Explain this Japan

Explain this Japan

Attached: Corn.jpg (1108x1478, 221.55K)

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Japan uses plastic on everything because they actually recycle and don't have a litter problem.

What's the point to wrapping it in plastic though? It already has a husk

it's already boiled and ready to eat

I don't know what's wrong with that.

Well that makes more sense

Do mutts find corn with packaging odd?

Yeah, you got an explanation for this, Japan?

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We never package it in the US. We leave it in the husk

Japan is like the world top plastic polluter

We have this too

Boiled corn is disgusting by the way.

The real way to eat corn is to grill it in the husk

It's not piss water. lemon water with a lot of vitamin C

Japanese use plastic to package vegetables/fruit because the consumers perceive it to be more "fresh". They don't wash their hands though.

>this is a good excuse on the dirty smelly weeb mind

That's sad. Most fruits/veggies are fine on their own

the corn is wrapped just because it's boiled

and you sharters don't wash your assholes

shut up putaku

we do this too

Attached: maissi.png (727x966, 1.55M)

Most plastic isn't recyclable and the plastic that is usually ends up in 3rd world shitholes where it becomes garbage.

maybe the reason japans birthrate is so low is because the xenoestrogens leeching from the plastic into their food?

say it to spain with even lower birth rate

Korans arent that stupid

Match is fucking oishii.
I like lifeguard a little more but haven't seen it here in Oki.

we only package vegetables when they are already cooked (it's boiled corn in OP's pic)

sweet corn

how does that make putting everything in plastic a good thing

>Yas Forums science

It doesn't explain why homosex in Netherlands are so popular though.

because sex but you wouldnt understand

I will homosex in your ass

you sound stupid lol

It's so Japs can use it as a dildo.

Sounds convenient

What's wrong with it?

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mi primo tiene una empresa de elote amarillo, también vende los elotes envueltos en plástico, y la charola donde vienen también es de plástico, deja de ser un autista incel

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Explain this Japan.

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Jugo de maíz

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local jap loses plastic corn packaging,
turtle, life

Isn't this pretty common?

Peruvians do that shit too

Attached: chicha-maiz-morado-100-peruano-19bbbc736451379e3c9ff52999547c7c.jpg (1800x1201, 199.39K)

>a single apple in japan costs $2-$3

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ah yes

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what? no, I think only in Peru, maybe other places in South America, I'd say most Mexicans would be disgusted which is funny because huitlacoche is a popular appetizer or ingredient in central Mexican cuisine

Attached: Receta-de-huitlacoche-con-elote-y-calabacitas.jpg (800x600, 54.76K)

Weird, they sell corn juice here sometimes. Never knew where it was from, kind of assumed mexico or the southern states.

Japan recycles and doesn't litter
fuck off David
no real Taiwanese will insult Japan

>no real Taiwanese will insult Japan

t. zhang
All real Taiwanese love Japan. The ones that don't are Zhangs

Ok tojo

t. Zhang
I am real Taiwanese and every other real Taiwanese I know loves Japan. The ones that don't are KMT cucks or CCP shills, aka Zhangs

they say Japanese work environment is soulcrushing, then explain this japan.

Attached: sextop.net-ipx-058-aizawa-minami-fetish-maniacs-01-686x481.jpg (686x481, 63.26K)

The KMT did literally nothing wrong.

Japan, explain.

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Only certain types of plastic can be recycled to other uses and make certain things with it, but it's not like you could just melt a water bottle and make another bottle.
Japan needs to stop using so much plastic in everything:
Sadly they fell for >le money justifies everything meme which they learned from americans, but now they are polluting the planet the same or even worse than indians with their poo.

Attached: Sin título.jpg (1288x773, 306.73K)

>burn chinese villages and tell farmers to burn their crops to deter japanese invaders
>farmers get angry and kick them off to some island
>start killing their own people and instating martial law for over 30 years
i dunno man

>tfw i can get fresh corn, mangoes, banana, avocado, pineapple, papaya, melon in less than a dollar for a kilo

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>tfw have to work 3 days for a dollar

>go in wrong alley
>men in flip flops come up to you on a motorcycle
>get mugged
>police man arrests you for no reason
>lose money
>fuckboi starts hanging out with your girl
>get fucked

>Japan needs to stop using so much plastic in everything

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