My country is going to collapse because this fucking virus

my country is going to collapse because this fucking virus

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about time world war 3 happened

We didnt collapse due to Spanish flu or whatever other diseases. Dont think this will collapse us either but it will kill a lot.

It already happened in January a bunch of Canadians died.

We'll save as much as we can for Queen and country.

Kill some Ns for me.

is there any scenario where literal millions don't die at this point. i want off this ride bros i'm not ready for the devastation

I dont think so, swine flu killed just under a million and this is more deadly than swine flu.

It has a 2% mortality rate and that’s only because of old people and others with compromised immune systems. The virus is a joke and I’m laughing at all the panicking retards buying out stores to “prepare”

It has 2% fatality rate with decent care, in Hubei it went up to 4% with blown out hospitals.

The death rate can be under 1% or go to 10%+. Italy is seeing more and more young people come in, old people die first but young people take a longer time to go south, upon which they get hooked up to a respirator and have a 50/50 chance of making it. We have a 36 year old in very critical condition who caught it after travelling to England.

it's going to infect 40-70% of the world population. even at 1% mortality that's a lot of people dead

expect a higher fatality rate if the outbreak reaches millions. there are only so many ICU's and personnel able to care for the sick.

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It's 2 percent over all age groups. Has a one in 500 chance of killing you if you're young compared to flu which had one in 5000 chance.

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The Spanish flu infected around 27% of the global population. That was with 1918's medical technology

The popular models have COVID-19 infecting 40-70% this year with a mortality rate between 2-5%. That's 61,000,000 souls on the low end with the worst-case-scenario being 269,000,000 dead

The US isn't going to collapse but it's serious business

This guy is pretty spooked and he knows what he's talking about:

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Mortality rate can be below 1% IF your government gives a shit. I think South Africa is in the earlier stages, do something now and dont wait til too late like EU/USA

We don't know what the mortality rate for this virus is if left untreated, it's most likely higher than the Spanish flu because currently people suffering from COVID-19 are currently being treated with antivirals, antibiotics for secondary bacterial infections. If the patients crash they are put in an Intensive Care Unit and if everything else fails they are being put in an extracorporeal life support unit.
The mortality rate is way higher untreated, so this will ravage African populations where 25% of people have HIV and people are immunocompromised due to malnutrition.

>don't worry bro, this virus will magically disappear even though every single containment measure in every single country has failed

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The trick is keeping the number of infections low enough to be able to provide that level of care for everyone. Not easy

Our CDC equivalent, the NCID, is pretty good because of ebola but it's going to spread in the townships here really quickly. Those people can't afford to stay home and self-isolate



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because flights are still moving people between countries? because chinese literally broke out of quarantine to travel? because western cucked governments didnt turn them away? also they just changed where they said they were coming from and got through

In the link you posted the guy literally said the virus was contained in Hong Kong


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>In the link you posted the guy literally said the virus was contained in Hong
What link? Also we don't know if the virus is contained in Hong Kong, 2 weeks ago people were saying Germany has contained the virus, now there's over 1000 cases in the country.

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The YouTube one. He said it within the first few minutes. He was just arguing about how the lethality of the virus depends on how well governments act and gave Hong Kong as an example of a government that acted correctly

The mortality rate is probably something more like 0,1% lol. There are WAY more infected than what we know, because many people are completely asymptomatic (the virus doesn't affect them). Its stupid to try to calculate the mortality rate, it could be 5% in wuhan or it could be 0,5% in Berlin, depending on the accuracy of infected testing. I know a guy and his wife, they are infected, the guys is asymptomatic (he's infected but he barely has any symptom). Literally just a flu, not even memeing. The flu already kills hundreds of thousands if not millions every year. Coronavirus is nothing new, if you have had the flu it is very likely you were infected with a coronavirus, because coronavirus is just a name for a certain virus family, the only difference is that this new coronavirus kills you if you have asthma, the flu and are 80 years old

why do you freaks keep spamming this shit everywhere? as if your stupid fucking neet life matters at all.

also something noted was its only really bad in areas with heavy pollution and heavy smoking because both increase ACE2 receptors (which coronaviruses attack). Northern Italy, Iran, and China have these problems in abundance. Combine that with high population density in northern Italy and Chinese cities and the virus looks much more deadly then it actually is.

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rate of mortality is dropping every month as well.

The chinese were hit hard but it wont be so bad for everyone else.

While I doubt its going to be as bad as what the doomers are saying, its still going to suck and the economic damage is what most people are probably going to feel.

Lots of Chinese are hard hit and "can't afford to stay home". So China forced them to stay home. Same as almost every other forced quarantine in human history--people can seldom, if ever, "afford them". They get locked up anyway. If some fucker was being sent to jail would we accept "oh I cant afford to go to jail"?

That's the thing--the government has to care. They have to force it. It doesn't matter if people "can't afford it". Lock them up. Life before money.

Italy's hospitals are already overflowing and they have free healthcare. And now more younger and younger people are wearing out and taking a turn for the worse, its only the old who get the "fast death" everyone else has to sit on ventilators for weeks before dying.

CFR is dropping because China made damn sure to catch cases early and prevent hospitals from overflowing. Nobody else seems to be doing the same outside of East/Southeast Asia.

I can't consider America first world. I actually see it as a fellow latino Country that shares most of our problems

t. Brainlet
Currently the case fatality rate for COVID-19 is 3.4% because 100k people are confirmed infected and 3400 people are dead.
For the mortality rate to be 0.1% only 1 in every 34 cases would need to be diagnosed, and that would mean there are currently 3.4 million people who have or have had the virus, which is highly unlikely.

Also the fatality rate among the confirmed cases will actually go up over time, because the current estimate of 3.4% assumes that out of the current 100,000 cases, more people won't die.
Even though we don't know how many of those 100k currently infected will recover and how many will die. It's ridiculous to do the math with the assumption that every one of them will recover and then marvel at how much lower the fatality rate is.

We will go down into a civilwar, so how exactly is it a world war

>Case fatality rate
is not the same as
>mortality rate.

>Also the fatality rate among the confirmed cases will actually go up over time, because the current estimate of 3.4% assumes that out of the current 100,000 cases, more people won't die.
This assumes more won't be diagnosed.

its over

What he's saying is that undiagnosed people make up the majority of cases. Say 100k have been diagnosed, it means that most likely there are 600k undiagnosed people, of whom 3k have died, for a 0.5% death rate.

And he is kinda right, the number of actual cases is obviously not 100k, but way higher (some people are asymptomatic) therefore 3.4% death rate might be overblown

This is a nothing burger. In fact it hurts me what a joke this 'panic' is, because we could really use a proper plague to annihilate boomers and boomer-adjacents, and instead we got a reskinned common cold.

China did not put 150 million people on complete lock down for over a month, suspend all business unrelated to food supply and health care sacrificing $1 trillion in 1st quarter GDP, spray their city centers relentlessly with God know what, and re-issued all their paper currency FOR NOTHING. You think we're going to do all that to contain it here? Western Civilization cannot and will not employ the totalitarian tactics that China has. This has spread to over 100 countries within 2 months. It's clearly HIGHLY contagious. This is going to be really terrible

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dumbass spic

New York will NEVER look as empty as this. No government in the US is going to stop the (((economy))) to save people.

Work or die

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my bad, work AND* die. If you are lucky you will survive and get your next paycheck

Unless your metro looks like this, you are not taking the necessary measures to stop this flu

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Joke's on you, there is literally not a single US city with a modern and clean metro system like that.

>This assumes more won't be diagnosed.
You can't calculate a fatality rate based on the total number of cases when almost all of those cases are still unresolved. For example take S. Korea, there's currently only 110 people have recovered. 50 have died. 710 are still sick.
Does that mean their mortality rate is 0.7%? No, be we don't know how many of those 710 will recover and how many will die, it's completely up in the air.
What is it about this concept that's so difficult for you to understand?

fuck I meant 7100 instead of 710.

go back to Yas Forums schizo

So how bad are the actual chinese numbers? Do u guys assume they are being honest about the records?

Over 140k people in S Korea have been tested (7k positive) , so their numbers are way more accurate than any other place except for Singapore maybe. 0.7% sounds like a more realistic rate

america is falling behind so much. look at that clean, functional metro.

we used to use these ones made out of wood up to 2016 just for fun, they were the definition of SOUL

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That's really nice. something is deeply wrong with american culture that makes having nice things impossible

Again. There are currently 7100 people infected, and only 110 recovered. We don't know how many of the rest of the infected in South Korea will recover and how many die. You're assuming that all the 7100 people will recover and that the mortality rate will stay at 0.7, which is not true.
Ive explained this 3 times now. When you're trying to calculate the mortality rate, why would you include people who you don't will survive or not, are you retarded???

It's nothing short of astounding that fucking Houston, a city with a metro population of 7 million (!!!) doesn't have a metro. Even its light rail system is very small and not at all adequate for a city of that size. How the people who live there actually tolerate this is completely beyond me.

>mfw after reading this thread and seeing my country do basically nothing about the corona virus

This is fucking sickening

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Yeyyyy we're already collapsed

I trust their numbers simply because every other country is having the issues that they had (can't get enough test units, difficulties finding patients, etc.) China's biggest problem was their initial response back in December, in which the Wuhan government actively discouraged any talk of a possible new virus or epidemic. Xi should execute the mayor.

This actually looks very nice and comfy