus, nusimesk paltą, kad tave dengtų tik rudi, apsiblausę plaukai, ir tu visa man matytumeis pro savo rainas, drumzlinas, dvarneškiškas akis - kad niekas nedengtų tavo mielos nosytės, lengvų rankyčių ir tavo gležnų, mergaitiškų krutų. Pripildyk mane savo šilumos, to spindulėlio, ne, visos savo saulės, kurios nerasi nei šventiniame blusturgyje, nei mūsų miško paūnksmėje, nes ji šviečia tik man, ir pasirodys pro rudens darganą kitą naktį, kai atpūškuosi prie ašaromis patvinusio ežero, aisiai alsuodama po sprinto, kad nematytų liaudis, kur eini.

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>another opinion piece in epl
>if you dont let in non whites you are racist and cant evolve also we need them for the economy
>authors last name is berg

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Thank you my baltic fren
I'll name my first space ship after you which will probably explode on launch

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Post pics

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I don't even have the game yet I've just been watching youtube videos

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i don't speak cepelinai

Which brand has the best kvass?

For me it's m=Mõisa Kali

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Reach for the stars user.

How good is it?

I want the pink soup

probably the best kvass you could buy in supermarket here

All these shitty cultural norms come from the USA and in turn are result of parliamentarism and universal suffrage.

its these -bergs and -ssons and people who dont look like Estonians who do this propaganda. atleast the comment section is based as usual

nah they come from sw*den

>atleast the comment section is based as usual
Those are only boomers though which aren't the target anyway. The long-term goal is to brainwash the younger generations into race-mixing and becoming pro-refugee liberals which begins in our schools already by the roastie teachers and notebooks.


and where do you think sweden got these ideas from?

What are some ideas to enforce racism in /balt/ics?

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>which begins in our schools already by the roastie teachers and notebooks.'
take your medicine

what a fucking mess

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>The long-term goal is to brainwash the younger generations into race-mixing and becoming pro-refugee liberals which begins in our schools
Correct This was already heavily pushed when I was in high school. The narrative goes like this: "You, Estonians were slaves, the american niggers were also slaves, therefore you have more in common with niggers than fellow europeans" They use the same talking point in ireland btw

How old are you? I can bring you several examples of the things I've noticed.

wtf, eesti are still racist?

Show me then

How old are you first? There's no way you never noticed these things unless you're a literal cuckold retard or 30 at least.

This. I finished school some time ago. There was a day where they replaced class with some pro tolerance movie about refugees working in a shop in Germany and had a discussion about it afterwards.

Are you prepared, boys?

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Here is the formula.
1. Minorities with the right to vote. (Universal suffrage.)
2. Parliamentary democracy where every percentage matters.
And you get:
3. Politicians who ready to suck minorities' dicks for percentage points in elections.
Those politicians become guardians of their beloved minorities and of political correctness.

It is important to point it out, so that people stopped masturbating to parliamentary democracy, as if it were the ideal form of government.
Lately I have grown to like lukashism because of that realisation, and I am not even memeing.

mulle meenub ainsana see kui ajalootunnis uurisime karl marxi kaks nädalat järjest, pidime veel mingi kirjandilaadse teksti kirjutama. suht veider tagasi mõeldes



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>An educational programme directed to children in kindergartens and primary schools
>Mandatory HR training on diversity at workplaces

Vile, disgusting people. Cult like fanaticism.
They need to be stoped!

they are seething hard
that event was attended only by (((foreigners))) of different countries to discuss how to make us more multicultural, lmao

They are ''teaching'' you how to live. They are asking for your money to tell you how ''bad'' of a person you and your kids are.

I expected this horror in Sweden but not in Bestonia.

Remember these people! They are evil

P I G G I E S 園ぞゃ援越域て

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just listening to this generations greatest genius wbu

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Not a fan desu
she would sound better with a bbc in her mouth