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Countries that used to have monarchies, ever wished they were back?

Only based monarchy was absolute one, and I don't think we can afford one

Yes, and we will bring it back one day.

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Yes 100% of course why you ask

they're a joke tho

yes, more than 1000 years of different rulling systems cleary show that Lithuanian King is the only one working political system. We haven't tried Pharaonism though, so there is a chance that it could work better.

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>The Iron Duke
Excuse me?

Attached: wellington.png (800x1093, 1.47M)

No, I'm no cuck of no king or royal family

>He thinks voting will save him.
I bet you believe that the system of liberal democracy creates a division between the State and the society it governs too, huh faggot?

The state is the people. Direct democracy is the only true democratic government type

whats the point of roayaltie ? they cost tons of money to the country for nothing, fuck them