
doggo edition

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My time to shine
*does a cool entrance*

>clogwog makes a decent new for once
>loses the race

when I come around is green days best song

genuinely love my misso so much, would protect her with my life

pics x

Get fucked you """""Dutch""""" bastard, the worst poster currentlyz fuck off, go drown in a canal

How to I get my gf to submit to the BBC whilst I wank my maggot?

I fucking hate my autistic roommate

He’s a weirdo freak

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why, what does he do

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it's not fair..

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*does ket once*

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so the asian protogf just left my flat
bit confused lads

we hung out all day, came back to mine, snogged a lot and did some heavy petting (ear biting, ass squeezing), but the moment i put my hands on her boobs she tensed and moved my hands away, and then just now at 11:30pm shes left to go home

i didnt want to push it so i just left it there, but wtf? i guess shes just shy? she just texted saying she wants to come over tomorrow night as well

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corrrrr phwoarrr

> ywn feel the warm embrace of a female's touch

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Ever look back at a photo of yourself and think

"fucking hell what a little disgusting runt I was. What the hell was I thinking with that outfit?"

and this is only my selfies from yesterday

watching episode 2 of noughts and crosses
now that's what I call kino!

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Unironically looks closer to 44. I still would though, cause I literally have no standards and am turned on by below average looking slampigs.

Hey baby I’m right here

>hapas are ug-

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looked like anti white racist crap

get paid tomorrow gonna buy myself a hunting rifle, already got my licence so any suggestions?

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Literally made for BBC

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Need to acquire lordly raiment

yes you will
be quiet

Yeah i find asian women are like this
they are very shy but just keep knocking the door so to speak

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Amazing that it's still taboo to mention that autogynephila is a thing even though it's fairly well understood at this point by psychologists.

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especially without shit loads of makeup, glitter and photoshop filters

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not racist just wouldn't date outside of my race

Fucking freaks

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He’s an autistic bellend that listens to screamo metal, wears doc martens and is a leftypol agent

He also scrounges

GCHQ going doopin mental at this post

stake thine

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oh grow the fuck up rorke you snowflake

What calibre is legal in Britannia

he had some good points about the blurays tbqh

would date but not make children with

all student debt should be abolished

Ah yes, the so-called gf...

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What time shops open tomorrow

this but unironically

all arrogant students should be demolished

Dont think rifles have a calibre limit as long as they're bolt action

Hapa boys are ugly, hapa girls are infinitely fuckable
Scrounges what lad

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listening to green day rn, and in too comfy a mood for this dogshit tranny thread
I posted that yesterday mate

fuck off

disgusting little trollopous slag

wonder if shes a virgin

All Calibres, tanks main guns are legal on a shotgun license

kinda like girls hands ngl to you
is that weird

daily dose

love their tiny cute hands

nth for kyary

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Nice, didn’t know that. Thought high powered rifles were b&.

Money, drugs, food, energy, heating, electricity, oxygen, banter.

yer kind isn't allowed in these parts

Best boards of canada album?

>wake up
>see this
What do?
I’d start suckin

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>watching UFC training
>all girls have male coaches
>practicing groundwork
>her minge is in his face 95% of the time
lucky bastards

I like them too, especially when they have nicely done nails (absolutely NOT gigantic turbo-slag nails)

start heeming


tik tok kino

really wanna stomp that bints head in and watch her bleed out

pussy after exercise does not taste good in my experience

even if you meant this ironically, i'm still going to think you're a sick minded bender tranny-wannabe.

90% of those female ufc fighters are bulldykes, so how lucky are they really?

Unironically never heard a Billie Eilish song

boc is hipster dufus trash
now, black dog, plaid, autechre, uziq

THose were have changing stuff

Nah as long as it is manually operated or single shot (artillery) you only need a basic license, semi autos are .22 only and hand guns are legal in NI

yeh but imagine the smell lads


As if a pathetic white boiii like you could even hurt any of them, it would be like a fly hitting a elephant

Fucking irritating that

I've seen it in real life

have been trained with delta force so could kill them all before they blinked

game changing*

autechre just sounds like farts. it's like that episode of south park where randy shits his britches into a micophone except instead of randy it's aphex twin


am a toiler, gym bitches don't scare me

bad guy is good

you stupid stooopid person
shut up

Get an old Mauser lad

What you planning on hunting?

Fucking hate Swedes

Awful people, world would be better off if we banded together and violently exterminated them

only has one good song


*Aerial stealth kills you*


easter eggs

Really bored of smug, passive aggressive women.

no you haven't
be quiet

From dungeon synth, to breakcore
From gabber to ambient
If it's electronic, I'm down with it.

thoughts on wank #3 of the day?

bad post

Virgins have no right to exist, you’re doing nothing for humanity and not furthering the species at all, you ought to be enslaved

love going out for a smoke in nothing but my undies knowing full well that the people who live in their little box apartments in the high rises can see directly into my backyard

adrenaline rush innit

Fascism except instead of jews it's adult virgins. Sounds based

what is it like to go to oxford or cambridge?