Édition ك...م ف...ن
/mena/ - Le fil du Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord
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Good morning I hate shias
why can't you learn to behave yourself, you fucking ape?
Salut les kop1s
>made bread and food
I don't have anything else to do today. What should I do mena
buy hot dog
salut le bvll
time for some anthems youtu.be
t. based
>literally just Jordanians and Egyptians their home countries didn't want
>can't even come up with their own flag
>kicked out of every other Arab nation they've been refugees in because they're constantly causing shit
>kicked out of Lebanon for starting a civil war
>kicked out of Jordan for trying to take over sections of the country
>Egypt build a wall to keep them out before Israel did
>Saudi Arabia fucking can't stand them
>literally cause problems for fucking everyone in the region
>frequently agitate the IDF on purpose to garner sympathy points from leftie retards in the West (no one in the region falls for it anymore)
>literally subhumans that live like dirt monkeys and demand gibs from everyone while pretending to be le sooper speshul paluhstinean
Palestinians are literally worse than kikes.
no stop... you can't be too based
don't worry i'm leaving some for you. we're both based
please don't leave, based leaf.
How original..
إخرس أيها الكافر الأبله
كسم ربك ولا
الاردنيات جميلات؟
that's it, /mena/, i'm leaving forever
Honestly it's all the Iraqis. They are the worst posters here, and not in a funny way.
why don't we arabs have such superior folksinging styles?
>no stop Iraqi stop ruining my general
nobody care
go eat lizard for lunch
>nooooo why does God send people to hell for eternity it's cruel
إخرس يا شرذمة
بالمناسبة الإلحاد مخالف للقانون الأردني
لذا توقف عن امتصاص القضبان وإلا انتهيت خلف القضبان
غدانا بامية
تاكلون البامية؟
>>nooooo why does God send people to hell for eternity it's cruel
Nsvsr said such thing. It's rather based actually because some people deserve it look you for example.
الأردني الآخر(القروي)يأكل الغائط
>no meat
I'm vegetarian :)
انتا اصلا مش أردني روح انتاك.
واذا كنت اذا انت شاذ بتنتاك من طيزه (حرفيا)
نايك ام الصلاعمة والاردنيين الثانيين والعيراقيين والسعوديين
انا الفحل البلجيكي ابو زب
عطوني نسوانكم مشان ابدا عملية التلقيح
بتمنى جنسية عراقية
have you heard how ugly our language is
اريد لبنانية من الجنوب
مهما طال الزمان وأبعدتنا المسافات يبقى
فينا الحنين خيطا يلف قلوبنا
ها قد حان الأوان لنلون أحلى الذكريات .
الخلافة 2.0 قريبا وأمثال القروي المنكوح لن يجدوا الوقت ليندموا. فبلطوا البحر غيظا من معاملتي وفي الجحيم ان اسطعتم فزجوني
>your country could have been a free for all battleground for multiple foreign nations to test their new weapons in
Always appreciate what you have.
our language sounds marvelous, what are you talking aboot?
اروح اكل منسف بدون بهار ولاتنسى تنقب عن النفط الحجري ^_^
>fairuz in 2020
I'm gonna break
>your country could have been just a poor saudi
وجاهل مده في جهله ضحكي حتى أتته يد
فراسة وفم إذا رأيت نيوب الليث بارزة فلا تظنن أن الليث يبتسم
>why yes I'm salafi number 23947479 living in a western nation, what gave it away?
wild, innit?
do they come here to cope with being bullied IRL?
she will be forever immortalized in our hearts.
رحمة الله عليها
That's the exact reason.
Incels find within religion an excuse for them not have sex or talk to women.
how could a leb not cherish and be proud of a legacy of such a great artist, who is considered one of Lebanon's national treasures
levantine is passable but kek at almost all the rest especially maghrebi (sorry bros)
holy mother of Akkad this general feels like a subreddit without the glorious Iraqi flag
كس امك
this is your brain on apostasy
Uhm...hello,based department?
she is a disgusting rat faced leftist muslim nigger lover who panders to the enemies of her christian kind and her music is sub par to mediocre at best
حاول تحصل على حياة بدل سبام فيسبوك ميمز على جنرال للسب-هيومانز، معاق مريض، اذا كان لي هدف بالحياة هو ان ماينتهي بي المطاف مثلك
Yea am thinkin based
why is this general being invaded by a pack of feral J*rdniggers again?
Based as fuck dude