Big brain edition
/v4/ + incels
my memory is so bad I Dont remember what movie I watched today was about
damn thom got the eboy style down back in the 90's
Mosirrey too kind of had it.
Blessing this thread.
The quintessential basic bitch
Disgusting bimbo thot
At least she does nice paintings
I am an incel.
We share our pain brother.
I am an incel.
He is an incel.
He, too, is an incel.
Talentless attention whore but I wouldn't mind peeing in her butt.
rawr :3
Blessing this thread
Incels will rise up one day.
If you happy and you know it clap your fat.
God I wish I were Polish.
>p-painting minis is not an art !
I would like to see you do pic related on a 2x1,5cm piece of plastic desu
Where is my mini? >:3
next to my bed on the little table :3
I am a performance artist.
Czeched trips
Proof? >:3
no proofs needed :3
Proofs are always required when it comes from a liar >:3
Argie, have you read Cien Años de Soledad?
I havent desu, i have read El amor en los tiempos del colera tho, good book
Roastwhores will get the bullet some day.
Good night anons :)
I'm 3/4 in in Cien Años de Soledad, I decided to read more literature, since I didn't in a while.
Based, its a good read?
But you are the liar here :3
It's entertaining and the magical realism thing can be fun, but I feel it's a bit too long and lacks focus, which is probably intented but not my favourite thing.
Now that I think of it, I never read anything from Borges, I am a shame for my country
Argie sit on my face and kill me with your farts
It has been proved several times that you make shit up pretty often :3
Now Im curious, I wonder if I can get it as an epub
>It has been proved several times that you make shit up pretty often :3
Like when ? :3
Manletolo you freak
Like when you said you were going to paint s mini for me >:3
That was no lie. I was painting it and only stoped when you were started being rude >:3
You never started you liar, I started calling you out when the time passed and no mini was given >:3
No it has been literally half finished for last 6 months or so. You are lying again :3
>making shit up
Its getting sad now tramoski, if it has been any progress you would have provided any proof, time to admit the truth already >:3
>Now Im curious, I wonder if I can get it as an epub
It's very easy to find on the Internet.
Everything is easy to pirate and books are extra easy.
I think he means 553
No I would not, just as I didnt post any progress pics of Femvak minis :3
saviour bump
Polish music 1
polska muzyka 2
polish music 3
Polish music 4
polska muzyka 5
wish I had guns
me too bro
I want SVD
bumping for trans rights or whatever
What rights do you need?
the right not to be hated and despised
Nobody's forcing you to be a freak.
I do like you, but I have a right to my own thoughts and if somebody hates you then they have that right too