
Flat earth edition


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whats gucci my niggas

Attached: corona.png (666x703, 394.71K)

Wake up sibhumans

Bolgariya i Rossiya=edin narod

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Skopq = Voulgaria
Ellada = Makedonia

Nope. Fuck off.

Wazzup with the non stop rain

Spirits crying over you

>shit on Hungary 24/7
>still get pissed off when non-Hungarians insult it
Why am I like this?

Because a true patriot sees both the good and the flaws in his country and he won't stop to love it nevertheless

I'm not a p*triot.

hungary is shit
deal with it

Where my Montenegro boys at

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If you feel the need to defend your country or get angry when people are saying shit against it, you have patriotism inside you.

More or less, but it's there. A healthy dose of patriotism.

Same, but with albania
I guess its something ingrained into our asic human insticts

I've lost any and all semblance of patriotism and pride during my service in the army.
Still hate those subhuman c*mmie cucks and the turkroaches though.

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Yes but it's better than Slav(e) shitholes that insult it.

That's why people call for reforms in the army.

Is there anything more annoying than people who never drink because "I don't need alcohol to be happy tee hee", or people who brag about how they've never smoked a cigarette, as if having a drink or smoking a cig or eating fast food every once in a while will have any meaningful impact on their lives?

Health freaks are the most annoying fuckers in the world, especially when they act like their autistic obsession with never consuming anything unhealthy is some enlightened moral principle.

4 cases already

You've said it yourself. Nationalism is for low IQ people and you're low IQ.

hey russia isnt a shithole, apologize for being rude

This post is pure cope.

Which part of it is cope exactly? You can't trust a dude who orders orange juice while everybody else is drinking pálinka.

It's not your choice to tell someone else what they can or cannot order. Lose fat.

Russia is a shit hole but that doesn't mean it's a bad country

But I'm free to consider them obnoxious faggots with a bunch of completely and entirely useless principles which are a dead giveaway that the person in question is a fucking bore.

Right, right, everyone that doesn't conform to your ideal is an obnoxious faggot. How old are you really?

>everyone that doesn't conform to your ideal is an obnoxious faggot
Yes, people who do obnoxious things are obnoxious. That's, like, the point of my post.

Tbqhdesu Russia is a corrupt shithole but it's...er...well the food is...er...and I suppose the temperature is...eh...it has some nice buildings I suppose...
At least the Vodka helps to withstand both the food and climate.

Dude how can it be that we always have the same weather

>tfw go out with friends and we get to ordering what we want to drink
>don't like the taste of alcohol and find no reason to order the same shit just to fit in, we're bros
>order myself some nice orange juice and this one faggot fatass is seething with rage at me for some reason

You're the one seething rn

Nah, I'm just pointing out how autistic and insecure he is. People can order whatever they want.

You know very well that I'm not talking about people who don't drink because "they don't like the taste of it," but about smug stuck up faggots with "principles" that exist solely for the sake of them being "principled." That's literally it. When you ask them what the point of those principles is, you realize that they're retarded niggers, and that their principles don't have any real purpose or make their lives better in any meaningful way.

If you have such a hipster soyboy in your friends group that drinks orange juice just to be trendy it might be time to re-evaluate yourself first.

This is quite ironic, but Bulgaria, as a Soviet protectorate ended up better than an 'independent' Romania. But that's because Ceausescu was genuinely retarded and didn't implement any capitalist policies even though he could.

i don't drink alcohol because I get addicted to all kinds of beverages very fast. I'm addicted to coke now.

I'm with you at this, also this is common to recovering addicts.

But also, some people do use that to show off for supposedly being superior. It cuts both ways

I don't, but in high school I had this one friend-of-a-friend who'd refuse to eat fast food no matter the circumstances. One time we went to Novi Sad with a few friends and acquaintances and we were walking around at 2AM and we were all hungry as fuck. But the autistic fucker categorically refused to eat anything "unhealthy" as if eating fast food once will automatically kill him. It was so annoying, I felt like it's sort of rude that we're all eating in front of him, but really it's not our fault that he's autistic and complicates things for everyone.
>i don't drink alcohol because I get addicted to all kinds of beverages very fast
That's okay, I don't drink either right now. But people who act smug about some utterly retarded principles are the worst.

>order a pizza
>the waiter asks if I want to have soy cheese on it instead of regular one because of the fast
God is dead and we killed him, christianity is done for, jump ship while you still can.

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Ah, terrone

>ywn nuke Japan
Why even live?

So what's the problem? Just let him have it his way, if he doesn't want to he doesn't need to. Idk man you just sound very insecure to me.


show the opening of the first McD restaurant in your Eastern European country

>So what's the problem?
The problem is that it's annoying and needlessly complicates things for everyone else.

How does it complicate things and how is it annoying?



Why do you hang out with autists?

It's annoying because under normal circumstances (during daytime) you have to go out of your way to find something "healthy" for him, and during night you have to exclude him which is impolite, so people try to convince him not to be an autistic twat, and that's TEDIOUS. He could, y'know, just behave like a normal person.

And smug autists who never drink because of muh principles and brag how they've never smoked a cigarette as if that somehow made them better are just cringy and I hate them.

Your social circle sounds like trash. I have a few friends who don't drink and two who don't eat fast food but we don't exclude them for that autistic reason and continue chatting away as per usual.

I wonder if an average dweller of Budapest or Prague thinks how lucky he is because he lives in one of the most beautiful cities in the world and thinks about it every day or people just live their lives and care about mundane problems.

It's hard to focus on your daily duties if you're surrounded by such beauty I guess.

I don't mean exclude in a sense that we stop talking to them, retard. I mean it's just impolite to eat while somebody else can't (well, he technically can, but whatever). So by doing so we are bring impolite, I guess.
>muh conformism
Be non-conformist about something that actually matters.
It's a friend of a (former) friend. I can't stand people like that, but my (former) friend is extremely easy-going and it's impossible to piss him off.

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This all smells like highschool shit to me. If the other party doesn't want to eat/drink/smoke that's up to them. It's not impolite to eat in front of someone that doesn't want to eat ffs.

>Be non-conformist about something that actually matters.
Health matters though
Be non conformist but dont be a prick who goes out of his way to make a shitshow
Im guessing if he didnt complain and you just went and ate Fastfood and he went somewhere else to eat it wouldn't have been a problem

From what he said they're clearly pressuring the kid to buy fast food when he doesn't want to.

Did Albanians/Macedonians/Bulgarians watch Greek TV in the 1980s just to see cool capitalist commercials?

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A greek friend of mine stopped drinking cause he always went out of control when drunk, so he just stopped some years ago. We dont exclude him because of that, sounds stupid af.
