
It could save your life edition


Attached: Learn the difference.png (725x412, 99.55K)

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turks are white and i will kill them

This general has an Amerishart-tier obsession with race.

Thank god you made this thread before the retarded cairshiptar

can you define "white"?

Viccelünk tesi.

He was faster, though.

no but i can define that ukrainian girls belong to BIG BULGAR COCK

Don't come here, shitskins

He thinks he's black or something lmaooo

I wont.

which is funny since all of them looks like arabs


begi be grk

Öyleyse bugün Xtra içeyim...

You're walking down on the streets of Thessalonia on a sunny day and this guy blocks your path. He says real Macedonia belongs to sons of Alexander like him, and claims you're a bulgarian larper and asks you to leave before he calls Zeus to electrocute you. How do you proceed?

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Have a beer with him

Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud!

Incels should try taking Spanish classes, unironically, shit's like > 95% women and you'd have something in common to talk about. Plus you'll learn Spanish which isn't that bad either.

Only virgins learn languages


>"et tu, brother?"

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I mean, i have read articles which talk about "white people" being more like a social and economic category more than racial, but i don't think that even by this definition Turkish people are more white than Bulgarian people
Write about it on Yas Forums, of course


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Do an autistic 180 degrees, bend over and shot ZHTW H ENWSHS as he rips open my butthole with all his Hellenic might.

incels should be flayed alive

Unless that language is Spanish.

The schizo Bulgar won't understand.

Or Hungarian.. r-right??

Tell me about yourself, Krasnobey...

Yep! Or any Asian language

I'm so glad I'm not a pale little white boy with low testosterone.

Nah you’re still a language learning virgin

>Speax English
t. Virgin



Alright, lads and lasses. I'm hitting the dining hall...

What are u then

Captcha is in shits again, I’m going for a walk

Based greece

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based transadriatic italian

the only smart person ever to visit this general, the fact that I rarely post here speaks for itself. I quietly observe turksperms(people of balkans) behavior and make notes on how to control turksperms(people of balkans) in further

influenced by: Pol Pot, Genghis Khan and Bernie Sanders

Our Bulgarian friend in the Netherlands has run into some difficulty

>influenced by: Pol Pot, Genghis Khan and Bernie Sanders
Very based.

Dalmatian. The perfect mixture of Latin/Romance, Slavic and Dinaric genes with only a tiny amount of Germanic beta genes.

Latin admixture makes us civilized and more intelligent compared to other eastern and southern Slavic groups. Slavic admixture results in low inhibition and manly behavior and the predominant Dinaric admixture makes us tall and strong.
Dalmatians are the true master race.

R8 dinner.

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white man food/11

Looks tasty

hello where are proteins

>My favorite crusade? Fourth one, of course!

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There are sucuk in fadulye.

>Extra spicy food
Running low on baits, Solunbey??

Reminder that Romania is the real BVLLGAR.

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Kill me pls

Allah is the one and only god

You're one of my favourite posters, O' Mighty Man of Krasnoyarsk Oblast...

>anything outside of England

Fucking wogs.

Bulgarians are subhuman

Did something happen?

You misspelt 𐱅𐰭𐰼𐰃

t. a mohammedan serv

No, not really lol


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I will convert to Catholicism

tangra is the one true god

Yes I am superior to you physically, spiritually, intellectually and in every other facet

Are you OK? Or do you need help?

i am a triballi BVLL

Are you protestant?
Do you speak English?
Do you serve the Queen?

If you answered 'no' for any of these, you are not white.

Also, Catholicism is for peasants.

Turbo cringe.

What did I say, Bulgar??


in 12 minutes im going out to club with my friends and one of them is bringing his turkish friend turgay

what do i tell him in turkish


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De a katolikusok bázisolt.. igaz??

tribali are BVLGARIAN BVLLS not servian servers

You can greet them with "Merhaba"
What a cute piglet

one thing i am sure of is that you are inferior physically

maybe on the other parts there could be a case, but physically i will dominate you

it is my bulgar gene

>Catholicism is for peasants.
Never post here again, retard.
Nah lol, I always feel depressed in the evening.

Bulgarians are subhuman, terrible cringeworthy underaged low IQ Reddit-Twitter crossposters and ugly brown overweight Indo-Arabo-Mongoloid mutts
Bulgarians should be systematically exterminated and their wives and daughters forced into sex slavery

Pick one...
>Erkek adam erkek götü siker
>Keşke her gün yirmi sekiz şubat olsa
>Tanrı Türktür
>Lânetullahi aleyke
>Tengri biz menen
>Bence de reis ülkeyi düzeltti
>Dokuz santimden sonrası fark etmiyormuş

Is there something that can improve your mood?


nice bait, Cвятoвид, 5/7

What if I am protestant, speak English, and serve Her Majesty??

Catholism is for peasants. No need to read scripture, the priest will recite some shit in latin for you to sing to.

Make sure to have lots of kids, the Pope demands it!

Then you are truly an anglo! Go out and oppressive some papist wogs to make it official.

What's the best place in balkans to visit in summer?

What's that red square stuff?

Thank you Takeshi

Loveç, Bulgaria

Don't you, like, have a forest fire to burn alive in?

Seethe harder, you're a self-denying Slavgoloid subhuman too, I am what your people want to larp us

been like this for over an hour now

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>No need to read scripture
Where does this retarded meme come from?

the kids abuse Roman church narrative when the perfect prophet says it's fine to marry a 6 year old, fuck her when she's 9. I hope you're a Muslim and not an indoctrinated Christian.

You will be talking different when your bosnian head is being crushed by my BULGAR arms

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Vote: Are Dinarids subhumans (y/n)?

tangra be with you warrior

>tfw I realise Ukraynalı read these

>the priest will recite some shit in latin
The mass is largely not celebrated in Latin anymore all around the world, and there are Bible readings every mass.

Truly a mystery.

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Twinkovid btfo by giant Bvllgarian gorilla gopnik

arnavut, naber kenx?

you just described yourself lol

Nice bone structure, directly indicates how much Bosnian/Serbian blood flows through you as not a single Bulgarian subhuman could ever be this good-looking

too white

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