Why are the Japanese so good at writing games?
Why are the Japanese so good at writing games?
They're really good at escaping from reality
They're really good a writing shit that makes my face go red from embarrassment.
>Putting Spec ops right next to Wolfenstein Youngblood, Gone Home and The Last of Us
Come on now
they aren't good writers because their Japanese.
it's been implied that there is a correlation between creativity and mental illness.
and japan has a knack for grinding people down into worker bees. so those who don't become workers tend to be nutters of varying degrees
Yes, I love games about highschooler with no friends using magical powers to kill god.
Because we have Nintendo and CAPCOM
>Implying Spec Ops is any better than the rest
Give me one(1) good japanese game that isn't from Kojimbo or Platinum Games, both honorary american companies.
Hard mode : Give me one(1) good japanese indie game.
Because the Japanese brain is the most unique in the world. Anime, manga, Godzilla, Mario, Sonic, Medal Gear Solid, Dark Souls
cmon now spec ops and bioshock are overrated, but they aren't the trash those other ones are.
Because the greatest game companies in the world were created by Japanese people.
And the Japanese made the best console called PlayStation.
American video games are trash for us.
Why did your unique brain ruin Kamen Rider by making it about literally everything but karate bugmen as it was originally?
1 street fighter/KoF/guilty gear/unist/whatever other fighting game you like
2 would an indie Japanese game even reach us at all?
>the best console called PlayStation
>Give me one(1) good japanese indie game
Video games are for littler kids, so there's far less investment on making games that pander to man babies.
>2 would an indie Japanese game even reach us at all?
If a Turkish knight simulator made by a couple in their garage managed to get a cult following all aroun the world i can't see why not.
I googled and found yume nikki and ao oni, neither are really good, but people like them i guess. But those are beyond indie they are actually basement dweller's freeware
The storylines of Japanese video games are based on Japanese manga. And Japanese manga storylines are based on Indian mythical fantasy like Rāmāyana or Mahābhārata.
Dragonball is literally based on 西遊記 which is Chinese version of Rāmāyana. And Tedsuka Osamu who is considered the father of Japanese manga culture was highly influenced
from story of Mahābhārata. The story of "Pluto" in "Tetsuwan Atom (Astroboy)" reminds of Vishnu and Asura in Samudra manthan.
Diddy Kong and King K. Rool are from the UK tho, and Dark Samus from America
Banjo & Kazooie was from the UK too
Western writers these days don't either experience enough themselves, nor read/watch varied entertainment. They don't have enough to draw from.
Japs aren't Hemingway, they don't experience that much themselves either, but they read a lot and consume a whole lot more different kinds of stuff than California twitter checkmarks who only watch their bubble's approved crap.
You know the OP image is bait as the story in metal gear rising is crap right?
I too would like to know this. Though I'm more interested in why ONLY Japanese games have good gameplay.
"Dark" Samus? OC donut steel
It's good entertainment. Good entertainment comes from good writing.
all of which are derived from something else
How can anyone be entertained with modern games?
Try playing jap and (east-)euro games. West is finished.
MGR is the only good MG
Already did. Extremely boring and stupid games.
None could beat a Mario bros, Legacy of Kain or even a GTALC.
Games today are made for dumb people.
I remember when Sonic appeared for the first time. Jump, jump, get coin, get hit capture the coins again, roll, roll. That was the work of a true genius. I loved to go in a genocidal rampage agains't the demons of hell too, that's was a lot of fun. It wasn't like modern games where the gameplay is easy as fuck. The hard mode today is the equivalent of the easy mode when I played
you're just old, there are also contemporary games that are hard
No. Even the producers know that their games suck, which is why they keep trying to make remakes.
thank you for your contribution to the world culture
On the other hand you fucks inflicted isekai on the world so fuck you.
>hurr hard means gud
Listen here you fucking monkey nigger, older games were hard for no other reason than to pad out the play time you would get out of them. Technical limitations meant that games had to be small, and no one wanted to drop $60 in 90's dollars on a game that they would be done with in an hour.
why do you care so much about normies and their normie games? of course in the 1980's they were different because the target audience was different, nowadays everybody (at least every male) plays videogamesdo the average game everybody is playing had to be dumbed down
In 1985 we had Super Mario, in 2019 we had Grand Poo World 2
cuz youre a weeb
and anyways there are legitimate video games released recently that most people would consider hard, more so than "Sonic" or whatever
They aren't even decent. They suck. Almost all their games are either variation of the same thing earlier done by somebody with dogshit overcomplicated plot
western games are pure garbage. it only sells to western brainless casuals just because its western. none of their stories are impressive. just fucking forgettable. last gen it was all about dudebro garbage. now its all about progressive and feminist trash. whats the next
character development wise japanese story telling is much more oldshool hollywood than western games
Wasn't Cave Story an Indie Game?
writing is their weakest suit, they're great at making fun gameplay
Those are stuff for children
>last gen
This is the biggest problem with Japan, and it's also why you rarely see Japanese indie games. Nips are all console babbies.
but they're even worse at writing them than they are at making them
Butthurt much? Chink
Japs have tons of indies, I prefer wester indie games tough.
whats the problem. i was just talking about your last gen games.
most indies on steam are literally phone game tier gimmicky and short games. most popular indies are meme games like undertale. on top of that its full of chink shit or early access trash, and you know it.
its just a fact. but just in case, i didnt count slav games as western trash. stalker soc is one of my fav games of all time.
They aren't. They make unoriginal trash.
>Japanese so good at writing games
99% of Japanese games are rehashes
how does that ancient slanted eyes proverb go: pott-u kall-ing kett-el brakku
Isn’t MGR an American game?
funny all of you have to group under the cheap globalism concept "the west"
most western games are just americanised trash pandering to the mutt market. enjoy your control garbage where a tranny protag shoots at shit.
but Japanese video games have one of the worst writing? What makes Japanese games stand out is their gameplay, their storytelling is elementary school tier.