Are you prepared for quarantine?

Are you prepared for quarantine?

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I bet alpine yodellers are having the time of their lives right now


just imagine all these Asian boomers seething because their Venice trip was cancelled

I'm gonna miss these brown boys like you would not believe.

I hope you people realise this is it.

Best case scenario there will be some major rewriting in multiple areas of our lives worldwide.

We just entered a state of emergency
My county has 60 confirmed bat flu cases
Things aren't looking good

the problem is that i have to give 2 exam the next week and they are probably delayed in this summer

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how does it make sense now? it's too late already, such measures should be applied when there are only several cases detected

Nah. Trump is going to drag his feet on testing policies until it is far too late to quarantine without significant economic consequences.

>ughh we need a disease to wipe out millions if we want to save the climate.. why can't boomers just die!?
>i-i i didn't mean it ahhhhhh

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I have been living in NEET quarantine for 10 years

the virgin quaratine vs the chad go outside and cough on people

are they really going to close the powerhouse of Italian economy? that's gonna hurt

It's all about politics. Politicians didn't want to take responsibility for the upcoming recession before, and even started dumb campaigns like #MilanDoesNotStop. Now they're taking these draconic measures so that they can say that did take some measures against the virus.
It's useless at this point, but they cannot just surrender.

>tfw economy will hit a recession and all the boomers who go on about "muh jobs" will get BTFO

Reminder that China started locking shit down when there were less than 500 cases.

>people die
>muh recession

What's going to happen when people stop coming in to work for fear of catching it?

What's baffling is that our governments (the Italian one did till today) are literally doing what we criticised China for, i.e. downplaying the whole thing.

Does anyone have good links to monitor the current situation on the coronavirus?

I have these links. I'm particularly interested in finding websites that show the situation in Italy in great detail.

>Events cancelled
>People stop going out to eat in fear of getting
>People skip work in fear of getting it

Yeah I'm sure China's economy is still doing phenomenally in spite of the outbreak

>close Lombardy at midnight
>reveal it publicly 6 hours before

comedy gold

I don't say there is not going to be recession, I just say it shouldn't be your biggest concern when there's an outbreak of a deadly disease. People are dying and you're thinking about money.

For Italy:

I mean I know disease outbreak is the primary concern at the moment, I just want MAGAboomers to shut up about "muh economy/muh jobs"

What happened to the "You have the coronavirus, the doctor says so soyjak.png" Italian poster?


People need money to survive. The government isn't going to pay my rent if I get sick.

Thank you.

>muh chinks
Cope. You brought this on yourselves by not taking it seriously. No amount of scapegoating will save your old people.

it's not. only 2% of the deaths are from people with no other diseases. average age is 81
bros, i don't want another 2007...

Use this:

Thank you.

if you get sick you'll be in hospital

oh sorry I forgot it's the USA and you don't have free healthcare

>bros, i don't want another 2007...
It's inevitable now. Not so much because of Italy, but the USA are fucked up big time and there will be a domino effect.

don't think about GDP, think about gathering food

Economic impact is way more important than human deaths, unless you live in some fairytale land.

kill, loot, rape


i'd rather be poor than dead

This is not about you

lmao if northern Italy will keep being separated from the south even if the virus retreats

why would anyone care about anything but himself and his family?

>>muh chinks
Impling the virus did't come from China, btw kys Mutt

Because we live in a society...

>ground zero for the corona ISN'T China
next oyu'll claim africa isn't where AIDS originated (man had sex with monkey, gave it to other homos)

btw, how is food going to be delivered into the closed areas now?

People can still enter and exit the red area for exceptional reasons.

that's why you should be more concerned about people dying than them getting poorer

They should just nuke all these areas

I'm more concerned about the economy because it affects all parts of our society. And the disease is pretty much only killing old and sick people, so from an socioeconomic viewpoint, this is great

Basato e Redpilatto.

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China took it seriously and shut entire cities down. Italy meanwhile is just whining about China as their brown masses continue to infect other countries (including China lol.)

>reee my first world salary will drop by 10%, I will have to save for 2 weeks more to buy a new car what I usually do every year

so this measure is really a joke, you still need tens of thousands of people to deliver even only basic stuff to such a populous region like Lombardy.

shut the fuck up edgelord

Apparently it's true. Honestly, to all italian don't despair. It probably will happen in north america to anyway. Take it has an opportunnity to think and study. It's during those harsh time many people were able to do great things in their room with a small light and paper.

When it all ends internationnaly, I'll come here there maybe and take a coffee with you all. Struggle creates strong people. Let's all be strong. The whole Hubei province as reported 0 case outside Wuhan. Wuhan is planned on re-opening in may.

calm down ghibli beats. love you.

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Italy will be praised for this in the long run. Countries that pretend everything is alright will be shunned eventually since countries won't want to have to deal with new outbreaks.

t. actual self-important retards
you are just another one of the 7,000,000,000 humans

Some of us don't have any healthcare, subsidized or otherwise.

Maybe there will be work collecting bodies?

It's not like you can leave people starving.
It's still something, there is usually something like 4 trains per hour between Milan and Rome.

We Region did ask for this three days ago. The Government STILL hasn't enacted it.

It's too late now. We are all fucked. And you too, by the way.

yes.. our company already got instructions to shut everything down for 3 weeks. i got food for 3 month.. i dont need water but i got some bottles and dried stuff.. fucking americans and their viruses..

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>We Region did ask for this three days ago.
Three days ago was already too late, it should have been enacted the day they found out the clusters in Codogno and Vo

yeah, I'm pretty sure that there might atleast a dozen of large city that will go on being quaratine. Every country that didn't have a big outbreak yet should invest lots of money on test kit like south korean and allow everyone to be tested. They didn't even put daegu in quaratine, which is impressif. Large quaratine is the result of being reactive when you should be proactive.