America is literally finished

CDC has given up testing. Everyone from the US is a potential carrier now.
Expect 2 million deaths this year at the current mortality rate.

Attached: notest.png (849x773, 252.78K)

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lol Trump really doesn't want the media to report on infection numbers.

the upside is that 95% of your political class will be dead by the first Tuesday of November

>COVID-19 is now endemic in [state where infection is detected]
Get used to seeing this.

he probably visited the west coast

It's on both coasts now and is working its way through the interior. It's just too fucking contagious. Now I know why China was so hardcore about it.

>very hard to detect until infected
>mortality rate no higher than that of normal flu to people under 50
>decide to put resources on actual sick people instead of guess work

The most optimistic outcome calculated was estimated to be 91 million infected in the US and 480,000 deaths, keep in mind this was the OPTIMISTIC. All to save a few bucks for the stupid airline industry who were too greedy to stop flights and properly test people

This. When China was hiding infection numbers it was bad but now that we are doing it it's OK.

west coast is worst hit, though
probably italy or iran tier level of contagion by now

ok doomer

Yeah I don't doubt it. Here in Seattle half of my IT department is out sick (including myself, though I only did it to avoid getting coofed on since I am not actually sick.) Fuck Trump for downplaying the seriousness of this shit. My boomer boss made us all go to a convention because of that.

>Get tests
>Most tests give false positives
>Don't even have enough tests to test at the same rate as fucking France, a country with a population of two US states (Texas and California) out of 50 states
>If you're tested negative, you have to pay for the test
>If you're tested positive, you have to pay for the quarantine
>Yet Americans have the audacity to claim they're the "best prepared country" for an outbreak*
South Korea has tests with 95% accuracy, why doesn't America?

It's easy to say you're number 1 when you're making the indeces.

>very hard to detect until infected
Not really no. See South Korea, or China where they're increasingly testing with lung scans instead.

>mortality rate no higher than that of normal flu to people under 50
15% of infected require hospitalization. Calculate 15% of 300 million, then tell me if US hospitals have that many quarantine rooms, beds, ventilators, dialysis machines and the doctors and nurses to treat them to spare.

>decide to put resources on actual sick people instead of guess work
By reacting to the problem rather than trying to pro-actively treating the problem, you're always going to be behind the facts and you're just going to increase the burden on your public health system. Do you know why cases in China are going down and why the growth of new cases in South Korea is slowing down? Because those countries put everything on fucking lockdown to PREVENT new infections, rather than just treating people as new infections show up. You know, that "guesswork" you're talking about.

Whatever man, don't forget to tip your doctor when he tells you your insurance won't cover your quarantine costs.

That was the CDC itself. They've admitted they have no faith in themselves to control it or help at all so that's what they predicted.

Wait, let me correct myself.
>very hard to detect until infected
Why yes, it's hard to tell if you have the disease if you don't have the disease.


>mfw the US is going to end up with more cases than China because of this shit

Attached: face miho despair453.png (315x302, 123.93K)

I hope it wipes out at least 4 billion people

What if Bernie, Biden, and Trump all get it and die? Shit what happens if Congress gets infected? They are all geriatrics for the most part.

Yep, and most of Europe is no better. It's because we're acting reactively: taking measures as the disease shows up. What China, South Korea and to a more limited extent Japan are doing is acting proactively, or seeking to prevent the spread of the disease before it shows up. The grand majority of Hubei Province wasn't infected, yet they were put on lockdown from the very start. That was to keep them from being infected in the first place.

>President AOC
Please don't.

it's ok you still have obama

nah. China figured out that stem cell and lungs transplant could keep you alive. So the rich is gonna be probably ok.

>Not really no. See South Korea, or China where they're increasingly testing with lung scans instead.

Gooks aren't people

If I were a sick American I would cough on every door handle in every major financial district in the country. Let's see how anti-elite the Americans populace really is.

>tfw China's response seems more and more reasonable the longer our government keeps fucking about
Fuck man.

Attached: crying karen3423.jpg (598x598, 35.9K)

Could this swing the elections? Old Americans are disproportionately white, republican and more likely to vote. If they are wiped out by the Corona, Bernie might actually have a shot.

Nigger it doesn't matter, all these containment measures are just delaying the inevitable. Just let the boomers die because there is zero chance of containing this virus.

The panic might damage the economy which in turn would make boomers less likely to vote for the president (which is why Trump's primary concern is damage control rather than encouraging testing/treatment.) The virus itself only kills the older boomers so it won't do much to vote tallies unless it gets way out of hand.

When this becomes wide spread Bernie might die from this virus. Because we already know that the incubation period is around 2 to 14 days during which you can spread the virus and not show up positive on a test, which means he's have to be completely isolated from all other people in order to not catch this virus.

Hopefully it will spread around Congress and the house since only boomers actually die from it.

Well that would be something if Biden, Bernie and Trump all dropped. But the thing is, rich people can buy life.

Has the virus hit DC yet? I wonder if our lovely political elites will still oppose testing when it does?

I wish that sick cabbie in NYC had decided to poo poo pee pee all over Wall Street. Fuck I hope Las Vegas gets it too. Only evil boomers will die.

shit what number we at now?

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eheheeh tick tock tick tock POOSA

who's laughing now. At least we're reporting them. Enjoy your millions of death because no one can afford to go to the hospital unless they're billionaires

>What if Bernie, Biden, and Trump all get it and die?

Attached: 1560311062174.png (812x634, 581.88K)

Eh, at the very least fucking Italy is closing things down in the North. I was wrong to call the Italians incompetent, it is we who are incompetent. While the French, Germans and even the fucking Belgians are shutting things down, closing schools, cancelling events and even on government levels putting restrictions on shaking hands/social kissing we... do fucking nothing. NOTHING AT ALL. Only our equivalent of the CDC saying "maybe it's not a smart idea to go to Northern Italy right now" but THERE ARE STILL FUCKING FLIGHTS GOING THERE.


I hate how nonchalant and "it's just the flu, bro" people are here, politicians and commoners alike.


If you go to milan, unless you are like in a plastic suit or you literally avoid everything, you are bound to get corona'd

>president AOC

Attached: 1583359111929.png (2000x1333, 2.09M)

but then who will rule over the nü Urth?

Yep, and flights are STILL going to and from there. All we have is a "yo, better not go there" recommendation from our CDC-equivalent. Instead of just cutting all passenger flights to Northern Italy and instantly quarantining everyone who comes back from there just to be on the safe side. For fucks sake, we jumped from zero to 128 (confirmed) cases PURELY with infections coming from Italy or people who were in contact with someone from Italy.

How stupid can you get? Just cutting passenger flights won't insta-demolish the economy. It just keeps retarded tourists away from the coof zone.

good, dutch posters are massive dickheads. hope you get infected cunt

There's a saying about glass houses and stones...

Mommy Tulsi

>america exposed as a 3rd world-tier shithole?
>better quickly say something racist

more like a*eriKKKa

anyway it's too late, it is spread across all europe, it's over

is that real?


>retard can't grasp the concept of exponential growth

Why did the US spread infected fleas all over Korea (=Neo-Unit 731)?

>Koreans claim the US dropped bombs containing disease-carrying insects and food.
>The insects had been spread over a large area of farmland in Korea.
>Disease broke out in the village the following month.

Attached: Neo-UNIT 731.png (230x292, 126.67K)

because fleas carry plague

>dropped disease-carrying insects on insects

Attached: 0_hiroyuki-sanada.jpg (564x334, 67.92K)

lmao decaying exponential more like.

also literally no accurate growth graph is ever exponential. it will be sigmoidal.

>it will be sigmoidal
Yeah, once the virus reaches it's peak it will become sigmoidal, but currently it's very much growing exponentially outside of china.

Attached: Q9mjTH2.jpg (1125x1563, 265.21K)

China kneecapped its Q1 economy and probably its Q2 economy as well to stop it. And for what? To keep some ancient boomers alive? Fuck that. I don't want to lose more money.

LMAO based Dr. Ishii did it again

>The report suggested a link to the World War II Japanese germ warfare Unit 731.
>Former Unit 731 members Shirō Ishii and other Japanese biological warfare experts were often named in the allegations.
>The commission placed credence on allegations that Ishii made two visits to South Korea in early 1952, and another one in March 1953.[7]

Attached: Shiro Ishii 石井四郎(731部隊).png (866x1006, 534.88K)

>vivisected chingooks alive and spread virus just to annihilate chingooks from the earth.
Is this dude a national hero of Japan?

>infected patients in toorak
holy mother of based that place is full of rich boomers

this should be some casus belli type shit for war against china. what the fuck, they need to pay for what they've made the rest of the world go through. dirty little chinks

Shut up zoomer. No one invaded China/HK after SARS, no one attacked West Africa for Ebola, and no one is going to start a war over this bullshit either. Go back.

Can someone make a quick rundown of US germ warfare and and human experimentation?

Guatemala syphilis experiments

>The syphilis experiments in Guatemala were United States-led human experiments conducted in Guatemala from 1946 to 1948.
>Doctors infected soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners and mental patients with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases, without the informed consent of the subjects.

Meanwhile over 3 thousand people have died from the common flu in the US since the coronameme started.

if corona is allowed to spread like the normal flu, expect at least 1 million americans to die

flu mortality rate 0.01%
corona mortality rate 3%

>CDC has given up testing.
They are still testing. Evergreen Health Clinics aren't testing in their outpatient clinics, but they aren't the CDC.

>it's just like the flu bro!
Except that it isn't. There are thousands of flu strains that 99% of the population is exposed to at any given time. Coronavirus has only infected 1% of the population so far and is already doing damage. The death toll will be in the millions if everyone gets infected

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i dont like ur answer or sources fake news xdddxddxddd
just a cold xdddxddddddxdddddxdd we r totally
prepared ne

u doomer fake