Why? Is Finland trying to become Sweden 2.0?

why? Is Finland trying to become Sweden 2.0?

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that was their plan all along

Europe should just invade Turkey.


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Help migrants claim asylum in their qt Finnish wombs.

Don't steal our bit you limey faggot.

>the guardian
>the new york times

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Why be an ass when you can be a hero?

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That's what happens when you put w*men in power
Sharia can't come soon enough

>shooting the messenger

>Feminist government
Do Nordcucks really?

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Reminder that this is all america's fault. Also reminder that all far right parties in Europe are pro-ameriglobo. They can't save Europe.

I gave up long time ago. I don’t care anymore two bee on est.

To be fair to women von der Leyen was quick to support greece. The previous alcoholic would have thrown a fit abd demanded the migrants be let in.
Us germans know best that she is incompetent but not much more so than plenty of her male collegues.

cute irish boy on the right

>Also reminder that all far right parties in Europe are pro-ameriglobo

That isnt true at all. Far right parties tend to be anti globalist. Trump made america more apealing to them but previously snd still somewhat most of them were russiaboos.

Is there a single person in this pic with 46 chromosomes ?

How does the Finnish media cover the current government?

Only one, but he has like 900 of them.

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>Wait a second- are you trying to help people ?

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me third from back right

cool teacher

You should be sending trained assassins, then you'd be based.

Oh god school memories from the 2000s

>THIS is the white race

sexy politician milfs

>You should be sending trained assassins, then you'd be based.

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Because like Sweden they succeeded so much that they are now far too innocent for the world

literally me

Heh. You should go read some accounts from Talvisota.

>Heh. You should go read some accounts from Talvisota.

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>go to finlan
>throw passport
>grow beard
>masahla sadiq I am arab doctor
>get welfare bux and fin gf
Could it work?

I´d take inappropriate glances at the redhead in the blue shirt, if you know what I mean.

help people? is that what the invasion is called. the middle east should really help out all the neets and incels and let them colonize the middle east for europe.

1st world leftists are so retarded and naive, lol

>help people? is that what the invasion is called. the middle east should really help out all the neets and incels and let them colonize the middle east for europe.

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That teacher is /fa/ as fuck

Is the teacher Finn tho ?What a chad

They are from northern Finland Kemi/Tornio some shit like that

>1st world leftists are so retarded and naive, lol

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Reading comprehension isn't your strongest suit, no? I'm on your side.

Look how smug Sanna is

>believing propaganda lies not even directed at you
Good God man have some respect for yourself

>the middle east should really help out all the neets and incels and let them colonize the middle east for europe.
Twice in a century? Kinda bleak.

>Reading comprehension isn't your strongest suit, no? I'm on your side.

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yeah user, anyone who isnt an open borders faggot is a nathzee


>they actually have a female prime minister

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are you rasing you right fist as you type this?
do you have dreadlocks?
i bet you have buttplugs too

I don't know why the Soyjak poster is raging about since our government isn't doing any of that. It's fake news and the breitbart sources don't say what they're claiming they say.

>Why yes, I do get my news from The Guardian and Vox, how could you tell?

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looks like the wojak poster got doxxed

>yeah user, anyone who isnt an open borders faggot is a nathzee

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based väinämöinen, he should sink Sweden with his tones

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I get my news from the Mail on Sunday thank you very much, God save the Queen.

everything is propaganda

>are you rasing you right fist as you type this?
>do you have dreadlocks?
>i bet you have buttplugs too

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ITT: a Finn spams soyjacks while greentexting a few choice words
and gets 3+ (You)s per post
What the fuck am I even watching? Are rightards really this retarded? I know you can make a b8 thread on Yas Forums, close the tab and still get 300+ replies because it’s that fucking easy, but this is Yas Forums and even our cross posters are at least room temperature IQ... right?

god, imagine the smell

You must be the same guy who made the Denmark hate thread yesterday. Just 2-3 retards like you can ruin the reputation of hundreds of Finnish posters.

>Yas Forums
But they literally Hilter, literally !

>ITT: a Finn spams soyjacks while greentexting a few choice words
>and gets 3+ (You)s per post
>What the fuck am I even watching? Are rightards really this retarded? I know you can make a b8 thread on Yas Forums, close the tab and still get 300+ replies because it’s that fucking easy, but this is Yas Forums and even our cross posters are at least room temperature IQ... right?

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>google "hallitus lähettää rajavartijoita auttamaan pakolaisia turvapaikan hakemisessa"
>the only hits are in the comments sections of reputable news sites
Nice try monke.

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Sanna is such a fking qt3.14 i can't handle it

why is that american sperging out in every thread about the right-wing?

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Lis butthole smells at least 30% Swedish

Actually kekd.

Fake news

>ITT: a Finn spams soyjacks while greentexting a few choice words
>and gets 3+ (You)s per post
>What the fuck am I even watching? Are rightards really this retarded? I know you can make a b8 thread on Yas Forums, close the tab and still get 300+ replies because it’s that fucking easy, but this is Yas Forums and even our cross posters are at least room temperature IQ... right?

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Can someone give this Latvian a (you) already ? i would but i have a principle of not interacting with non-countries

Sure thing, Ulf Björnesson.

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Nah, WSJ master race

What went oh so horribly wrong in your life and education to where you look to an American trolling/boomer screeching site founded by a Zionist Jew for “””news”””?

>Can someone give this Latvian a (you) already ? i would but i have a principle of not interacting with non-countries

Hey fuck you, we're not the ones meme:ing you. Be mad at Argentina, how'd we get dragged into this?

>implying Hitler was a NEET autist living in his moms basement watching anime
Hitler was a failure but nothing like them, they should even be so lucky lmao

>Be Turkey
>Get tons of refugees from countries you are not related with
>And because of wars you didn't start to begin with
>Refugees start to get low paid jobs for even less money and make ordinary turkish citizens lose their jobs
>Tons of spendings on the rest of them
>Economical and inner politics problems occur more often now
>Europe plays the moral card first and blames you for not threating them right
>Europe then plays the "muuhhh human rights" card but doesn't do a fuck expect providing 1/4th of the money she promised you to give to keep the refugee fuckers out of their continent
>You enter Syria for your own elite benefits but also to create a "terrorists free zone" to send at least some of the refugees there to lower the pressure over yourself because of the turkish revoltings and the possibility to loose the next elections against the opposition
>You enter soldiers
>Everyone plays the "muuuuh barbarian turks" card
>You say: Fuck it.
>You release only 1/150th of the refugee hordes that live in your place and allow them to enter Europe if they want.
>...even the cute finnish prime minister


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fuck europe fuck zog fuck america and most of all fuck all of you

Yes. Finnish border guards just overrule the greek guards and start smuggling people to Europe.

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stop projecting and start dilating


fuck you

A Swede started bantering , not that I mind since it's fun. And then this little fagboy starts crying when I banter back.


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That's not banter. Guy looks like a cool old wizard.

>the Yas Forumstard can’t stop thinking and talking about trannies despite claiming to “hate” them
uh huh
you still haven’t answered my question faggot. Did your dad run out on you? Or did arabs bully you in school?

>why yes I do hate my own beautiful country and its people, I want them to be replaced by muslim scum

why do people like this exist?

For what it's worth, I personally support turey in this shitfest

>>why yes I do hate my own beautiful country and its people, I want them to be replaced by muslim scum

>why do people like this exist?

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