Average Chicano poster on Yas Forums
Average Chicano poster on Yas Forums
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just latinos in general desu
delete this pic of me pls
Is that acne?Fucking Hell,I still can't tell.
How does Mexicans feel about Chicanos?
I wish someone would beat this subhuman until it's crippled for the rest of it's life.
Every anti-chicano Mexican on here is a richfag elite that hates poor people. Our actual primos back home get along with us and we chicanos visit them every summer. Ignore chilango incels that wish they were white.
That meme doesn't even make any sense with this post, pendejo. You'd know if you actually knew anything about Mexico
>Every anti-chicano Mexican on here is a richfag elite that hates poor people
Yes, and?
They're cringe and I hate the fact that they feel entitled to represent mexico to foreigners.
95% of "mexican" stereotypes are actually chicoño stereotypes.
You freaks never even leave whatever rich neighborhood in whatever city your from, you've never met chicanos and your only knowledge of them are Yas Forums shitposters.
How do you get skin like that? Jesus Christ
De verdad no me gustan los chicanos.
Son muy patético y tienen mucha arrogancia.
Damn chicano look like THAT
Yes, that is correct. I only leave to buy groceries or eat at fancy restaurants because interacting with the poors sickens me deeply. How could you tell?
Patéticos *
You're probably not even Chicano but that Salvadoran monkey who LARPs as Mexican
Peak Chicano genes
rent free
Dont argue with them. Just make cancerous posts like I do until they lose their minds
By never leaving the house and moderating a chinese cartoon forum 24/7
Chicanos dont believe in bathing or balanced diets that shit was made by gringos ese. I mean have you seen their food
Op is butthurt because I ruined the white worship thread
>balanced diets
>that shit was made by gringos ese
I mean I hate CHIs but is this really the hill you want to die on?
God he's got bigger tits than my girlfriend.
Nice try Tyrone, you cannot divide and conquer the latinx community.
Que es un chicano para ti? Culaquier persona de descendencia mexicana nacida aqui?
Go back to Spanish class, palurdo
I do not think its the black mexican this time, hes just a faggot who got upset after I ruined the white cock worship thread
No nezecitar mas clase de español, la saber ablar bien
Chicanos are worst they always complaining when they in America they can't shut up about ho great Mexico is but once they here thy cannot shut up about how America has things that mexico does not
>in america we do this and that
fuck off
Yes we are worster and proud of that, now kys mexishit
Take the proxy off Tyrone, post your black hand
Hes butthurt fag, from this thread desuarchive.org
We should send chicanos to Mexico to fight gang violence at least then the cartels would actually need that chainsaw to cut through
What's up with the Chicano retard that always accuses everyone of being Black? Wtf
>the cartels would actually need that chainsaw to cut through
I don't believe you
That is an honduran subhuman. We chicanos look like this.
whoever that faggot is he is not a chicano, pic related is what we do to fags in Aztlan
Por qué me preguntas?te he ofendido?espero que no.
My famil run the cartel nigga, nobody is gunna be chainsawing me
Really haha go on and give us some proof hahaha
This is cope
isn't this that weird mexican trap who identifies as strasserist or some retarded shit like that
No, no me has ofendido. Solo preguntaba por curiosidad
Thats and honduran triracial with high amounts of negro blood
They giving him a massage?
Please accept my condolences. Can this be cured?
Cope harder chilango subhuman, la mayoria somos plebes duros de sinaloa y otros estados chingones
You're a dumb fat NEET. Nothing else lol
that dude is unironically whiter than me
Idk I just jerk off to him.
"La raza",los sucios, y los vatos.los que no tienen honor ni dignidad
We are not wh*te, our race is mexican
Parezco más blanco. tengo ojos cafés
>We are not wh*te, our race is mexican
Cringe, opportunistic and annoying
You are not white chilangolard
surely you're not trying to imply mexicans are white?
True and we are proud of that, keep seething chilangolard
Average chicano phenotype