>His country has put a woman in charge
His country has put a woman in charge
I'm honestly surprised Sweden has never elected a woman to be a PM considering how we make a point of being a "feminist government"
thatcher did nothing wrong though
apart from introducing american-style capitalism
and destroying shipbuilding
and destroying our steel industry
and destroying our mining industry
and making class conditions so terrible to gave birth to a renewed socialist movement that hasn't shaken off yet
but you put a black in charge
>your nation will choose between a handful of yelling semi-coherent white boomer before they ever put a woman in charge
She wasn't elected, she was interim and was gone within a year. Talk about misleading facts.
Uhm, hello?
>not including monarch
We litteraly never had a female president ever
doesn't look like we'll have another womeme at this point at least, unless zombie M*rkel were to run again
In late XIX century we had Princess Isabel in charge and even before that a portuguese Qeen, Maria the mad.
Before the independence you had a queen, or more than one. So you had women in charge.
>White man bad!!!!
Don't worry, your neighbor is a shining example.
Thatcher was known as the 'Iron Lady', and May was assigned as PM by Cameron.
She was based for putting Argies in their place though
Thatcher was based and anyone who disagrees is a seething Argentinian
I guess they thought "Jeanne d'arc lol" and that's it...
Elizabeth Warren ain't exactly a spring chicken either, she's 70 years old.
The only fucking thing that woman did right was the Falklands War. The stupid actions she took in northern ireland and her absolutely autistic economic policies that turned a pleasant, prospering but conservative country into a fucking radically new americanesque cash n grab shithole that breeded counter culture and fucked up the conservative party forever was terrible.
>Being this retarded
She got elected after crushing the socialist movement that plagued the UK and US in the 70s. The Labour Party then proceeded to reform itself under Blair's neoliberal 'New Labour'. Corbyn tried to go back to its 70s politics and got crushed by Boris as a result.
user the CPGB was at its highest when thatcher was in power.
Why are all the politicians in America such old coots? In our latest elections none of the major candidates were older than 50
Only because of brexit. Had labour not adopted the libcuck view they would've done better.
foids aren't human
You need name recognition or nobody is gonna give a fuck. That said, Tulsi Gabbard is holding in at 3rd
It's counting Edith Cresson who as prime minister was head of the government
No, Brexit was a major factor but Socialism isn't popular in our country. I forget the exact figures, but only around 20% of the nation agreed with Corbynism, and Labour's popularity continues to decline as we speak.
dont forget the housing crisis
Still better than a femoid. Hell, even a literal dictator or military junta would be preferable to having a woman president.
Not the president though. She was prime minister for one year.
Doesn't really count does it? She was appointed by the President (who's the real guy in charge), never elected, was the most hated prime minister in the history of France, and left with a depression after a few months.
Ireland shouldn't really be on there, the president isn't in charge of anything
>apart from introducing american-style capitalism
That's a good thing
>and destroying shipbuilding
>and destroying our steel industry
>and destroying our mining industry
Inefficient industries that were only kept afloat through gibsmedats and special treatment
>and making class conditions so terrible to gave birth to a renewed socialist movement that hasn't shaken off yet
Blame your Two Party System.
Hence the term "female leaders". The French PM is the head of government, so technically a "leader". These kind of charts always use their terms very opportunistically.
>women in charge bad
>orange golem in charge good
It's not a two party system, but Proportional Representation is an autistic system. Why would anyone want coalitions to be a normal thing in their country? They're sluggish, force compromise and enable corruption. Imagine voting for a nationalist populist party that promises to close the borders, they win despite the establishment backlash and then have to coalesce with a centrist party that believes in the status quo. FPTP is the best of both worlds between the American and Euro system imo.
yes, and under her rule the arabs caught us with our pants down.
never again
>american style capitalism
kill yourself
>in charge
This is entirely false. She is just the president; it's a figurehead position. The real executive power is with the prime minister.
stop being maoist and bring back your monarch
Our nationalist party made every other right wing party and even our biggest leftist party take a hard stance on immigration
Yes and they have both been traitor's
Fuck Brundtland and fuck Solberg
>It's not a two party system
It de facto is, much like the American system is despite the existence of the Libertarian Party, the Greens, the Communist Party of America (yes, it's a thing), the Nazi Party of America (yes, it's also a thing) et cetera.
>Why would anyone want coalitions to be a normal thing in their country?
As opposed to wasted votes? 30 percent of voters translating to 2/600 seats makes sense of you?
>They're sluggish
You know what isn't sluggish? A totalitarian dictatorship. It can get shit done without the struggle of competing ideologies actually having to compromise and reach a solution.
>Imagine voting for a nationalist populist party that promises to close the borders, they win despite the establishment backlash and then have to coalesce with a centrist party that believes in the status quo.
Again, as opposed to the nationalist populist party getting 30% of votes but less than a percent of seats? Your de facto options are Government Party and Established Opposition.
>FPTP is the best of both worlds between the American and Euro system imo.
FPTP is the American system with all the problems of the American system, but without its constitutionalism, president or (until very recently) supreme court and with a nobility of birth and life appointed peers that can overrule the elected representatives.
Don't defend the shittiest system out there just because your country has it, oppose it because you love your country.
I'd like to, but that's fucking impossible now. Besides, it's more about power than ideology for the current bloodsuckers
>you could have [insert pop culture reference]
Why are women like this?
The state of burgers
Arya and Hermione would make terrible leaders. Even Ron has to tell Hemione to get her black mage shit together during the plant fight.
Our one and only female prime-minister took over from a former PM (B.Mulroney) that had stepped down, and she lasted like 5 months before losing the general election. Dunno if it really counts but CNN is clearly stretching the truth to push an agenda.
Maria Estela Martinez de PerĂ³n was probably the worst president in the history of the nation, and it opened chance (right with the CIA) for the most bloody military dictatorship we ever had to get in power
And yet Britain is the one you hate.
Our hate for Britain goes back to the early 19th century, so i don't se how is that related
>FPTP is the best of both worlds between the American and Euro system imo.
have you been to a doctor and had them confirmed that there is actually something inside your skull
Who don't you hate?
Not the head of state, the president can kick out the prime minister any time he wishes
Uruguay. Although they hate us for that.
>thatcher did nothing wrong though
this but unironically
What did Britain do to Argentina? I thought they bought lots of your beef.
do you even have elections? or is she just your life long dictator? ive never heard any news my entire life about 'german elections are coming up soon'
This, I want to know too.
Honest to God I could probably run this cunt better. Straight hardcore tech/sci build. Build grandiose structures meant to last. End planned obsolescence. Tax the rich 90% like in the 50s. Completely end Mexican legal immigration and all trade ties - us jobs for us citizens.
Make 4 year college free or damn close. Massive university Grant's. Abortion legal. Less gun control. Ban for profit prisons.
We work together. We're strong together. USA Proud.
how exactly would you get all that past congress
war emergency powers are thoroughly abused in the US, sure, but not that hard
Invaded Buenos Aires
Created the state of Uruguay from an argentine province
Invaded The Falklands
Imposed a blockade on our ports and tried to gain sovereignty of out inner rivers
The beef buying part came with lots of benefits for Britain and not a lot for us.
They didn't pay back the massive loans wr had given them in WW1 and tried not to pay the ones from WW2
Just off the top of my head
British BVLL. Fuck Argentina.
>how exactly would you get all that past congress
Same way he would achieve his "straight hardcore tech/sci build" or "build grandiose structures meant to last": picking the right focus on the focus tree.
>Invaded Buenos Aires
When it was Spanish
>Created the state of Uruguay from an argentine province
When it was Spanish
>Invaded The Falklands
When it was Spanish
What? In my country a woman was never president...and i hope it remains that way