Brazil now has a official court jester hired by Bolsonaro to make fun of himself.
This country is a joke
Brazil now has a official court jester hired by Bolsonaro to make fun of himself.
This country is a joke
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Absolute state of Brazil.
How's his popularity in your cunt?
Extremely popular. Leftists like OP can't make a single big protest against Bolsonaro lel.
According to Ibope only 28% of Brazil rate his governament between good or great. Those numbers are from december 2019 Idk about now, it can be better or worse
>According to Ibope
According to Ibope Bolsonaro wouldn't be president
>only 28% of Brazil rate his governament between good or great
So where are the massive protests with leftist leaders?
I'am not the one who's saying, it's Ibope, it's the usually the source used by media since the 2000's
But if you want a different source, CNT/MDA says he had 34,5% in january
Meu deus voces nao tem vergonha de ter um retardado desses analbeto funcional comandando um pais gigante como um brasil, ele nao tem postura nenhuma como presidente.
Tenho. Merece uma facada, só que de verdade.
based bolsonaro, OP is a leftist media cocksucker
Bolsonaro himself is a joke, so he didn't even need the joke version of himself to be honest.
Eu acho bastante estranho o fato dos politicos brasileiros dizerem palavrões.
didnt the crime rates of your country dropped like 30%?
Falar palavrão no Brasil é normal.
Reduction of 19% of assanations and robberies in comparison with 2018 by the recent numbers, it was a reduction next to 30% by the numbers of august/september 2019 but it raised a bit, carvanal and stuff
Politicos brigam, se xingam, se ameaçam, uns palavrões são o de menos
O governo levou o dinheiro do pão prós políticos comerem lagosta, o mínimo q eu quero agora é circo
>pais gigante como um brasil,
Fala como se isso aqui fosse algum pais importante.
not bad
IBOPE said he wouldn't be president.
IBOPE said Dória wouldn't be the Governor of São Paulo
Probably spread out like majority of people who vote. There are people who hate him but not enough to protests, others that hate him but don't want to join hardcore leftist, others that hate him but dont seen an option, and so on.
Do you really think your entire country is just left and right in a straight divided line?
Bolsonaro suena bastante piola. Ojalá tuviéramos un milico así acá.
didnt obama do the same thing
Can't wait til this clown gets beaten in the elections and mogged by based LVLA LIVRE
ours is haha
Not really if it comes down to it, just people are easily manipulated by politicians. I mean, not surprising, that is their entire job as politicians but easier to win votes when your biggest howlers are fanatics.
Bolsonaro unironically seems like a good president.
Am I wrong, huebros?
there hasnt been a candidate that wasnt democrat or republican since the end of the civil war
Ross Perot
I see two clowns and not a single president on that stage
>A. Fucking. Leaf.
He's a retard but he's doing a good job so far. Only butthurt leftists "overhate" him.
Mirin that chad jaw at the bottom left
i meant president my bad
The handsome squidward
>Brazilian real at an historical low against the dollar
>good job
im a centrist and i honestly have no idea. you can't trust any news source in this climate
the one holding the NA sign is the only attractive one.
Is that his fault though?
they all have 10/10 bodies
>world economy fucked by China-US autism and now CoronaVirus fucking China, our biggest export buyer
>somehow this is the president's fault
guedes could have injected dollars into the economy to try to control the price
Im a neoliberal so I'd rather he doesn't. let the market stabilize itself with no intervention
É uma retribuição no mesmo nível da cobertura que os "jornalistas" têm feito desde antes de ele ser presidente. É só fofoca, mentiras sistemáticas e terrorismo midiático o tempo inteiro.
holy shit LMAO
Why does Brazil somehow out-America America in politics?
The real was already weakened before his inauguration. Guedes overhauled the economic policy and the thing was working albeit slowly (4,02 in October 2019) until coronavirus set in.
there's a reason why they're our best ally
This is the country of absurdity. Rio de Janeiro once elected a monkey from the local zoo as mayor.
we're a professional circus act
Monkey see monkey do.
You fucks should act more civilized, for our both countries sake.
thats super cool
she looks like a fat cow in the picture it doesnt even look like the same person
Unironically based.
Don't forget about the zoo Rhino city council of são paulo and also the penguin
the absolute state
have sex
All the Brazilians I talked to on the language exchange apps I use all hate Bolsonaro.
kill jester, also based