Cat edition
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/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
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bro your cat is retarded
jaxon tier
went to the mall, its fucking packed
nobody goes to our mall anymore
That's something I haven't seen for a long time.
Did you get some sick black JNCO jeans at Hot Topic?
I remember my grandma called me retarded for being too polite
I miss ya grams
What's the best part of this godforsaken continent?
Tijuana, Mexico.
The forest by the mountain.
He's creepy.
no i just came for new earrings desu
based gramgram
post your tits
Just took a bunch of supplement to boost my placebo effect defences for coronavirus
I'm starting an entertainment company, bros.
Vitamin D is supposed to be effective at fighting it.
West Virginia
Entertain me.
benis :DDD
I am entertained.
In the age of Covid
Was just listening to a song and noticed the comment section was full of discord trannies with anime profile pictures and I turned it off
Japanese study is going well bros
Whenever I hear one of my MP3s on the radio or in a movie, I delete it.
2 day flight what the heck
Smart decision, that's how they start conditioning you to join the tranny death cult
link song
Megadosing Vitamin C is also supposed to be useful once you have it
I should buy some emergen-c
what is this genre called?
you first
After masturbating 3 times today I no longer feel attracted to women. Who would have guessed?
I can see why Trannies would like that song.
>it only takes him three
Can't stop shaking my leg
I ate a lot of tp as a kid
do swedoids really
I was told eating white things would make me white
women are only good for sex
but instead of preserving it for a man that will provide an entire lifetime for them, they flaunt it in desperation. its backwards and they are Retarded with a capital R
This but unironically.
Anyone got that image of /cum/ on the normal distribution
Dumb. There’s a duality of woman just as there’s a duality of man. Whore or Madonna, Aphrodite or Hera; Ares or Zeus. Union in marriage allows both to become their better selves
Why don't we enslave women and trade them like Pokemon? They literally couldn't stop us. Never understood why we gave them rights.
You know how different the world would be if they actually let Bill Cosby buy NBC?
Just had a few rummy bears.
Business Idea:
Cummy Bears
Bottle of wine a day
Dabs in silence
Probably not liquid enough to soak into them.
That's a lot of alcohol, user.
Do a bottle of whiskey a day, then come back.