republicucks, tell me... what unites the people of your countries if not a royal family? let me guess, a football game? muh free speech and democracy? some dead historic person?
Republicucks, tell me... what unites the people of your countries if not a royal family? let me guess, a football game...
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Dumb fucking post. Are you implying the Australian people are all united by the (British) Royal Family?
Apparently Georgians really want to restore the royal family by more than half.
Can they confirm?
Yes. As two referendums have confirmed. The Queen gives you purpose as she gives us purpose.
Our local communities and the rights granted to us by a higher power and ordained by the constitution. We bow to noone, especially not to glorified celebrities born with silver spoons in their hands like your monarchs/royal families.
>let me guess, a football game?
>muh glorified celebs
of course you would have no understanding of noble birth
chinese are not australian
your celebrities are like our royals
There is nohing more cucked than a monarchy.
A whole nation has to live as cucks.
mutual hatred for monarcucks like you
why the fuck aren't australia and new zealand republics already?
We may hate eachother.
But we hate everyone around us even more.
Danish are not Australian
Noble birth = inbred rich people who have the idea that they're better than the average "peon"
Small town rural America and urban hellhole America that worships celebs ought to be separate countries.
i agree
what i mean is that humans will always look for someone to worship and idolise. so if not a monarch, who then in america?
the nation, of course, a natural feeling of belonging
monarchies on the other hand have throughout history forced multinational states to exist, because the land exist as property of the king, and the people that live in it mere tenants. just as landlords do not care if your neighbour is from a different culture or race as long as he pays, neither does the monarch care what happens as long as his property remains intact and profitable.
>what unites the people of your countries if not a royal family?
If your country's entire identity is bending the knee to one man, your country has no identity.
>so if not a monarch, who then in america?
I'm going to imagine the King of Kings, the only one to whom a human should bend the knee. Alternatively this
Usually it's an abstract ideal, that's why I like serving a real person in a real kingdom.
i don't agree with this at all. a republic is a state with people, a monarchy is a people with a state
Because wasting money on memes like ceremonial presidents is dumb. The UK foots the bill for their head of state and they get Governors that the PM "recommends" (chooses)
>that's why I like serving
Of course you do
A real person who doesn't care about you and your well being, and would starve you to death to stop you from "poaching the queen's game". I'd rather fight and die for abstract ideas like personal freedom.
>A real person who doesn't care about you and your well being
That's a pretty bold claim, and sort of ironic coming from your flag.
the language
source: disney movies
>People of country
>more than monarchies
Why would pampered rich family unite a country? F*ck monarchs
I dont worship Trump like a king if that's what you're trying to imply. Personality cults of any kind are dumb. Do you honestly think Queen Elizabeth cares about you? You're an expendable pawn.
When the Queen dies, I am going to fucking SCREAM God Save the King. Charles wants to destroy modern architecture, Harry wants to bring back national service.
Its good, its going to be A-Okay.
"a people" is such a vapid meaningless concept in this context, or a globalist one.
Whatever happens to serve a king suddenly becomes part of "a people". Another culture, another language, another identity and history is dominated by a king and suddenly they are your peole too. That's abhorrent and serves only to the benefit of the King, and exists only because the king wants it.
Many things can unite a state, the more natural and pure way of uniting a state is nationalism.
Republics have a certain soul that monarchies will never possess.
>I like serving
I hope based Charles ibn-Philip al-Londoni takes up his mantle as Muhammad's (PBUH) direct descendant and declares himself Caliph of the world and calls for a Jihad against the EU
I'm not against the idea of monarchy, I'm just against YOUR idea of monarchy. What's the point of having a king if he doesn't do anything? I want my ruler to be a Louis XIV, a Napoléon, a Charlemagne. And currently, our presidents are doing a better job at that than your king.
Constitutional Monarchy is boring and just for tourists. I want proper British Monarchy back, I want the Stuarts.
>I want someone to have absolute power over my life with no means to oppose him and leave my prosperity completely up to chance
There's a reason why the French monarchy fucked up four times in a row and the decreasing relevance of the British monarchs is the only thing that saved them from the guillotine
Constitutional Monarchists are just fucking republicans.
We're united by our GOD GIVEN RIGHT to liberty.
Stupid fucking monarchists worship some celebrity who happens to be descended from a guy from the Middle Ages a bit more than the other citizens of the country.
And that's why they're tolerable. Not based, just tolerable.
Nah, those are people from the cities (it's in the name) and tended to have special rights based on the city's charters. In general a king has subjects, as in those subject to the king's whims.
>We bow to noone
except our masters, israel
We bow to God
die evangelical
My point still stands, the other inhabitants of the country then.
God gives us our rights. Why wouldn't we bow to his will?
Maybe geriatric boomers do but I sure as hell don't
Language, Homeland, Faith.
Monarcuckoldry is a disgrace.
>Oh yes master, please cuck me like a disgraceful, disgusting lowborn serf I am, just because you have a magical surname and your ancestors were better at murdering their brothers.
does "Fear God, Honour the King" mean nothing to you?
No even if you're not religious you should.
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
God doesn't need to have a representative on Earth like a King anymore, as shown by republics.
Useless institution.
King means Sovereign and earthly authority in General ("king", again, "sovereign" refers to the Roman Emperor, where hereditary """royal""" family, was such anomaly, that it persisted until fall of Constantinople), not an inbred retarded cabal of degenerates that people idolises. Read the Bible when Israel wanted a monarchy and God 's comment that by doing so, they rejected God as their King.
by "it" i mean, abhorrence towards hereditary rulership
This is my fucking ideology.
How has the king deserved to be honored? Because somewhere in a distant past some whore married into the extended family of Big Man?
Because he is fucking god ordained, user.
Prove it
read this book
>John Neville Figgis
>"The Divine Right of Kings"
No, I want the king to prove it. Have God intercede on his behalf like Old Testament kings, or send a prophet who performs miracles. Oh wait, the king can't do that? He's just pointing to David and saying "David Good, David Ordained by God. Me too ordained by God. Me Good. Source: Trust me, am king"?
Earn my loyalty or fuck off.
fuck off then
God I hate protestants.
>God I hate protestants
You have no liberty, cuck. You can't even drink until 21.
>inb4 muh guns
The 2A won't exist in 20 years.
I'm a Jacobite.
>You can't even drink until 21
That's how you measure liberty of all things?
We will once Americans loyal to the Founding Fathers revolt.
You do realise guns were taken away by your governments barely 20 years after the revolution, right?
Monarcuckolds cannot gaze beyond material needs and consoomption. Thats why they need some fat degenerate with crown as an idol to replace God as object of worship.
>ywn live in a real country
even if I were to move to a real country, i would never belong
monarchs uphold the faith and make places religious morals into all walks of daily life, republicanism does not have that commitment because it is concentrated on what the people ask for rather then what is paramountly needed.
Name one thing that would actually change if the Queen just stopped existing and was replaced by an elected President
Pretty sure that under Jefferson (early 1800s, so a good 20 years after the Treaty of Paris) allowed a merchant to arm his private vessels with cannons.
Britain would actually have a separation of powers rather than have the executive be an extension of the legislative.
>monarchs uphold the faith and make places religious morals into all walks of daily life
Except that they don't.
Your country literally seceded from Catholic church because a fat guy on the throne decided that marriage didnt suit him.
And lets not start how many degenerate monarchs of Israel led people astray. Because Israelites, again, were monartrash that "rejected God as their king" (1 Samuel 8:7)
>republicanism does not have that commitment .
Rome was a stratocratic republic until its destruction in 1453, you bloody imbecile.
>because it is concentrated on what the people ask for rather then what is paramountly needed
Except that it isnt and you are so retarded that you cannot even differentiate between the regime (Democracy) and government form (Republic). Republic can be Oligarchic (Venice, Genoa, Orthodox Theocracies) and Autocratic (Roman Empire/Byzantium), but thats besides the point. What ISNT besides the point that you morons actually think that Monarcuckoldry doesnt have same issues, with "people" replaced with "nobles"/"court"
> until its destruction in 1453
back to central asia, turd