Help a bored IDF soldier pass the time

Help a bored IDF soldier pass the time

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post cock

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File size would be too small

Is Israel good/comfy? Have you ever traveled to another country?

How many muslims u shoot today? Czech em ezekiel

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I actually really like Israel.
I lived in the US for a year and have been to London, Paris and Germany

None today, I tried to shoot a few on Friday.

Have you been in combat?

Sure I'll chat w you my Hebrew overlord, I'm a good goy. Now show piece

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No, IDF hasn't seen real combat since last Gaza war. Nowadays, the closest a combat soldier will get to combat is riot control


How does it make you feel that pagan Romans and Greeks clapped your women's booties and bitch slapped your god and rabis for thousands of years?

Are you the JIDF agent assigned to monitor my posts?

Do you want to kill us southern Europeans?

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Im only culturally Jewish, lost my faith in high school

I'm no neckbeard

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Nope, you can be our slaves, we will only kill the germans

Can I convert to Judaism and apply for an Israeli passport next day?

Conversion is pretty hard, but once you cut your dick you're in. Shows dedication

most feminine hands i've ever seen. the absolute state of jewish ''''soldiers''''.

Hands are made for fingering, not shooting.

>Already got my dick cut
I'll be collecting welfare checks now

why does the idf have these? ive seen them in a lot of pics and dont understand their purpose

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why wont you just defect my dude
just fucking run away

>culturally Jewish

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You can't succeed if you don't try

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I would stay put.

Storage for the magazine and a secure place to tie the weapon sight to

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Is it true jews have a national holiday where they invite white men to fuck their wives so they can have white kids?

do you not have magazine pouches? or can israeli soldiers not be trusted with firearm safety. i saw some weird barrel safety in your other pic too

hold up just sending these images to the PFLP

>tie weapon sight
is it that bad...

No need, we had enough European rape to have a large enough white population to receive western sympathy.

Magazine pouches? Only in our combat vests.
And Israeli soldiers can definitely Not be trusted with anything to do with weapon safety. Because we take our weapons everywhere (including home) there are many accidents.

Rumor has it the the clasps that hold the sight on the weapon can spontaneously open. I only know one person it happened to and he was in basic training so it's possible he just didn't close the clasps.

How come you're bored all the time, is it typical in the army

Why do you only want to enslave and not kill us all?

If an Arab coalition of every Arab country formed and invaded Israel tomorrow would you be ready?

Are you the same Israeli soldier that made some AMA threads half a year ago?

What is your role?

>we take our weapons home
why is israel considered a competent military holy shit lmao. you dont even have the patrol belts that have the 4 mag pouch? why would you even have your rifle if you arent going to be prepared for combat also storing those mags ON the gun adds a fuck ton of weight each m4 mag is like 2 pounds. also the scope should never come off since its literally clasped and held on by screw pins


It the same thing.

Atm my job is to sit in the control room and listen to the radio for 12 hours.

We need slave labor to build our reptilian lairs. Also, we need fresh blood.

As if Arabs could ever cooperate...
We always joke our best defense is the incompitance of our enemies...

Yup, unless there is some other guy I'm not aware of.

Drone operator, designed marksman and medic

Don't know what a patrol belt is. When on duty we have a combat vest. Otherwise we just carry a magazine either on the weapon or in a reachable place

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>Drone operator, designed marksman and medic

Thats a load of stuff for one guy. I was the machinegunner and not much else when I did my conscription.

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patrol belt, has existed since like the 1800s. also theres no point in carrying a rifle unless you are on patrol or sentry duty. is your reasoning that you are 'constantly under attack' why do you go home anyway shouldnt you just stay at your barracks? why do you have so many roles is the idf that understaffed

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Hi there shlomo, are there any jewish argentines in your unit/company?

To a Jew who wants to kill all non Jews because that's what's in Jews interest as a people to him, what would you tell him?

I've heard that we do lots of roles. Saves on manpower.
What is Finnish conscription like?

What's it been like since then? From what I remember you talked about always being stuck in the control room and occasionally going on patrol

More of the same?

Terror attacks rarely target barracks. Its good to have a large population of competent citizens with firearms.
I wouldn't say we are understaffed but especially in recon battalions we try to keep teams small (mine is like 14 including a sergeant and officer)

Nope, one Brazilian though.


Are there skills you learn in the army that you can use in civilian jobs, or is it all specialized

Lol, we do rotations of 4 months of being stationed in the WB and 4 months of training. So we had the training season which was extremely hard b/c of the weather. Also, my company commander left the army and was replaced by an idiot.
And yes, I'm still in the control room most of the time (different control room and different area of the WB though

Finnish conscription is usually 6 months, and pretty much all males do it (Its optional for females, but the government has decided to look into if it should be gender neutral). After that you are transfered to the reserves. The time in is like it used to be here, a lot of waiting, a lot of time at the range and a few months of specialization.

Im a Swede tho, so I know our system better then the finnish one. For us its still usually one man one role, as the general idea is that if you need to to be able to man the machine gun, treat others and have someone fly a drone, you usually need to have them all at the same time, and one guy cant do that.

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Besides security jobs? Only if you aren't in a combat role.

what do your feet smell like jew boi?

cute feet can i see more burger-kun

>all at the same time. Makes sense, the idea behind our reasoning is in case the Drone operator dies you still have a few people who know how to do it. Medics usually become designated marksman or get a m203 because when your not actively taking care of someone you might as well be useful.

Like someone who didn't have a shower in 36 hours.

How long have you been in the army so far anyway? How long do you plan on staying in it?

>Like someone who didn't have a shower in 36 hours.


post feet and boot zionist colonizer. plz

Oh yeah, we do cross-training like that too, a lot. I just meant that there is a designated guy for each weapon system/role. For example, everyone in my squad was trained on the 249, but I was the one carrying it. Medics here usually just have a regular rifle, while the M203 is on the squadleader/2nd in command.

Imagine being orth*dox waste

Can you please take your fetich back to

How much do you get paid by Americans to shoot Palestinian children


In Canada think you can get IT certification if you go down that path, and semi driving license if you drive heavy vehicles