
edisi Kucing Mikan

Attached: YuukiMikan-Collared-by-Hidaka-Toworu.jpg (600x840, 129.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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I steal this meme like marcos steal and plundered the country.

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Guys, that's it. I'm going to start searching for a gf online. I actually found a website that malaysia, indonesia, singapore, and brunei muslims can use. Wish me luck bros.

El Uggo Atrocidad ala bisayan Illucanus ele Subhumanus dutertardus

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ownfwn bfwbrrur fsb

What website?

As MKL continues to seethe and cope with visayan pagpag and virginity projection throught the thread
The country continues to suffer as his noble profession damage control for chinks and with approval ratings

Chinese military ID’s found from POGO workers fuels speculations of clandestine Chinese military operations in the country
China has bigger plans for the country. This meant that they’ll stop at nothing to ensure that the Duterte corrupt dynasty will flourish on and continue on for many years

So in order to do just that – the Chinese government needs to send its armed operatives to take root and gradually undermine the nation’s solidarity. This is a strategy known to as ”fifth column”.

Fifth column is a clandestine group of subversive agents who attempt to undermine a nation’s solidarity by any means at their disposal. The term is conventionally credited to Emilio Mola Vidal, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War (1936–39). As four of his army columns moved on Madrid, the general referred to his militant supporters within the capital as his “fifth column,” intent on undermining the loyalist government from within.

A cardinal technique of the fifth column is the infiltration of sympathizers into the entire fabric of the nation under attack and, particularly, into positions of policy decision and national defense. From such key posts, fifth-column activists exploit the fears of a people by spreading rumours and misinformation, as well as by employing the more standard techniques of espionage and sabotage.

The large number of undocumented Chinese immigrants seems to mean something else other than solely POGO operations. This could be a de-facto invasion by an army of military-aged operatives. As Anders Corr noted in his Facebook post that many of the Chinese men riding in tinted vans appeared to be of military stature and some were even seen wielding guns at malls and even in hotel lobbies.

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baituljannah. Need a lot of checking to make sure you're real but looks like a good place to find a gf.

>Laman Cari Jodoh Muslim

Let us know what you find.

I want a muslim gf. Get in there and be my gf indo user.

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Bored and scared, playing too much PMD DX lately

what pokmon are u?


Habis mobile legends, sekarang pada maen wormzone. ini trend darimana sebenernya?

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paling berapa bulan juga bosen kayak Flappy Bird

source twitter.com/i/web/status/1145693700770738179


Pengen kekaring gang

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Mikan has the best doujins

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cari bokep indo yang berkualitas kok susah ya gan, resolusinya pasti busuk semua

Masih mendingan sekarang dibandingkan jaman 3gp. Hape sekarang kameranya dah bagus-bagus. Kalau yg 4k emang belum ada.

rate the lady at the left side.

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Ahh, they're asking for my weight and height. What the fuck? People would know I'm fat. I don't want that.

Do you want me to teach you this technique called Lying?

Not cool bro call that thing whatever ugly name you have, just dont call him a tagalog thats crossing the line.

Calling someone a tagalog is a racial slur

5/10 only because she got mogged by the right.

El Visayan Illucanus suhumanus marocstardus

Deletus kekus

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Fuck them other niggas ‘cause I’m down for my niggas

Poor mkl being called a visayan and illucanus is lower than a slave and a subhuman.
Lmao when jani delets his posts

That guy look alike our former dictator.

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Lol they have a phenotype

well, time to prectice some bahasa

Pada masa kanak kana , Soekarno kecil dikenal sebagai seorang anak yang pintar.
at age youthful, Soekarno little familiar besides a kid which smart.

Ia tercatat pernah bersekolah di Eerste Inlandse School , yang kemudian ia bekerja di sana.
he register been in school to Eerste Inlanse School, which after he working at here.

time to practice some listening too.

>As MKL continues to seethe and cope with visayan pagpag and virginity projection throught the thread for getting deleted

Chink Duterte has presented us with a Hobson’s choice, predicated on an impossible condition, and based on the wrong facts. It is a Hobson’s choice because there is actually only one choice—to be a province of China."


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He's so triggered by looking at his ugly ass face LMAO

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>a fat faggot

Kek get fucked

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Hopefully they donr eat visayan pagpag

Kek mkl so triggered and still cant cope with his ugly face and getting D's

Has the Coronavirus spread to all/most ASEAN countries?

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Watch him start seething and spam reporting .

MKL looks unironically better than him, they're still both hideous though.

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Not only a visayan illucano tier face but a moron aswell.
He keeps posting the same pic over and over again and it will be pruned

Pic related the seething flip who calls anyone ugly fat and subhuman, yikes

Laos, Myanmar, Brunei??? Still no declaration of cases

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Literally starting again LMAO

The massive cope cause we know now mkl is the duertard samefag poster.
Cant even properly doxxed someone and keeps using the same pic lmao

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Imagine being banterfag, being fat and looking like a subhuman from eating pagpag.

No wonder the only job he has is being a shill on an mongolian basket weaving forum.

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Whats sad is that, that pic his heavily edited and banterFAG still looks like a hideous freak.

B-but that's wrong user. Why would people lie on the internet?

Imagine being a dutard banterfag, being fat and looking like a visayan illucano subhuman living in slums in manila and eating pagpag.
I guess mkl knows that feel

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>Calling anyone fat
HAHAHAHAHAHA take a look at yourself el Diabetus

When they get caught samefagging and when thier face get doxxedLmao

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>Pic related the seething visayan illocanus flip who calls anyone ugly fat and subhuman, yikes

You're a disgrace, you're a virgin. I'll bash your head to the wall till you have a gf.

>El sub humano
LOL simple but gets the point across.

Why ya crying fatty?

Lol must be tear iducing to sperg out over delet.
But then again having a visayan face like mkl anyone would




>still using only one pic over and over again
Le globlino autrocidad dutertardo

El involuntario celibato

El subhermano visaynuspagpaglogio

El obesitator maroctordo goblino

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No wonder they look like identical twins. The same obese body and disgusting face.

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Polisi jancuk, gue tadi boti lewat brimob mahal distopin. Sapa elu anying

>Imagine being such a selfhater that you start making fun of your own clone LOL

They must be identical twins

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Mkl was already caught lying and larping
The delets dont lie
Oh no indeed ;)

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This tho
>Cant even properly doxxed someone and keeps using the same pic lmao

Remember mkls larp as a Subhuman badjao and a maranao.

Banterfag is one fat ugly tagalog.

My theory is that you have to be retarded to get Obese like . Any sensible individual would stop eating once they feel they're unhealthy, don't fat people have this level of self control?

Mkl is the Duertard marcostard anti tagalog.

My theory is that you have to be retarded amd eat visayan pagap to get Obese like like Any sensible individual would stop eating once they feel they're unhealthy, don't fat people have this level of self control?
But then agian visayan illucanus are low IQs shit slum dwellers

Im wait for more pics and doxx info of mkls new larp
Where are they?, visayans are lazy as fuk

My thoery is holding up
No kaguyafag thread = mkl virginity doxing sperg out in asean.

It's like mkl and kaguyafag are the same guy