Which Spanish speaking countries have the best accent and which have the worst?
What is your favorite?
Which Spanish speaking countries have the best accent and which have the worst?
Equatorial Guinea best
Spain worst
spain sounds like a gay highpiched lispy manlet
bolivia sounds manly and clear
Best: Rioplatense Spanish
Worst: Cuban or something similar
Have you ever actually heard an Equatorial Guinea person speak before?
America is both these answered
America is a continent dummy, Brazil and Argentina Are Americans So are you UnitedStatian
I America am because it is one the biggest
Clearest: non ghetto Colombian (non-ghetto Costa rican, which sound just like colombian), non-ghetto Mexican
Hardest: ghetto or slang anywhere
Favorite: Cuban, Argentinian
If your criteria as a foreigner is understandability, then the best is probably Peruvian or Colombian, and the worst, Chilean.
However as a native (Chilean) speaker, I find Colombian too slow (it makes them sound dumb). I like Mexican the most. And the worst are people from the Caribbean islands that can't pronounce the letter R and add English to their Spanish.
¡La República del Perú hará su mejor esfuerzo!
All accents sound good without slang or spoken by poor people.
Spanish spoken by a literature professor or a poet from Nicaragua, Bolivia, Spain or Ecuador would sound good.
Puerto Rico by far
Even Equatoguineans want dem reparations lol
Niggers gonna nig
I wish the french colonized everything south of America. Then there would be french speaking immigrants not the dirty Spanish you hear today
best: neutral Mexican
worst: chilango Mexican
There is only one spanish speaking and spanish country, spain the rest are basically Spanish speaking Africa as opposed to english speaking africa.
You can't even tell the difference among Spanish accents you Shart.
Spain speaks Castilian, not Spanish, you dumb mutt
lol indio.
Gonna need examples becuase i never heard the bolivian accent
i came
does your logic apply to the english language as well?
I wish it was Portugal.
None of you are Spanish, you're indio-negroes soup.
Bolivian accent sounds nice and music is beautifully underrated
Best is Mexican
Worst is Puerto Rican
Everything else
>best accent
idk mexico and memezuela
>worst accent
spain since they use (spanish from spain) and not spanish from latin american or (Castellaño)
mutt spanish is funny but i guess this is the same for every non-native speaker
That's the Bolivian accent from the east part of the country that is diferent to the Andean one
Best: Latinx spanish.
Worst: Moor Spainarabic.
Redpill me on Mexican Spanish. Everyone says its gross but people keep saying it's good.
If a Mexican replies to this I won't see it as I filter those faggots
Mexican spanish is like american english of the spanish world
There is only one spanish world, that of spain.
None of you are Spanish.
What did he mean by this?
So you're saying it's based?
What makes Argentinian Spanish so good?
Your right, its better than spanish
best: centran not chilango mexican
worse: the rest of mexico
north, chilango and south
You're a fat cuban mutt with thick lips.
is there differences between their Spanish accents?
exclusive Spanish translation. not in English, Chinese or Korean
Yeah, they all have a certain sound to them and some sound better than others. It's like the difference between American, British, Australian, New Zealand, etc. Engilsh accents.
It's not the best imo but it's one of the most unique ones. The tone and cadence sound almost italian, and our vocabulary is bizarre enough to be fun. I still really like colombian and peruvian, though.
Yes, there are. It is possible to tell where people are from by just hearing their accents
After watching this entire video, for me, it's Mexico.
Goddamn, Spanish from Spain sounds fucking HORRIBLE
When non-mexican latinos talk about mexican spanish, there's a good chance they're referring to "neutral Spanish", a variation of Mexican Spanish that is commonly used in tv and film dubs. It's pretty much the closest thing to a universal Latin Spanish, and it's called "Mexican" because most Latino dubs are made in Mexico. Still, it's pretty far from what regular Mexicans speak in everyday life.
Spaniards all sound like old people to me. Whenever I play videogames dubbed in Spain, and some hot girl starts talking like a Spanish abuelita, i laugh my ass off.
Best: Rioplatense
Worst: Peruvian maybe idk I dont have a worst really.
You would think french is dirty then. It's all about racism, not language