/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico

Operation Cottage edition
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lol shit happens


the people in charge here are degenerates leeching off my community and others.....i could save this country but i have none of the charisma or cash to run for office. I've failed America

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An online friend of mine hasn't logged on in months.

I miss him

coronachan wants to kill me


Can someone tell me why we have 5 homo threads up?I fucking hate these attention whores.

holy cringe

for some reason each homo needs his own thread, they can't share a thread for some reason. Don't ask me why, homos are weirdofags

Based nip raising awareness

meg myers a cute.

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Do the Japanese like hockey and if so do they like my Avsies?

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watching Boondocks


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It's a LatinX thing

I'm dizzy

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Wtf a NAZI was running for president??


i feel the exact same. we ought to start shooting at these people

yes, a based jew hating nazi

Based bloomberg

meg white > meg myers

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Just found out that chunky ogre of TYT was running for congress, and that he got his ass absolutely kicked lmao

that makes my day

Have an itch on my back that i cannot scratch and i don't want to leave the bed

bretty good

wow what if we just stopped sending money to africa so they wouldn't breed like vermin?

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I'll scratch it bb grill

Most of the aid we send doesn't help anything, even in the short term. Much of it never makes it to the people.

meat will be more valuable than oil
fuck them lmao
the population will plateau eventually, unless we colonize and terraform planets for more resources

An entire planet for corn and cows wouldn't be too shabby
It'd be like a giant kansas that people might actually want to visit sometimes

>This study evaluated the rape fantasies of female undergraduates (N = 355) using a fantasy checklist that reflected the legal definition of rape and a sexual fantasy log that included systematic prompts and self-ratings. Results indicated that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy, which is somewhat higher than previous estimates. For women who have had rape fantasies, the median frequency of these fantasies was about 4 times per year, with 14% of participants reporting that they had rape fantasies at least once a week. In contrast to previous research, which suggested that rape fantasies were either entirely aversive or entirely erotic, rape fantasies were found to exist on an erotic-aversive continuum, with 9% completely aversive, 45% completely erotic, and 46% both erotic and aversive.

Bernard the juden was right about how women fantasize about being raped.

womemes are animals

Doesn't mean you would get away with it

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This tbqh

what percent of men do you reckon have raping fantasies

significantly less than women do I guarantee it.

that's why those harpies are all screeching about rape culture

ok now THIS is epic

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speak for yourself fag
all my faps are about bullying the weak

yeah well you're a huemonkey so that doesn't count

not lil zoomie ;_;

Listen, I didn't post that as an admonishment of women.

It's natural for women to desire being dominated by a man, the problem is allowing YOUR woman the freedom to be dominated by another man. Women being allowed to work for example is cucked.

end womens suffrage

Dubs and I text my ex


based uncle ruckus

tonights theme

pure kinography

I have it more as an afterthought
There was this one girl who liked me in high school but I just wasn't interested in her, but if she was aggressive enough to do that I probably would've went along with it.

been there done that

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This movie is unironically really entertaining


>tfw revealed my power level the other day
>speaking to Spaniard from Pamplona
>ask him if he’s basque
>he says no, he only speaks Castilian and English
>he says basque isn’t like other european languages
>I reply yeah its not indo-european
>he doesn’t acknowledge this, and says I think only Hungarian is also different
>I say no Finnish too they’re both finno-ugric languages
>he just goes huh and switches the topic to normie shit

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fukkin NERD lmao

Estonian > Finnish

going to watch it you had best not be joking nigger