Tell us about weird mythological monsters from your area that boring Anglos won't know about

Tell us about weird mythological monsters from your area that boring Anglos won't know about.

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Lake nymphs, women who will fugg you by the lakes.
Forest nymphs, women who will fugg you by the forest.

america is way more interesting and untouched

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Yeah okay American sure.
What's a Lindworm?

Buying a ticket to Bestonia right now

Those are mostly Native American things or knockoffs of the Loch Ness Monster.

The plakavc is a child spirit. Plakati means to cry so the literal translation would be (the one who cries). It is said that these are the lost souls of children who were not baptised before dying. As children dying was not that uncommon back in the day, and there was a higly held belief that you cannot bury someone who is not baptized in Christian cemeteries, people would bury their children on the outskirts of graveyards. It is said that these spirits scream and cry when the midnight hour passes beggin for their mothers and crying.

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>the ghost wedding
When travelers walk in late hours of the night, usually returning to their homes. In the rural villages of the Balkans, they often hear music playing, seemingly from nowhere. Then the sound of people dancing singing and the sounds of carriages. And then out of nowhere a wedding procession appears to them. When the wedding is spotted by the traveler, it stops, and one one of them aprocahes him. It is usually the best man or the man getting married. And offers them a drink to celebrate the wedding. If the traveler accepts and takes a drink without crossing himself he will become a ghost and join the endless wedding procession, if he however accepts and makes the sign of the cross before taking a drink, the wedding will disappear and he will be left with the drink in his hand.

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We have a fair amount of unusual mythological creatures honestly but our most common by far are variants of Hellhounds. There’s a traditional mythological “Black Dog” in basically every prominent town and village of the country, and the general pattern is the dog lingers near areas of death and suffering, ie prisons, cemeteries, the local hangman’s gallows, asylums etc. It differs from area to area but the dog is generally supposed to have glowing eyes and be either huge and hyper aggressive, or huge and unsettlingly calm. Supposedly, to see one is either a sign that death is coming for you, a sign of demonic presence, or a boon of good fortune and protection. I imagine the interpretation differs depending on how the dog acts, but I’m no expert.

It’s not common knowledge of course, there’s a lot more movement these days than there used to be. People don’t really learn these old regional folk tales so they tend to die out. Bit of a shame imo but life goes on

>Free drinks
Bosnian myths seem pretty cool.

Interesting threads like these wont get 20 replies but gayposting and race baiting will go to 113 post and then the jannie will call it a day

Yea its an interesting one. We also have the standard vampire and witch ones, the vampire legend originated from the balkans afterall. Most older people believe in withces tho. My grandma still believes they are a real thing and told me about a women that lived in her village that was a witch.

Honestly couldn't tell you because I never got taught the mythologies of the area I live in desu. I'm sure there are some but they died out by now.

povodni mož
(water man)
"vodnik" on wikipedia
a man who lives underwater and sometimes goes out to hunt for souls or charms a lady to dance with her and then drowns her (thats from a ballad here)

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Is he like a magical monster or just a guy?

some stories tell that he is an evil spirit, but he definitely isnt just a guy. one story i really liked when i was a kid was about the water man who kidnaps a young boy who was playing in the river. he takes him into his underwater castle and offers him alot of wealth but the boy misses his family so all of the mans jewels and gold hold no value for him, and the water man's heart is broken when he realises that the wealth he owns is not the wealth he needs (in the form of a family, or company of some kind) so he lets the boy return to his family

Nøkken is still the top dog of Norwegian fairy tails.
Sure its not a humongous troll, but instead its a pond killer trying to lure people into lakes and ponds to drown them. Rad

Well we have a literal lich king aka koshey bessmertniy, he’s pretty cool and still lives after more than a thousand years, you may also know him as president of Russia

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The only Russian creature people remember is Baba Yaga.

Damn this is pretty spooky

El Nadaha is a beautiful woman that calls you at night and if you look you are as good as dead. Used to get me running when I was young.

A demon woman that likes to kill drunk retards who can't spot her chicken and goat legs

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Type of dragon, standard in german sagas probably more common than the word dragon(Drache).

Fuck off demon
He's forgetting the part where they eat you after.

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Hard to find any since the whole world knows our fairy tales as the standard ones. Even if they only know the tame Disney versions the fairy tales collected the brothers Grimm are almost universally known.

At the risk of them being known already:

Frau Holle/Holda/Perchta in stories she is a women usually old that either rewards or punishes people based on them being good and diligent or bad and lazy. Standard story is a diligent girl loosing some spinning thing and it falling down a well. She climbs down meets Frau holle and works for her and gets rewarded after a while with gold. Lazy sister tries the same fucks everything up and is punished. There are a lot of Variations on it, sometimes the punishment involving being cut open and filled with straw. Brothers Grimm thought her the folklore remains of some pagan godess.


House spirits small and with the stereotypical stocking cap that do your work for you while you sleep. If you observe them they dissappear forever.
And a Big Dick Bulgarian song for slaying demons, thanks based Poland

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>and he will be left with the drink in his hand.

Love that detail, it really makes it a happy end

Creatures of the Tupi mithology who protect animals from hunters and those who enter the forests with bad intentions, they have their feets backyards to trick their preys and also produces a very characteristic wristle to terrorize them.
He uses his magic to make hunters get lost inside the forest and never return to their homes, being devoured by the jungle beasts.
Tribemen use to leave gifts to curupira one day before going to a hunt, in order to bribe him and don't get lost

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Tons of them but most are Variations on the same basic themes and the names are retarded.

Curious that it's a guy drowning a girl, it's normally the opposite

Anglos have a lot of interesting mythological creatures actually, the just didn't get transmitted to the colonies

Caiporas, wich are the Guarani equivalent of the Curupira
As Curupira they attack hunters and evil-doers but unlike her "cousin" she also attacks tribes to steal tools and set traps, she can be bribed exclusivelly using smoke herbs. She is also despicted to ride a wild Boar.

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German version of zombies, more like restless ghosts can be innocents murdered, murderes, people who commit suicide etc. Usually pretty fucking strong they strangle instead of bite you also their breath is sometimes cold and freezing.

what happens if he refuses drink because allah

Huge anthropomorphic looking alligators who pocess magical powers. They use black magic to attack innocents and bring evil to villages, plantations and travellers and also kidnapp children to eat. Cuca can only attack people at night when it's awake

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Really fucking weird and obscure one:
Langtüttin (basically long tits).
Ugly women with really long hanging tits that chases after children, usually killing them. One tit gives milk the other just pus and blood. Tits are often rotten black or made of iron. To run faster she throws her tits over her shoulders.

Tales of people with goat legs always scared me

Do they really?


a naked hot dude who plays enchanted music with his fidle by the water so you will go into the water so he can drown you or take you to his underwater lair to rape or some shit like that

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Underwater creatures that take the form of ponies and horses on land to trick girls into mounting them before absorbing and drowning them

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at least they didn't experience the gay bullshitery called wageslaving and adulting

>The legend begins with two women who lived in a village in the Yucatán Peninsula.[7] One woman was named Xkeban and the other Utz-colel.[7] Xkeban was called the sinner and Utz-colel was called the good woman.[4] Xkeban and Utz-colel were both equally beautiful.[7] However, Xkeban was involved in many love affairs while Utz-colel was known for her purity and virtue.[7] The townspeople looked down on Xkeban for her promiscuous behavior and belittled her whenever possible.[7] Xkeban did good deeds for the poor, sick and animals in need. Unfortunately, the townspeople could not see her kind heart.[4] They wanted to throw Xkeban out of the town, but they decided to allow her to stay in order to humiliate her.[7] Xkeban was able to remain sympathetic and kind-hearted through the love of the sick and poor.[7] On the other hand, Utz-colel was cold-hearted; she despised those in need and thought everyone was inferior to her.[7] The townspeople loved Utz-colel because she was celibate.[4] They did not see or care that Utz-colel would not give any food to the poor or help the sick.[7]
Why is this tale trying to push the "don't judge whores because they might be good on the inside" notion to me

Why? Scared they claim you are their father?

Fuck off

Sorry couldnt resist kek

Kek yes it's a good one

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Devi-Originated from Zoroastrian demons, Daevas. Hideous and headachingly retarded giant demons.
Ali (Plural "Alebi")-Means "Flames", basically a succubi.
Kajebi-kind of witches and sorcerers. Their fortress serves as main antagonists in old mythology and literature.
Chinka-an Imp
Cant think of anything else. Were kind of boring in that regard.

Based Germany

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There is also a variety of corn (not maize) demons/spirits that eat unripe corn. If you anger them the ruin the harvest. But they also make the field more fertile. They escape the field via thr last sheaf. Actually horro from spice and wolf fits perfectly especially since there are wolf like varieties of corn demons.

My grandfather uses to tell tales of witches that drank blood from humans.
Not a vampire, a witch. I don't know if it's common anywhere or if it's a thing from my city

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This is Leshiy.
The keeper of the forest and wild animals. Sometimes featured wearing an animal pelt and having some physical attribute of an animal such as horns and/or hooves. According to most tales he has the ability to shapeshift, changing his size and even assuming the form of a human without a belt and can become invisible. He also has enormous strength. A whole range of forest sounds are attributed to the Leshiy but it is said he is also capable of human speech. Leshiy are seen in both a negative but also a postive light. Sometimes the leshiy was seen as a cruel prankster spirit but also a just overseer of the forest that wouldnt hurt people without a reason (such as disturbing the peace and quiet) and could even come to the aid of a human.
According to folk tales hunters would bring an offering to the leshii and make a contract with him to ensure a successful hunt.
When pranking people he is said to assume the form of a close relative and taunt a person making him chase the leshii and get lost in the forest. He could be gotten rid of through prayer or alternatively, through heavy swearing.
A person found wandering the forest alone would be thought of as having been bewitched by the leshii. In order to lift his spell one would need to put on their clothes inside out or switch the soles in their shoes.

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>boring Anglos
Bud. America is the creme de la creme of crypzoology.

very good

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I didn't knew until now that it was a real thing. I thought it was a Lovato's invention.

Also, cuca is a very famous cake here in Brazil.

Jesus Christ.

How do Sasquatchlets even hope to compete?

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Your cryptids are cringe. Muh mothman, pigman, goatman, frogman.

In /x/ there's people that still hunt bigfoots kek.

we call them "Rusałki" they will lure you into "dancing" till you "fall" and devour your body. From distance they look attractive , but if you look closely you will notice the insanity radiating from their eyes and their faces wicked with madness.
Water ones are fair-haired lolis, while forest ones are dark-haired milfs.