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I’m British

screeching at this one

kpop edition

crazy how popular it is these days

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Gnight lads x

you're a traveller is what you are
a dirty thieving traveller

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really says a lot about society

only people who watch anime listen to k-pop yes it’s technically popular but on the autistic fringes of society.

god i wish that doorframe was my nose

nth for kyary

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Fuck you kpop virgins I’m going to bed I got work in the morning, you don’t know what it’s like for a working man cuz ur an autistic NEET

That applies to you too mikey you lazy scoundrel, you live with mummy in a dilapidated caravan with no running water or electricity and a slop bucket of shite under your bed

Mikey you’ve never done a hard days graft in your life , I would put you to shame at your own trade you simple innocent little fool of a boy

Sick of seeing niggers and pakis everywhere. Cant fucking stand living in London anymore.

powerful. we really are slaves to popular culture.


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simmer down sweet heart

You couldn’t brush sand into a job you socially inept virgin

get off the internet mate, has rotted your brain

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Doing a flirt

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dear britons, google translate these posts:
and then stop falling for this retard's larping.



>the angry irish lad works the weekends
you can't lash out at toilberg for this injustice so you lash out at innocent posters in /brit/ as your uncontrolled rage boils over

Mate I could pave a drive much cleaner and better than you or your ilk could dream of, one country man is worth ten of your lot in work ethic

Stick to stealing copper

just baiting you to post more
you fool, you absolute FOOL

I look ridiculously handsome today
love it when you have a good hair/skin day

pics x

there's an iranian or moroccan shitskin that terrorizes /brit/ all day, every day with his shitskin posts. please come collect him

centrists, 2015-19: the next labour leader should be a woman
corbyn resigns, two left wing women and a centrist man are the viable candidates for labour leader
centrists 2020: vote for the man please

I’m on a phone can you just give me the basic rundown?

oh fuck off
do it for me if you want me to care

sort yourself out

secretly a gyppophile lads. big fan of (irish) gypsy culture. admire the insular, close-knit community they have and the anti-government freedom mentality. find the anti-intellectual, hyper-masculine pro-confrontational mindset very appealing.

if I were prime minister I’d make gypsies a protected minority for sure. sharia courts but for gypsies. designated parks for caravan settlement. exemption from taxes. the normals would be absolutely FUMING.

translate for us pls

I'm shy lol

Fair play to you if you can. I don’t personally desire to pave driveways myself. Silly countryman. Always has to have a boss

please use google translate, you're still falling for it.

he's some racist autist we bullied off /nederdraad/ so he picked leo, iranon (the iranian) and some other people to shitpost as to make people hate on them.

had to change some words for google to get it.
thanks and goodbye

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nah don't be

>find the anti-intellectual, hyper-masculine pro-confrontational mindset very appealing.
bet you do

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this except liquidate the whole lot once they're all on the gyppo reservations

almost out of toothpicks
not fond of this development

I literally don't care

like I can't even right now

we literally don't care about any of that, /brit/ lives in his head rent free

i'll be honest with you lad even if he'd never stepped foot here everyone would still hate you shitskins

I only mean to break his larp so he stops shitposting. bye

Knocked over my red goon twice last night
This never happens when I'm drinking white goon or beer. Literally every time I drink red I knock it over or spill it

gypsies are superior. accept it. bugmen

another victory for the floorboard masterrace
carpetfags fuming

carpertberg is smiling tonight

it is you who will fume when winter rolls around and you've got to wear socks and slippers every time you walk

poo lol

Lol, I was drunk posting in /brit/ last night
How are you lads

the antipodean phenotype

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I sent the glass flying lol
Got it in me keyboard, me clothes, me carpet, me mattress protector, me curtain, me monitor and so on

people hate gypsies because they wish they had an ounce of freedom or balls like they do. they feel crushed and forced to partake in the system and then they see these gypsies blatantly ignoring the rules and doing what they want, and it sets their little subservient minds ablaze. fact.

lies and slander

you're just triggered because I'm a based black maroccan chad and get all the white girls

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could have a wank right now if i wanted but i wont

another victory for the weedblazer masterrace
alchies fuming

it happens

Yeah, it’s true. Honestly does make them seethe. That’s their own problem though innit

Funny that, so was i

oi give us a squeeze then

me on the right

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based nigger

relatable post

lol no people hate them because they are criminals

is there a quick way to make a webm of a party of a youtbebviceo

uber eats is on the way!

*jiggles your belly*
alri chubs

left flux on and curtains closed throughout the entire day so now brainberg doesn't know what time of day it is

brainberg fuming

/brit/‘s a lot more dead than it used to be

love fruit and nut chocolate


Nowt wrong with a bit of criminality

das right

all the white incels are wanking to BLACKED right now

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>fanny tattoo
he's welcome to her

it happens

*patiently awaits australian power hours*

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burgers for din dins lads!

shut the fuck up. american cunt. fuck you. we all hate you. everyone wants you to fuck off. everyone wants you to die.

>he doesn't use Caviar for high end delivery

very good
having a burger for lunch me

*makes controversial post for attention*
oops, i did it again
played with your heart

honestly hate australians bexcause you get the sun all the time

lucky guys

me on the left, your toilfus on the right

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I don't hate him

what the fuck are you on about

shut the fuck up. american cunt. fuck you. we all hate you. everyone wants you to fuck off. everyone wants you to die.

funny you say this because it's raining as we speak

I don't hate him

so rude

come here then
the british are, to this day, our largest source of migrants

thats your prerogative mate x

oh im sorry those americans just really get my fat little goat! x

there is for the victims of it

Not so
I live in smellbourne

fuck off negroid

might move to perth or brisbane or darwin (NT)

classic melbourne

There’s such a thing as honest criminals

the only time /brit/ is not dead, is when people are shitting on each other
british "culture"

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toothpastelad planted the seed of interracial relationships in /brit/

fucking mastermind has owned us again

why is melbourne pronounced melbin and not mell born


you are one weird, weird little boy

would move to australia, it’s almost perfect, but it’s just a bit too hot for me personally. much easier to warm yourself up than it is to cool yourself down. think new zealand is much better climate wise

for what purpose

good luck in darwin mate ahaha

*talks in black*

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lads PLEASE be kind to toothpastelad

we don't know the power he has yet to unleash on /brit/, reckon he's only posting at 1% of his true capabilities as we speak

might move to perth or brisbane

used to live in shropshire, me

we're not obese simpletons that must pronounce a word exactly as its written like toddlers sounding it out

taking my top off to game better

She's cute in a normal and sad sorta way

Doing a day without undies and it's horrible, cock just wobbles all over the place and runs against seams; uncomfortable

Id say it's more like Mel-ben

if only you saw my threads on Yas Forums larping as a black supremacist
and that was only 1.5% of my final larping power

grew up in bald nob

very amusing post. enjoyed this

Scares me sometimes when I realise every person perceives reality differently

new zealand is frigid
take the tassiepill

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it's just emmutt on a proxy


dogberg wants me to walk him again even though I already did at 7 in the morning
he's got me on the ropes

Darwin wouldn't be too bad I reckon
Not for everyone, but it's quite relaxed and you get some sick lightning displays
Downside is the fauna though. I hear although you got beaches and tropical weather you can't swim cos the water is full of crocs and you have to dodge the abos at night

would like to move to niggotown

Israeli's have the highest IQ and experience the TRUEST representation of reality

God I want to breed an Israeli woman

>San Francisco Bay Area

What makes you think other people exist and are capable of perceiving reality at all? You could be the only sentient being in all of existence. Everything could simply be a figment of your imagination.

the narwhal bacons at midnight

isnt there lots of yanks there too

hello fellow redditor ;)

favouritfe subreddits?

catberg doing a big sleep in the lounge room as we speak

rub against my leg-toil looms

I thought California had good weather

That’s what I mean lad

Just gave a lift to three women so they could get home. Just a good guy doing good things.

remember hit or miss i guess they never miss huh?

Ahh, now those were the good days of tiktok.

I remember in school a girl told me she browsed Reddit and I tried using this line on her. I didn’t even browse Reddit I just knew about it from rage comics on facebook. She didn’t know what I was on about and walked away to talk with someone else. Haunts me to this day lol

it definitely was not lmao


Watch this video and please help support the australian dance industry


Tell me what I mean then

I'm sure there's a bright future for you I'm Alice springs
Oh yes there's a marine base there innit
Knowing my luck if I joined the army if be sent there

>zoomers are already getting nostalgic about tiktok
the upbringing they have endured is truly grim, bet they never even played outside as a yute
parents just gave them a device to occupy their adderall ridden minds

that was worth posting

>A top Democrat with a prior presidential campaign predicted last year to me that the general would pit “the nice old guy with Alzheimer’s against the mean old man with dementia.”

>be teenager
>black family moves to our white neighborhood
>their son is a bit older than my younger brother
>and they start playing together for a couple of weeks
>get drunk and ride my bike against dad's car
>wake up, having forgotten I did that
>tell him the nigger kid did it while playing with my brother
>dad goes to complain to them
>comes back half an hour later
>two months later they move away


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I'd stop being a NEET in a heartbeat if I was offered a half-decent part-time job
>hurr durr why don't you just apply for one then
don't like applying for jobs
don't like interviews
just give me the fucking job and I'll do it
no need for all of this bizarre freakish kafkaesque middle-man nonsense

>Chinese govt invent tiktok to gather data on westerners
>Instead chinks use it for exposing the truth about coronovirus

hilldawg still a bit salty i see

ever done the melbourne shuffle lad?

nonce social media