
baby yeed edish

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The lunatic left is LOSING THE CULTURE WAR. They are losing because we tell the truth, whereas practically all they say are lies.

The current world order, the current paradigm is forged from lies and falsehoods.

If the truth comes out, all of their power collapses.

Therefore, if they are to survive, they MUST censor everything that contradicts them.

But they cannot censor forever, and they cannot lie forever. Their power is a house of cards. All it takes is one stiff gust of wind...

wtf this isn't the best /brit/ yet

Grim. Also yeah most places don't take credit/debit card so you always have to carry cash. Okay with me though I like having cash. Even stuff like paying your electricity bill they pay it at a shop.

white people finna be like 5pm? time for my evening meal!

Proper easy to avoid "unexpected item in bagging area though".

Only retards and boomers need assistance.

you don't understand the satisfaction im feeling watching bernie lose the election. hope his supporters mass suicide desu senpai

I used to think finna was a black american thing, then I found out it's a southern american thing that cowboys still use

hurry up janny

alri lads

zoomzooms will content themselves with just retweeting from the safety of their bed
that's basically voting isn't it?

can you get arrested for saying the n word now?

alri laderinos

>most places don't take credit/debit card so you always have to carry cash. Okay with me though I like having cash. Even stuff like paying your electricity bill they pay it at a shop.
That would really annoy me.

Several months ago I was reading an article about Starling/Monzo in the UK and apparently the UK is one of the leading proponents of banking technology in the world. Like a lot of countries literally do not have the facilities to easily transfer money from one account to another for free, BACS / CHAPS payments etc just don't exist.

A lot of these things, paying for things by direct debit etc, we take for granted but even some other 1st world countries don't have them.

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the democrats are a bigger joke than the labour party, which is some achievement.

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Absolutely cracking posts from reddit, as always.

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>I said I want my money back
she gave him money?

When will normies start taking this seriously? Do we really have to wait until one of their dumb soaps does a storyline on it?
Pathetic country.

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basically all of the black american dialect was learned from southern whites.


at least 2 of these so-called "women" are trannies

Doing a watch: youtu.be/Lra5XMTZMok

i am baby yeed

*shoots you in the head*

anyone here actually have kids?

Love Dixie, I do

and fuck niggers and soyboys for ruining the word "y'all"

this was worth posting

what does american politics on reddit have to do with british culture

watching the rugby and pondering how inferior it is to football

i reckon white people who listen to n-word music need putting in camps


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finna is 100% a black american thing. it literally means "fixing to".
"cowboys" (lol) don't exist

Why the fuck are you lads still awake? Me? Lamenting my life decisions has raised my blood pressure too much to sleep.

mind your own business

How does Rugby work

better than the dogshit you listen to

i woke up at 7pm
night time is the only time i leave the house now because of the 'rona
what you lamenting mate?
personally ive just made the decision to get a dog after the other melbourne aussie talked about one now rentberg cant stop us

t. sheltered incel who doesn't know shit even about his own country
cowboys still exist you retard, they're the men on their horses moving cattle around ranches.

>or you can have Arya Stark, Hermione Granger, and FDR all rolled into one perfect candidate
this is what progressives base their vote off of, fictional female characters.

pirates don't exist
cowboys don't exist

>cowboys still exist you retard, they're the men on their horses moving cattle around ranches.

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If I had kids I wouldn’t have the time to shitpost on here for 12 hours a day

Don't think FDR was fictional.

finna is used by southern people dummy

willardinho has been sold for an undisclosed fee

Why can't rentberg stop you?
>what you lamenting mate?
Basically how if I had made a concentrated effort when I was a teenager I would've been a complete chad or at least not quite the mess I am now.

But they are, historically thats what Cowboys did and got paid to do.

You're trying really hard to make your shit drawings catch on
It's not happening, pack it in

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james bond film was postponed because of political correctness gone mad

>copy and pasting images from /cvg/ is hard work

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kind of like handegg except they're not pussies wearing protective gear

you know what I meant, don't get cute

and elizabeth warren is not even within the same breathe of FDR

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it's a wog thing. the only reason why southern people use it as a whole is because it's derived from ebonics

no it isn't mong

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>the only reason why southern people use it as a whole is because it's derived from ebonics
ebonics is derived from the southern accent you retard
and the southern accent is a mutt of the british accent

Risk for the sake of risk

in victoria we now have the right to own pets and landlords can't unreasonably refuse. if they think they have a reasonable excuse to refuse they must take you to tribunal and prove it to a bench of jurists

knew plenty of people from the south who have never uttered the word finna
yet tons of blacks I've known used it religiously

these wogs actually trying to say finna is some old west slang lmao

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isn't that more out west than in the deep south though?

>knew plenty of people from the south who have never uttered the word finna
yeah because they're yankified you retarded piece of shit

Reckon clogwog usually wakes up at around 16:00, he only posts here late in the day.

maybe because ebonics is derived from the southern accent like I told you 45 different times you dumbass

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Reckon he's a Yank proxy like has been suggested just a thought

yeah it's very puzzling
using the point that ebonics derives from the southern accent means that basically all the bix nood bullshit that DaQuan munters is somehow western in origin


why are my arms shaky aaaaaaaaa

not all of it though, there's plenty of slang that's exclusive to nigs.

what do you mean i can't perform extrajudicial killings on anyone darker than a sheet of paper? bloody political correctness gone mad

>dumb neet can't imagine anyone having a job

hmm that's possible, would be even sadder

two of us niggas finna bouta get capped

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Alexa. Annihilate my tender gonads.


my skin has a yellowish tinge when i tan
reckon theres some ancient jew blood in me somewhere

but finna "fixing to" is not

running from the truth like a black man runs from the cops


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GG skribbl lads

I asked you if you ever had a job about three days ago and you started seething, called me a black bastard and didn't answer lmao.
You're not fooling anyone here mate.

What should I have for tea de lads?

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>ever had a job
because something phrased like that coming from an obvious neet is not a genuine question
now go lick your mum's hairy armpits

>called me a black bastard
